  • Feb 25, 2021

    Terrible take my dude, wade dragged shaqs fatass on his back to a title against the mavs in 06 where shaq averaged a laughable 12 points a game in those finals

    Harden has had plenty of help over the years as well

    Harden literally choked to a spurs team without Duncan led by ginobley and Tony Parker in wheel chairs lmao

    Actual factuals.

  • Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply
    Young D

    If you love stats and scoring then yes obviously.

    But if you know basketball you know that Wade is leaps and bounds better than Harden. There’s a reason why Hardens only been to 1 finals, and D Wade has 3 rings. Hardens style of play isn’t winning basketball, Wades is.

    People look at statlines and think that’s the end all be all, the same people who s*** on Westbrook for stat padding triple doubles, act like Harden isn’t on the same s***, only difference is Harden can only average 8 boards max. Give me a 22/5/5 guy who’s a winner rather than a 30/8/11 guy who gets crunched in the playoffs annually.

  • AR15 💯
    Feb 25, 2021
    1 reply

    Wades won rings tho

    Harden dissappeared in that game 7 when cp3 was injured wade wouldve hit something

  • Feb 28, 2021
    2 replies

    Rockets made their huge comeback against the clippers in that elimination game with Harden camped out on the bench

    The list goes on and on

    And any clown who posts a recent game by harden and says "wade could never" obviously never even watched Wade in his prime and just remembers him on his last leg on lthe lebron Miami heat

  • Mar 2, 2021
    2 replies

    Rockets made their huge comeback against the clippers in that elimination game with Harden camped out on the bench

    The list goes on and on

    And any clown who posts a recent game by harden and says "wade could never" obviously never even watched Wade in his prime and just remembers him on his last leg on lthe lebron Miami heat

    Wade literally could never though

  • Mar 2, 2021

    Wade literally could never though

    I was told wade better

  • Mar 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Wade literally could never though

    Could never choke like harden against lesser teams in the playoffs you are correct sir

    If wade played in this era of inflated stats and no defense there's alot he never did that he would do lmfao

  • Mar 2, 2021
    1 reply

    Could never choke like harden against lesser teams in the playoffs you are correct sir

    If wade played in this era of inflated stats and no defense there's alot he never did that he would do lmfao

    he’s not gonna f*** you bro

  • Mar 2, 2021

    he’s not gonna f*** you bro

    Look at this Weirdo

    Take your L and spare me your creeper fantasies lmao

  • Mar 3, 2021
    1 reply

    "Harden > Wade" = "i started watching basketball in 2015"

  • Mar 7, 2021
    1 reply

    "Harden > Wade" = "i started watching basketball in 2015"

    I've watched Wades entire career. Harden is the better basketball player for sure. Wade has a better resume though, but not for long tbh.

  • Montreal

    Objectively, other than his finals performance, Harden's peak and prime > D Wade peak and prime. The difference in defense doesn't offset Harden's efficiency and playmaking.

    It's honestly embarrassing that it's still a debate.

    Not a debate... I can tell Wade doesn't even think he's better when he talks about Harden... He knows and that's all that matters

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Hes not, dudes a fraud as a number one option when it counts. Dude even said he's relieved to not have to be first option anymore on the nets

    Dudes not even close to prime Wade territory

    He's literally the first casual ass clown

  • Mar 8, 2021
    2 replies
    Took my hat off

    Harden is a “better” scorer but Wades resume is much more impressive

    It’s really not that close man

    Harden has a better resume and will get a chip lol

  • Wt701

    Terrible take my dude, wade dragged shaqs fatass on his back to a title against the mavs in 06 where shaq averaged a laughable 12 points a game in those finals

    Harden has had plenty of help over the years as well

    Harden literally choked to a spurs team without Duncan led by ginobley and Tony Parker in wheel chairs lmao

    Plenty of help? Such AS?

  • Young D

    If you love stats and scoring then yes obviously.

    But if you know basketball you know that Wade is leaps and bounds better than Harden. There’s a reason why Hardens only been to 1 finals, and D Wade has 3 rings. Hardens style of play isn’t winning basketball, Wades is.

    Yeah it's called the Leastern Conference and superstar teamups

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Harden couldn't cut it as the best player though. Multiple times in the playoffs he underperformed. He turned all his teammates to spot up shooters and held the ball for massive chunks of the clock. Wade played better defense and made his team better while doing a lot on offense as well. Hardens the better offensive talent but there's not many teams that he'd fit well with and keep the team happy with their roles.

    You're a casual.... Harden's teammates were
    largely spot up shooters and usually not goid at much else.... He overachieved with his teams in Houston and got further than other superstar with relative talent against teams with more talent.

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Could wade have defeated the spurs with old ass parker and ginobli and without duncan?


    They had Kawhi and LMA 🤡

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    this man Harden has had all the help in the world and ya'll seen how far he's gone with that. Also he looking like Playoff P compared to prime Wade.
    this man Wade suffered from knee injuries half of his career and Harden for the most part has always been healthy, what's his excuse

    All the help in the world??? Hahahah you stupidass muthafucka

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    james harden been on more stacked teams than anybody outside of maybe KD

    you dumb nigga

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    He's literally the first casual ass clown

    Ooh regular season success thats never happened before, you clueless b****

    Ps kyrie the first option, kyrie str8 up told him you re the phone I'm the shooting guard 😂😂😂😂

  • Mar 8, 2021

    Harden groupie coming in hot posting over 5 times in a row 😂😂😂

  • Mar 8, 2021
    2 replies

    You're a casual.... Harden's teammates were
    largely spot up shooters and usually not goid at much else.... He overachieved with his teams in Houston and got further than other superstar with relative talent against teams with more talent.

    Anyone who uses the word casual is usually in the same boat as the people they talk about lmao. You hoop at the Y like the rest of us, get off your high horse.
    What are you an expert basketball watcher?

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Anyone who uses the word casual is usually in the same boat as the people they talk about lmao. You hoop at the Y like the rest of us, get off your high horse.
    What are you an expert basketball watcher?

    Just a dweeb who finally gained his confidence now that hardens on a superteam.
