  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply
    rnb sponge

    At this point in the thread I’d like to illustrate the importance of de-stigmatizing mental health and making sure everyone has access to care for it.

    completely unrelated don’t dig in to this too much

    unironically stigmatizing mental health nice

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply

    if u dont wanna nuke israel you are schizophrenice andy over here

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply

    if u dont wanna nuke israel you are schizophrenice andy over here

    Not a single person in here wants to nuke israel, you putting these straw men up quick

  • May 28, 2021

    unironically stigmatizing mental health nice

    aka that was a sub that u need help you’ve been f***ing rabid this whole thread stop projecting random bullshit into stuff you admittedly have no clue what your talking about and then get surprised when people give you actual answers back.

  • May 28, 2021
    2 replies

    Most rational people: genocide is wrong, that’s it


  • May 28, 2021

    Most rational people: genocide is wrong, that’s it



  • May 28, 2021
    4 replies

    im not talking about nelson mandela

    ive not brought him up in any new statement only those responding to HFM

    i havent claimed to know anything about him and him continuing to press me about him just so i can say “yes the guy who ended apartheid is a terrorist” is pretty demonstrable of the entire point im trying to make

    im not going to sit here for one second and say that those rockets headed towards the neighborhoods of innocent people are justified in any way shape or form

    nor would i say anything different when it comes to the IDF’s inexcusable perpetuation of Palestinian displacement and murder (aka genocide)

    it just seems to me that literally nobody gives a f*** about the former and when you keep screaming “destroy the iron dome” (or defund it however you wanna say it, its the exact same implication regardless) in combination with “hamas isnt anything compared to the IDF” it REALLY sounds to me like people would LIKE for hamas to be comparable to the IDF

    this is where woke social justice progressivism collapses. the goal is to always be on the side of the "marginalized" / "oppressed" and against the oppressor. this creates two problems:

    1. it turns into all sorts of weird inconsistent "oppression olympics" type stuff. are trans men oppressors by virtue of being men? are black men oppressors by virtue of having "male privilege"? are black women "oppressed" relative to black men despite having better outcomes than black men for life expectancy, income, likeliness to be killed by police, likeliness to be incarcerated, education, etc.

    2. if / when the weaker side becomes dominant, do you just then switch to support the other side. like if Hamas suddenly got a bunch of money and funding and weapons, do you suddenly start supporting Israel? just because a side is weaker doesn't mean it's correct

    Also I don't think I've found a convincing answer to this question: If Israel is evil and perpetrating genocide AND Israel has far superior weapons to Hamas, then Israel could turn all of Palestine / Gaza into rubble if they wanted to. Why don't they?

  • May 28, 2021

    @kollaps i wish u the best, in general. but you’ve been on some heavy bullshit this entire thread.

  • May 28, 2021

    Crazy how Palestinians are being punished for something that White Europeans did yet Zionists have no problem with being friendly with the West who oppressed them for centuries probably because they are white

  • May 28, 2021
    2 replies

    this is where woke social justice progressivism collapses. the goal is to always be on the side of the "marginalized" / "oppressed" and against the oppressor. this creates two problems:

    1. it turns into all sorts of weird inconsistent "oppression olympics" type stuff. are trans men oppressors by virtue of being men? are black men oppressors by virtue of having "male privilege"? are black women "oppressed" relative to black men despite having better outcomes than black men for life expectancy, income, likeliness to be killed by police, likeliness to be incarcerated, education, etc.

    2. if / when the weaker side becomes dominant, do you just then switch to support the other side. like if Hamas suddenly got a bunch of money and funding and weapons, do you suddenly start supporting Israel? just because a side is weaker doesn't mean it's correct

    Also I don't think I've found a convincing answer to this question: If Israel is evil and perpetrating genocide AND Israel has far superior weapons to Hamas, then Israel could turn all of Palestine / Gaza into rubble if they wanted to. Why don't they?

    Israel isn’t that stupid to destroy Palestinians lmao

  • May 28, 2021

    Israel isn’t that stupid to destroy Palestinians lmao


  • BadKarma

    Israel isn’t that stupid to destroy Palestinians lmao

    so is Israel destroying Palestinians or not? isn't this letter because Israel is killing Palestinians?

  • May 28, 2021
    2 replies

    this is where woke social justice progressivism collapses. the goal is to always be on the side of the "marginalized" / "oppressed" and against the oppressor. this creates two problems:

    1. it turns into all sorts of weird inconsistent "oppression olympics" type stuff. are trans men oppressors by virtue of being men? are black men oppressors by virtue of having "male privilege"? are black women "oppressed" relative to black men despite having better outcomes than black men for life expectancy, income, likeliness to be killed by police, likeliness to be incarcerated, education, etc.

    2. if / when the weaker side becomes dominant, do you just then switch to support the other side. like if Hamas suddenly got a bunch of money and funding and weapons, do you suddenly start supporting Israel? just because a side is weaker doesn't mean it's correct

    Also I don't think I've found a convincing answer to this question: If Israel is evil and perpetrating genocide AND Israel has far superior weapons to Hamas, then Israel could turn all of Palestine / Gaza into rubble if they wanted to. Why don't they?

    Bro you buggin lmao

    It’s not just about Israel getting more support it’s about them niggas literally pulling people out of their homes when they were there first and killing them when they don’t comply. The f*** lmaooo it’s not like if Hamas gets a bunch of guns Israel gonna suddenly be oppressed nigga they started the issue

    And as far as that black women comment goes youre wylin too lmao like black women don’t face s*** like domestic abuse, rape, sexism and the whole nine this post wild as s***

  • May 28, 2021
    3 replies

    Most rational people: genocide is wrong, that’s it


    ive been coming at people who are either claiming at

    a) all zionists wish to see palestine become israel/be destroyed

    b) justifying hamas’ actions

    c) actively championed the idea of abolishing the state of israel

    i might be the only zionist itt actually willing to admit that israel participates in genocide against palestinians, but i hoped that my point was pretty clear throughout: i value israeli life as well and thought it was necessary to emphasize that in a thread where i see many people make suggestions (that they either realize or dont) that directly imply the eradication of israel and by violent means if necessary. i am not ok with this.

    i understand this is why you brought up the mandela example which i will now go on and learn about (so glooks for putting me on) but i think its very unfair that because i didnt have a direct answer to this comparison all of the sudden my argument falls apart. consistency is important but nothing is as black or white as you initially painted it out to be.

    i appreciate the discourse tho being that you actually made points and didnt just call me a zionist shill the whole time

  • May 28, 2021

    Bro you buggin lmao

    It’s not just about Israel getting more support it’s about them niggas literally pulling people out of their homes when they were there first and killing them when they don’t comply. The f*** lmaooo it’s not like if Hamas gets a bunch of guns Israel gonna suddenly be oppressed nigga they started the issue

    And as far as that black women comment goes youre wylin too lmao like black women don’t face s*** like domestic abuse, rape, sexism and the whole nine this post wild as s***

    the problem i have is that people seem to think this is something all israelis are in support of

    bibi is losing more and more support every year

  • May 28, 2021

    Not a single person in here wants to nuke israel, you putting these straw men up quick

    yo this is also such a f***ing lie lmfao

  • May 28, 2021
    1 reply

    ive been coming at people who are either claiming at

    a) all zionists wish to see palestine become israel/be destroyed

    b) justifying hamas’ actions

    c) actively championed the idea of abolishing the state of israel

    i might be the only zionist itt actually willing to admit that israel participates in genocide against palestinians, but i hoped that my point was pretty clear throughout: i value israeli life as well and thought it was necessary to emphasize that in a thread where i see many people make suggestions (that they either realize or dont) that directly imply the eradication of israel and by violent means if necessary. i am not ok with this.

    i understand this is why you brought up the mandela example which i will now go on and learn about (so glooks for putting me on) but i think its very unfair that because i didnt have a direct answer to this comparison all of the sudden my argument falls apart. consistency is important but nothing is as black or white as you initially painted it out to be.

    i appreciate the discourse tho being that you actually made points and didnt just call me a zionist shill the whole time

    All I will say is...

    a) all zionists wish to see palestine become israel/be destroyed

    • idk who said that but it gets into semantics of what it means to be a Zionist

    b) justifying hamas’ actions

    • You’re still confusing people saying that it’s an uneven power balance with ‘justifying Hamas’ actions’

    c) actively championed the idea of abolishing the state of israel

    • Anyone who says israel should be abolished is saying that israel in its CURRENT form (as an ethnostate) should be abolished, not only that it should be nuked or anything
  • May 28, 2021
    mr get dough

    Free Palestine

  • Free Palestine

  • May 28, 2021

    Ain’t got NO time for zionists in this thread. F*** outta here

  • May 28, 2021

    this is where woke social justice progressivism collapses. the goal is to always be on the side of the "marginalized" / "oppressed" and against the oppressor. this creates two problems:

    1. it turns into all sorts of weird inconsistent "oppression olympics" type stuff. are trans men oppressors by virtue of being men? are black men oppressors by virtue of having "male privilege"? are black women "oppressed" relative to black men despite having better outcomes than black men for life expectancy, income, likeliness to be killed by police, likeliness to be incarcerated, education, etc.

    2. if / when the weaker side becomes dominant, do you just then switch to support the other side. like if Hamas suddenly got a bunch of money and funding and weapons, do you suddenly start supporting Israel? just because a side is weaker doesn't mean it's correct

    Also I don't think I've found a convincing answer to this question: If Israel is evil and perpetrating genocide AND Israel has far superior weapons to Hamas, then Israel could turn all of Palestine / Gaza into rubble if they wanted to. Why don't they?

    They are literally in the process of turning it all into rubble lol

  • May 28, 2021
    2 replies

    All I will say is...

    a) all zionists wish to see palestine become israel/be destroyed

    • idk who said that but it gets into semantics of what it means to be a Zionist

    b) justifying hamas’ actions

    • You’re still confusing people saying that it’s an uneven power balance with ‘justifying Hamas’ actions’

    c) actively championed the idea of abolishing the state of israel

    • Anyone who says israel should be abolished is saying that israel in its CURRENT form (as an ethnostate) should be abolished, not only that it should be nuked or anything

    i feel like you should not speak for others

    if these are your personal opinions these are all rational ideas we can discuss

    ive literally had people reply to me (over several years being on this site) telling me yes they want military violence enacted on israel. and thats just on ktt, the discourse ive seen on the internet in general is insane

  • May 28, 2021
    2 replies

    i feel like you should not speak for others

    if these are your personal opinions these are all rational ideas we can discuss

    ive literally had people reply to me (over several years being on this site) telling me yes they want military violence enacted on israel. and thats just on ktt, the discourse ive seen on the internet in general is insane

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting military violence enacted on Israel, it’s committed international war crimes and broken UN conventions

  • May 28, 2021

    i feel like you should not speak for others

    if these are your personal opinions these are all rational ideas we can discuss

    ive literally had people reply to me (over several years being on this site) telling me yes they want military violence enacted on israel. and thats just on ktt, the discourse ive seen on the internet in general is insane

    @HFM i feel like we need to clarify this contention with the power imbalance vs justifying

    i guess i will start with israel first so you understand that im not coming from a place of israeli life> palestinian life.

    the idf should absolutely not have shot at the protestors at the mosque at the beginning of this month (especially for the abhorrent excuse they gave of simply wanting less noise for their celebration) this is despicable and only further action in their genocide campaign of taking over all of jerusalem.

    with that being said, i do not think it is ok to then make any justifications for hamas to launch any rockets into israel, more specifically into israeli civilian zones. regardless of the iron dome existing or not.

    with THAT being said, israel should absolutely not launch their own missiles into gaza and they especially should not be taking out f***ing media towers, regardless of whether a hamas military base was actually stationed there or not.

    now i understand its very simple to just say “hey both sides shouldnt fight” but like is this not what we want? im not saying palestinians should stand by and just take s*** from israel. and i also understand their choices are limited. but hamas is clearly not the answer as it only empowers israeli extremists to keep bibi in power and have the cycle continue.

    if all you want is for israel to stop settling in east jerusalem and the west bank, then we want the same thing.

    but i see a lot of people itt who are saying things that are 2 steps away from being ok with jewish removal from the region. and i am not ok with that (nor am i accusing you directly of that, but this is where my energy towards this issue comes from)

  • May 28, 2021

    There’s nothing wrong with wanting military violence enacted on Israel, it’s committed international war crimes and broken UN conventions

    oh well i am against military action against civilians and that is mostly what i see hamas trying to engage in (both agasint israel and in gaza)