  • Aug 18, 2021

    she owes me over 4000$ and keeps spending her money on s*** thats not a priority should i confront her or wait for her to give me the money back sometime in the future or am i doomed to be 4k short forever :

  • Aug 18, 2021

    lmao you not getting that 4k back

  • Boa if you don’t go fight for your bread back we not talking 40 dollars my g. We talking 4K. Get that s*** back in blood.

  • Niggamortis 👨‍🚀
    Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    What did you give her that much money for?

    Also be assertive about it if they're bullshitting. Family that abuses that bond can get the f*** on tbh.

  • Aug 18, 2021

    tf? demand your money back. 4k is way too much just to let her go. at least get half back

  • Aug 18, 2021
    4 replies

    Man I’m in a similar situation, my cousin owes me 1500-1600. She’s a teacher with her own s*** she just spends money on dumb s*** and then ask me to bail her out.

    Well I’m not bailing her out anymore, last time she asked for some bread I told her no and she got pissy and started acting like I was a bad guy. I cussed her ass out about all that she doing and she shut her ass up.

    Every weekend on snap she would be posting crab legs and bottle girls and then come Monday asking the pastor for money smh

    Anyways, you just gotta put your foot down and refuse. I set up a payment plan with my cousin.

  • Aug 18, 2021

    been there u not getting that back bro

  • Aug 18, 2021

    Post pics so we can slander her OP

  • Aug 18, 2021

    Whoever raised her must be terrible people

  • Aug 18, 2021
    8 replies

    Lmaooo my gf finessed 4k off her slow ass brother to buy herself lingerie & me a Rolex hahahahahaha

  • Aug 18, 2021

    U a clown op lol

  • Aug 18, 2021

    How y'all just be handing over money to unreliable folks, lol? Even if I never gave you a dollar in my life I can tell if u good for paying me that dollar back.

  • Aug 18, 2021

    Tell her if that money doesn't show then she's caught in 4k

  • Aug 18, 2021

    What kind of stupid question is that? Youre asking us if you should ask for 4gs back?

  • Aug 18, 2021

    I love my sister to death but if i loaned her 4 grand with the implication shed pay me back and she didnt, im hunting her ass down wtf

  • Aug 18, 2021

    its your sister
    confront her

  • Aug 18, 2021

    Lmaooo my gf finessed 4k off her slow ass brother to buy herself lingerie & me a Rolex hahahahahaha

    that rolex is fake brother

  • Aug 18, 2021

    if you real have one of your girlfriends go slap her around

  • Illermatic 🛰️
    Aug 18, 2021

    Lmaooo my gf finessed 4k off her slow ass brother to buy herself lingerie & me a Rolex hahahahahaha

    red flag alert

  • Aug 18, 2021
    21 replies

    boy if you dont raw dog her

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    boy if you dont raw dog her

  • Aug 18, 2021

    boy if you dont raw dog her


    Real s*** tho she gon have to pay that s*** back one way or another

  • Aug 18, 2021

    Nah op you gon have to step to your sister about that bread

  • Aug 18, 2021

    $4k? And shes a reckless spender hell yea id confront her

  • Aug 18, 2021

    Confront her for sure but next time never lend out any money to family/friends that you expect to get back. Relationships will get ruined

    Either it's a gift or don't give them s***