  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply


    i honestly love ye

    never got the hate

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply

    i honestly love ye

    never got the hate


    I love ye and JIK so much

    amazing albums tbh

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply


    I love ye and JIK so much

    amazing albums tbh

    i think his reception after yeezus has a lot do with narratives funnily enough

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply

    i think his reception after yeezus has a lot do with narratives funnily enough

    TLOP is “messy” and not “cohesive”

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply

    TLOP is “messy” and not “cohesive”

    album patches like game patches was brilliant too

    with the way we rank discogs these days

    it surprises me that more people haven't gone back and fixed their mistakes tbh

    would be very interesting if that ever became a thing

  • May 16, 2021

    like imagine artists removing the obvious filler

  • May 16, 2021

    album patches like game patches was brilliant too

    with the way we rank discogs these days

    it surprises me that more people haven't gone back and fixed their mistakes tbh

    would be very interesting if that ever became a thing

    I think benny blanco is the only one that talked ab making an album that constantly gets updated like TLOP. Idk if he ever did it tho, he talked ab it in an interview a few years ago

  • May 16, 2021

    bro what happened to nastradamus?

    nas: it never happened

  • May 16, 2021
    2 replies

    Yeah dude, Rian should never touch the franchise ever again. I blame the leadership because they hired a guy that they knew would do something like that. They should've just let JJ have the entire trilogy and have George consult. I loved Finn and Kylo, their characters got pulled to pieces in the sequels :(

    Revenge of the Sith has everything. Even though you know the end result, it's still shocking. That shows how genius George really was. When Anakin (well I guess he's Vader by this time) brutally murders the Separatists and he turns so that you can see his "Sith eyes"... Jesus

    gives me chills to this day

    did you play the revenge of the sith game?

    i got that and KOTOR 2 around the same time

    those are probably my favorite star wars games

    and KOTOR 2 might be my favorite piece of star wars...

    as far as movies go

    Revenge of the Sith
    Empire Strikes Back
    Return of the Jedi
    The Force Awakens
    A New Hope
    The Phantom Menace
    Attack of the Clones

    The Last Jedi

    i hasn't seen Rise of Skywalker
    because i refuse to support it

    especially in knowing what happens

    i don't know why they didn't go with Plagueis being the big bad if they were planning on bringing someone back

    i enjoyed Rogue One a lot

    the vader scene being godly obviously

    haven't seen the solo movie as i've never been very interested in han solo

    i have hope that the tv universe they are building will restore the feeling

    it just saddens me that they
    couldn't get it right with the movies

    i feel like telling a good star wars story should be simple to anyone who really loves it and understands what makes it great

    if i ever got to make one

    i would definitely lean into the philosophy of what it means to lean into the dark and the light

    i'd love to do one set in the
    old republic with the ancient jedi and sith

    would be a dream

  • May 16, 2021

    gives me chills to this day

    did you play the revenge of the sith game?

    i got that and KOTOR 2 around the same time

    those are probably my favorite star wars games

    and KOTOR 2 might be my favorite piece of star wars...

    as far as movies go

    Revenge of the Sith
    Empire Strikes Back
    Return of the Jedi
    The Force Awakens
    A New Hope
    The Phantom Menace
    Attack of the Clones

    The Last Jedi

    i hasn't seen Rise of Skywalker
    because i refuse to support it

    especially in knowing what happens

    i don't know why they didn't go with Plagueis being the big bad if they were planning on bringing someone back

    i enjoyed Rogue One a lot

    the vader scene being godly obviously

    haven't seen the solo movie as i've never been very interested in han solo

    i have hope that the tv universe they are building will restore the feeling

    it just saddens me that they
    couldn't get it right with the movies

    i feel like telling a good star wars story should be simple to anyone who really loves it and understands what makes it great

    if i ever got to make one

    i would definitely lean into the philosophy of what it means to lean into the dark and the light

    i'd love to do one set in the
    old republic with the ancient jedi and sith

    would be a dream

    Yeah! I played ROTS game (the Jedi archives level was awesome lol) and both original Battlefront games. I played the 501st story mode for days.

    Have you watched the Filoni stuff? I recommend The Clone Wars and Rebels if you haven't seen it. It just fills in the gaps but through 2 new character's perspective (Ahsoka and Ezra). And then the Bad Batch just started up last week and it's pretty great already.

    Solo is decent. That's about it. Not much to expand on lol

    Episode 9 was miles better than 8 imo... but they also had a s***ty story to continue so it still kinda sucks

  • May 16, 2021

    "Kendrick Lamar and J Cole are by far the best MCs of their generation"

  • May 16, 2021

    "nav isnt the best rapper alive"

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply

    gives me chills to this day

    did you play the revenge of the sith game?

    i got that and KOTOR 2 around the same time

    those are probably my favorite star wars games

    and KOTOR 2 might be my favorite piece of star wars...

    as far as movies go

    Revenge of the Sith
    Empire Strikes Back
    Return of the Jedi
    The Force Awakens
    A New Hope
    The Phantom Menace
    Attack of the Clones

    The Last Jedi

    i hasn't seen Rise of Skywalker
    because i refuse to support it

    especially in knowing what happens

    i don't know why they didn't go with Plagueis being the big bad if they were planning on bringing someone back

    i enjoyed Rogue One a lot

    the vader scene being godly obviously

    haven't seen the solo movie as i've never been very interested in han solo

    i have hope that the tv universe they are building will restore the feeling

    it just saddens me that they
    couldn't get it right with the movies

    i feel like telling a good star wars story should be simple to anyone who really loves it and understands what makes it great

    if i ever got to make one

    i would definitely lean into the philosophy of what it means to lean into the dark and the light

    i'd love to do one set in the
    old republic with the ancient jedi and sith

    would be a dream

    Also there's a new show coming out called The Acolyte that may be pre-prequels that focuses on the Sith

    Oh and not to mention the Obi-Wan show with Ewan and Hayden

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply

    Tyler fans trying to convince us he is a top tier producer

  • May 16, 2021
    The Darkest Angel

    This is obviously troll bait there's no point in even responding but my dumbass did anyway this is what I mean op you can't take these posts seriously

    Literally followed up with a whole explanation on why he’s not good fk off

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply
    RICKY 2320

    Tyler fans trying to convince us he is a top tier producer

    what keeps you from feeling like he's a top tier producer?

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply

    what keeps you from feeling like he's a top tier producer?

    no hits, no work with other artists, lack of self awarness regarding his s***ty vocals, lack of classic/memorable beats besides maybe Yonkers and Oldie

    he is far behind the greatest producers of the 2010s

  • May 16, 2021
    1 reply
    RICKY 2320

    no hits, no work with other artists, lack of self awarness regarding his s***ty vocals, lack of classic/memorable beats besides maybe Yonkers and Oldie

    he is far behind the greatest producers of the 2010s

    i've never been his biggest fan so i definitely agree with you

    i do feel like his success is inspiring though

  • May 16, 2021

    i've never been his biggest fan so i definitely agree with you

    i do feel like his success is inspiring though

    of course his success is impressive, he is one of the hip hop icons of the 2010s, but I feel like his music always been lackluster/overhyped

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply

    Also there's a new show coming out called The Acolyte that may be pre-prequels that focuses on the Sith

    Oh and not to mention the Obi-Wan show with Ewan and Hayden

    just wanted to circle back and say i appreciate your recommendations on the filoni shows

    i know i'm in for a treat...

    appreciate you

  • May 17, 2021
    1 reply

    "lil wayne is overrated"

  • May 17, 2021

    "lil wayne is overrated"

    always bugged me

  • May 18, 2021

    just wanted to circle back and say i appreciate your recommendations on the filoni shows

    i know i'm in for a treat...

    appreciate you


    Hoping for a full Filoni trilogy but.. you know... Disney

    I would say power through some of Clone Wars and Rebels' character development stuff and around season 2 of both you'll be binging that s*** like crazy.

    Also, Ahsoka became one of my favorite characters in the whole story.

    Always good to meet another Star Wars nerd
