I never knew if that was more than a theory but Babe Ruth was def black
Edit: dominican
For what it’s worth, he wasn’t totally deaf
Mozart would’ve probably been a vamp ROCKSTAR MADE
Carti is Beethoven reincarted confirmed
how he make this masterpiece deaf?? and apparently he was black nigga up there with Stevie Wonder fasho
this slaps harder than my step mom
he doesnt have s*** on Debussy @op
!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EvnRC7tSX50he doesnt have s*** on Debussy @op
You’ll need to get hip to Berlioz
First dude to put a whole ass movie into his compositions
Damn someone a year ago made a thread like this comparing Beethoven to Mozart and it had me in tears
Edit: ktt2.com/i-hear-this-dude-beethoven-gonna-drop-more-fire-than-mozart-clap-109871