There’s another article about this!
He DOUBLED in weight! he’s all good now!!
Skinny king pulled through
The kid was nothing more than a skeleton and a brain bruh wtf this is disgusting
holy cow what a terrible website ads everywhere and you have to do a survey to see the article wtf
Don't wanna victim blame, I'm sure their are some nuances and aspects to this scenario that I'm not considering, but 16 years old is more than old enough to at least attempt to find ways to sustain yourself if you see that relying on your own parents isn't working.
I'm not able to read the article, is the kid disabled? Mother definitely deserves some kind of punishment for this, but God damn!
Don't wanna victim blame, I'm sure their are some nuances and aspects to this scenario that I'm not considering, but 16 years old is more than old enough to at least attempt to find ways to sustain yourself if you see that relying on your own parents isn't working.
I'm not able to read the article, is the kid disabled? Mother definitely deserves some kind of punishment for this, but God damn!
Women was a psycho he had no mental problems as well.
Don't wanna victim blame, I'm sure their are some nuances and aspects to this scenario that I'm not considering, but 16 years old is more than old enough to at least attempt to find ways to sustain yourself if you see that relying on your own parents isn't working.
I'm not able to read the article, is the kid disabled? Mother definitely deserves some kind of punishment for this, but God damn!
crine you’re dumb as s***
I'm surprised he lived to 16...and apparently there are other kids who totally fine and well fed. I wanna see what a 26lbs 16 year old looks like, fascinated in it. Yes what the mother did was evil but this is is this able to happen and you live through it?
Women was a psycho he had no mental problems as well.
Oh so the mother was on her Child called IT/ Misery bag? Okay then she's a monster and needs to be put away.
Damn how did he not die at 26 pounds. That’s basically nothing but yo skeleton and organs.
Women was a psycho he had no mental problems as well.
He definitely has mental issues they said he's unable to speak
"Police noted the victim was developmentally delayed and nonverbal"
Probably severe autism at the very least. I know many parents rly don't know how to raise autistic kids so they just mistreat/ignore them
Personally I believe in euthanasia