  • Aug 18, 2021

    if i was you id make a thread about it on ktt a year later because im too scared of confrontation to talk to my sister about it

    oh wait...

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Cant pick

    Not necessarily maybe she doesn't like her brother

    sure, if you wanna play devils advocate, but unless he did some REALLY bad stuff to her in the past it’s pretty heartless to do. if my gf swindled 4k from an innocent stranger(unless we’re talking a millionaire where it wouldn’t significantly impact their life) for anything less important than absolute necessities i’d probably stop seeing her. not because of the act itself but what it says about her morals

    not speaking on the dude i replied to or his girl, im just saying if i were in that situation we’d have a problem immediately

  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply

    sure, if you wanna play devils advocate, but unless he did some REALLY bad stuff to her in the past it’s pretty heartless to do. if my gf swindled 4k from an innocent stranger(unless we’re talking a millionaire where it wouldn’t significantly impact their life) for anything less important than absolute necessities i’d probably stop seeing her. not because of the act itself but what it says about her morals

    not speaking on the dude i replied to or his girl, im just saying if i were in that situation we’d have a problem immediately


  • Aug 18, 2021
    1 reply
    Cant pick


    yeah. i had to retype this because i originally was taking the stance that taking 4k from someone was a major red flag regardless, but if my girl was about to get evicted or have her car repossessed, etc. i’d probably let it slide. i might view her a little different, but it’s a whole other thing to just use it for lingerie and a bezel

  • Aug 18, 2021

    yeah. i had to retype this because i originally was taking the stance that taking 4k from someone was a major red flag regardless, but if my girl was about to get evicted or have her car repossessed, etc. i’d probably let it slide. i might view her a little different, but it’s a whole other thing to just use it for lingerie and a bezel


  • Aug 18, 2021

    7: this rule is so underrated
    Keep your family and business completely separated
    Money and blood don't mix like two d***s and no b****
    Find yourself in serious s***

  • Aug 19, 2021

    You forever short 4K

    You played yourself no one else to blame

    If I “loan” my fam money from the start I know it’s me giving it

  • Aug 19, 2021

    Who the f*** lends someone 4K lmfao this a troll ass thread

  • Aug 19, 2021

    4000 united states dollars

  • Aug 19, 2021

    Get it in writing that she agrees to pay you back.

    Dumbass OP: Hey sis, I need that 4K back, you need to repay me.
    Her: Ok, but I’m gonna need some time…..

    If you can get her to say “ok, yes, fine, etc” via text then you can sue her and get the money back.

  • Aug 19, 2021

    Who cares if she hates you afterwards, f*** family , we all die alone at the end of the day.

  • Aug 19, 2021

    call judge judy for this one

  • Aug 19, 2021

    boy if you dont raw dog her


  • Aug 19, 2021


  • Aug 19, 2021
    RX Nigerian Pastor

    Man I’m in a similar situation, my cousin owes me 1500-1600. She’s a teacher with her own s*** she just spends money on dumb s*** and then ask me to bail her out.

    Well I’m not bailing her out anymore, last time she asked for some bread I told her no and she got pissy and started acting like I was a bad guy. I cussed her ass out about all that she doing and she shut her ass up.

    Every weekend on snap she would be posting crab legs and bottle girls and then come Monday asking the pastor for money smh

    Anyways, you just gotta put your foot down and refuse. I set up a payment plan with my cousin.

    dam bruh what is she your daughter? she can be responsible for herself. she got a job

  • Don’t pull a @GoldenChild

  • Aug 19, 2021
    2 replies

    i had a cousin i spotted some money. When i asked for it back she said she'd give me head for it. We don't talk no more and i never got that money back. She a rap groupie ig model nowadays

  • Aug 19, 2021

    Give her the equal rights and lefts. That’s 4gs brother

  • Aug 19, 2021

    i had a cousin i spotted some money. When i asked for it back she said she'd give me head for it. We don't talk no more and i never got that money back. She a rap groupie ig model nowadays

    What in Alabama s*** is this

  • Aug 19, 2021

    Where @GoldenChild at

  • Aug 19, 2021

    Yall gassing OP up to confront her just for her to ask him “what you gonna do about it B**** nigga” >>>>

  • Aug 19, 2021

    Lmaooo my gf finessed 4k off her slow ass brother to buy herself lingerie & me a Rolex hahahahahaha

    Def get a prenup brother

  • Aug 19, 2021
    3 replies

    i had a cousin i spotted some money. When i asked for it back she said she'd give me head for it. We don't talk no more and i never got that money back. She a rap groupie ig model nowadays

    This s*** is f***ing crazy but u know we need that @ name buddy

    If you’re worried about her finding out u posted this she would have to admit she tried to suck her cousins d*** before she could expose you

  • Aug 19, 2021
    1 reply

    This s*** is f***ing crazy but u know we need that @ name buddy

    If you’re worried about her finding out u posted this she would have to admit she tried to suck her cousins d*** before she could expose you


  • Aug 19, 2021
    Scratchin Mamba


    user wild for that