  • 0 👀
    Aug 17, 2020
    1 reply

    i need an explanation

    basically this guy hacked robinhood and exploited it to have "infinite leverage" and the video above was the first example of this

    the guy lost thousands of dollars in an instant because he bet that apple would go down, instead it was up

    the video is him losing all this money in real-time, hear the soul escaping his body 40 seconds in

    he owes robinhood thousands of dollars now

  • Aug 17, 2020

    To add salt to the wound:

    • He ACCIDENTALLY invested 16,000 into the wrong stock (JNUG) when he was gonna but JDST

    • My mother got $18,000 in unemployment but all of that went into stocks

    • Half of the money I got from selling my car ($5000) went into cryptocurrency, not as worried with that one though. Also this because my dad insisted me to do it

    Damn yall really blew it

  • Aug 17, 2020
    1 reply

    who tf goes all in on an oil tanker during the most oversaturated oil market in history

  • These days very few succeed in day trading over the long term

  • Katsura

    who tf goes all in on an oil tanker during the most oversaturated oil market in history

  • Aug 17, 2020
    1 reply

    basically this guy hacked robinhood and exploited it to have "infinite leverage" and the video above was the first example of this

    the guy lost thousands of dollars in an instant because he bet that apple would go down, instead it was up

    the video is him losing all this money in real-time, hear the soul escaping his body 40 seconds in

    he owes robinhood thousands of dollars now

    imagine doing puts in 2020

  • Aug 17, 2020

    To add salt to the wound:

    • He ACCIDENTALLY invested 16,000 into the wrong stock (JNUG) when he was gonna but JDST

    • My mother got $18,000 in unemployment but all of that went into stocks

    • Half of the money I got from selling my car ($5000) went into cryptocurrency, not as worried with that one though. Also this because my dad insisted me to do it

    Your father is a beginner and shouldn't be in stocks at all

  • Aug 17, 2020

    bruh what lmao

  • Aug 17, 2020

    Yall need to stop & cut your losses

    It can get much uglier

  • Aug 17, 2020

    If only you knew how bad things really are

    what happened to you zucker

  • eclass ⛓️
    Aug 17, 2020

    No need to get stressed out. You win some and you lose some, thats just how day trading works. Maybe next time don't invest money you aren't able to afford to lose.

  • Aug 17, 2020

    To add salt to the wound:

    • He ACCIDENTALLY invested 16,000 into the wrong stock (JNUG) when he was gonna but JDST

    • My mother got $18,000 in unemployment but all of that went into stocks

    • Half of the money I got from selling my car ($5000) went into cryptocurrency, not as worried with that one though. Also this because my dad insisted me to do it

    I definitely wouldn't put that much capital into cryptos unless you're prepared to lose it all. Seriously. And this is coming from someone whose been in the space for years.

  • Aug 17, 2020

    Time to cut your losses and move out your parents house

    This is your problem now Father

  • Aug 17, 2020

    Hope the loan isn’t in your name too

  • Aug 17, 2020
    1 reply

    imagine doing puts in 2020

    I have yet to try a put. Only calls.

  • Cowbook

    I have yet to try a put. Only calls.

    there were some easy picks back in feb before it used to be before Trump kicked Mnuchin's ass and told him to float the market

    but I just dont see why you'd do that in today's game. even if you did like a Kodak put two weeks just never know when the gov't is gonna throw money behind some failing company

  • Aug 17, 2020

    Y’all not built for this.

  • Your father is a gambling addict who spent 18k of your mothers unemployment and you come to ktt?

    Throw his phone away,and dont let him control your familys finances

  • ghosting ®️
    Aug 17, 2020

    lost 25k not even trading options lol

  • Aug 17, 2020

    bro thats f***ing dumb as f***

  • Aug 17, 2020

    why would u think thats a goods idea

  • proper 🔩
    Aug 17, 2020

    Man I lost 50k hours of my life posting on ktt it could be worse op

  • Aug 17, 2020

    What stocks were they

  • Aug 17, 2020

    Not sure if it was still NAT, but OP I hope you took my advice. Looks like it’s bleeding again...

  • Aug 17, 2020

    I read the first sentence bro don’t day trade if you don’t know wyd lol