  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    you dumb nigga

    you must be tickled if you quoting me from 2 weeks ago

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    I woulda thought he’d be mad that Harden left H Town

  • Mar 8, 2021

    Ooh regular season success thats never happened before, you clueless b****

    Ps kyrie the first option, kyrie str8 up told him you re the phone I'm the shooting guard 😂😂😂😂

    You're low ball IQ comment has nothing to do with regular season success... He's literally been the main guy in BK... Harden is leading them in the majority of stats.... Regular and advanced... He's quarterbacking the most prolific offense oat.

    Last time Harden played with someone of Kyrie's caliber... He went 7 games with arguably the best team oat... With his 2nd best guy going down to injury.

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Anyone who uses the word casual is usually in the same boat as the people they talk about lmao. You hoop at the Y like the rest of us, get off your high horse.
    What are you an expert basketball watcher?

    Your comment showed how little you know about the topic.... Thus you're a casual.

  • Wt701

    Just a dweeb who finally gained his confidence now that hardens on a superteam.

    You clearly don't know who you're talking about.... Garbage low level arguments

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Harden has a better resume and will get a chip lol

    I don’t base my rankings on “he will someday”

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Took my hat off

    I don’t base my rankings on “he will someday”

    Regardless... Individual accolades he's got Wade beat easily.. if he gets a ring he only further cements it

  • mctate

    you must be tickled if you quoting me from 2 weeks ago

    Didn't even know this thread existed till now

  • Young D

    I woulda thought he’d be mad that Harden left H Town

    I'm mad at our s*** ass owner for destroying the franchise... His meddling led to the current franchise situation.

  • AR15

    Wades won rings tho

    Harden dissappeared in that game 7 when cp3 was injured wade wouldve hit something

    Harden was basically the only guy hitting something for his team in that game.... He also was going up against a stacked team that NO ONE BEAT or came closer to beating.... And a team that swept LeBron and Gentlemen swept him the year prior.

    Get your ball IQ up

  • Wt701

    Rockets made their huge comeback against the clippers in that elimination game with Harden camped out on the bench

    The list goes on and on

    And any clown who posts a recent game by harden and says "wade could never" obviously never even watched Wade in his prime and just remembers him on his last leg on lthe lebron Miami heat

    Yeah you must've forgot they were down 3-1... Harden dominated game 5 to keep them alive for that G6 where they had the crazy comeback with Smoove hitting flukey 3s while Harden was on the bench...

    Then it went to game 7.... Another game they had to win to comeback... Harden went off in Game 7 and Rockets beat the Clips completing the 3-1 comeback.... A team that most would say on paper had more talent than the Rockets top to bottom.

    40 yr old Jason Terry was starting on that Rockets team.... Corey Brewer was getting significant rotation minutes... Pat Bev was out for their postseason and the 2nd best offensive player on the team that season was DMo because Dwight missed a s***load of games... DMo who was out for the postseason as well.

    Wade played in the Leastern Conference his whole career where bummass .500 and below teams made the offs and never had to take on a superstar studded opponent...

    You don't know s***.

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    that’s just bad luck, cp3 isn’t even injury prone. didnt shaq average like 12 a game in the 06 finals

    as for ariza he was also a useful player before harden. he’s no good nowadays because he’s 35 and guys decline with age

    Cp3 had been injury prone for most of his career.... The last two years have been an outlier... Partly to him taking better care of his body and he credits a lot of that to his change in diet as well, but that man has missed a s*** load of games or been compromised due to injury in pivotal PLAYOFF SERIES.


    Them niggas was not finna beat the Cavs lol

    Cavs were ass and got bodybagged... Rockets also owned the Bron Cavs.. they would've beat them

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Regardless... Individual accolades he's got Wade beat easily.. if he gets a ring he only further cements it

    Career stats: 22 ppg, 5 apg, 5 rpg
    3x NBA championships
    1x NBA Finals MVP
    13x all star
    1x scoring champ
    8x All NBA team selections
    3x All defensive team selections

    Career stats: 25 ppg, 6 apg, 5 rpg
    1x MVP
    1x 6th man of the year
    9x all star
    3x scoring champ
    1x assist champ
    7x All NBA team selections

    Fairly similar accolades but Wade’s are superior & he has rings. He was also an elite defender most of his career. He’s got my vote

  • Mar 8, 2021
    2 replies

    Cp3 had been injury prone for most of his career.... The last two years have been an outlier... Partly to him taking better care of his body and he credits a lot of that to his change in diet as well, but that man has missed a s*** load of games or been compromised due to injury in pivotal PLAYOFF SERIES.

    injured often doesn’t necessarily mean injury prone... to me means injured often in one area

  • mvp

    injured often doesn’t necessarily mean injury prone... to me means injured often in one area


  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply
    Took my hat off

    Career stats: 22 ppg, 5 apg, 5 rpg
    3x NBA championships
    1x NBA Finals MVP
    13x all star
    1x scoring champ
    8x All NBA team selections
    3x All defensive team selections

    Career stats: 25 ppg, 6 apg, 5 rpg
    1x MVP
    1x 6th man of the year
    9x all star
    3x scoring champ
    1x assist champ
    7x All NBA team selections

    Fairly similar accolades but Wade’s are superior & he has rings. He was also an elite defender most of his career. He’s got my vote

    Wade's career is over.

    An NBA MVP ranks higher than a FMVP as far as individual accolades go... Harden is gonna match him in all nba selections this year and get another assist title... He's also led the NBA in more categories than any player in NBA history.

    Harden gets one ship it won't even be an argument as he's still firmly in his prime and will continue to get more selections.

    I got a question... do you rank Dirk over Wade?

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    injured often doesn’t necessarily mean injury prone... to me means injured often in one area

    umm huh... nigga that's exactly what it means

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    All the help in the world??? Hahahah you stupidass muthafucka

    actually your right that was the wrong term but wouldve been better if I said Houston was appeasing Harden by giving him Chris Paul, and man still decided to constantly over dribble, Westbrook who got tired of the iso ball and dribbling and when he got Howard , he was still an all star and they went to the WCF.

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    actually your right that was the wrong term but wouldve been better if I said Houston was appeasing Harden by giving him Chris Paul, and man still decided to constantly over dribble, Westbrook who got tired of the iso ball and dribbling and when he got Howard , he was still an all star and they went to the WCF.

    This is major revisionist history.... Houston didn't "appease" Harden by "giving" him Cp3... Cp3 wanted to join Houston because of Harden... they spoke about this in the offseason and CP decided to join him... Morey pulled the trigger on the trade with that knowledge.

    Cp3 couldn't stay healthy either of his 2 seasons in Houston, but the first season they worked marvelously.... Harden carried the load when he was out and when he played they were nearly unbeatable... they won 65 games and had best overall record in the NBA.. Harden and CP3's "overdribbling" led to the #1 offense in the league and they had an elite defense.... They lost in 7 in the WCF to the stacked KD Warriors after Cp3 went down with the hamstring.

    The following season the owner meddled with Morey's moves to save LT... our best wing defenders walked in FA... Never really replaced them, then Cp3 was even more injury riddled and Harden had to carry a team with a ton of injuries.. missing his 2nd, 3rd, and 4th best players for many games and averaging 36 ppg in the process beating many good teams while outmanned... They played the Warriors again in the offs and lost in 6... Harden statistically was the best player in that series carrying the Rockets and outplaying KD before his injury.... doing so with a physically compromised Cp3 that had the WORST SERIES OF HIS CAREER.

    Cp3 never made it outta the 2nd round in his career before teaming up with Harden.

    The Westbrook trade never should've happened, but he also couldn't stay healthy and got covid right before the bubble... then pulled his calf in the bubble and wasn't right physically for the playoffs...

    Which forced Harden to carry an extended load during the season and into the playoffs.

    He missed the first 4 games against OKC and came back playing HORRIBLE basketball.... He was straight ass against LA the following series.... The Rockets best bench player got banned for covid violation... While Harden once again was the best player statistically in the series against LA... Lakers won in 5.
    Dwight Howard was an allstar only in year 1 in Houston... He was a shell of himself physically though each season after that and unfortunately he was determined to be an inefficient post player instead of playing to his and Harden's strengths as elite PnR players.... And of course he had a coach in McHale fully willing to go along with giving him a ton s***ty post touches.... He missed a s***load of games with injury as well....

    Which forced Harden to have to carry an extended load into the playoffs.

  • Mar 8, 2021

    Harden is not better than wade lmao, no way.

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    This is major revisionist history.... Houston didn't "appease" Harden by "giving" him Cp3... Cp3 wanted to join Houston because of Harden... they spoke about this in the offseason and CP decided to join him... Morey pulled the trigger on the trade with that knowledge.

    Cp3 couldn't stay healthy either of his 2 seasons in Houston, but the first season they worked marvelously.... Harden carried the load when he was out and when he played they were nearly unbeatable... they won 65 games and had best overall record in the NBA.. Harden and CP3's "overdribbling" led to the #1 offense in the league and they had an elite defense.... They lost in 7 in the WCF to the stacked KD Warriors after Cp3 went down with the hamstring.

    The following season the owner meddled with Morey's moves to save LT... our best wing defenders walked in FA... Never really replaced them, then Cp3 was even more injury riddled and Harden had to carry a team with a ton of injuries.. missing his 2nd, 3rd, and 4th best players for many games and averaging 36 ppg in the process beating many good teams while outmanned... They played the Warriors again in the offs and lost in 6... Harden statistically was the best player in that series carrying the Rockets and outplaying KD before his injury.... doing so with a physically compromised Cp3 that had the WORST SERIES OF HIS CAREER.

    Cp3 never made it outta the 2nd round in his career before teaming up with Harden.

    The Westbrook trade never should've happened, but he also couldn't stay healthy and got covid right before the bubble... then pulled his calf in the bubble and wasn't right physically for the playoffs...

    Which forced Harden to carry an extended load during the season and into the playoffs.

    He missed the first 4 games against OKC and came back playing HORRIBLE basketball.... He was straight ass against LA the following series.... The Rockets best bench player got banned for covid violation... While Harden once again was the best player statistically in the series against LA... Lakers won in 5.
    Dwight Howard was an allstar only in year 1 in Houston... He was a shell of himself physically though each season after that and unfortunately he was determined to be an inefficient post player instead of playing to his and Harden's strengths as elite PnR players.... And of course he had a coach in McHale fully willing to go along with giving him a ton s***ty post touches.... He missed a s***load of games with injury as well....

    Which forced Harden to have to carry an extended load into the playoffs.

    well he should have a ring this year. there's no excuses if he doesn't win one in these next two years.

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Your comment showed how little you know about the topic.... Thus you're a casual.

    So anyone who disagrees with your expert watching opinion means they don't know the game lmao aight. Again get off your high horse

  • Mar 8, 2021
    2 replies

    I've watched Wades entire career. Harden is the better basketball player for sure. Wade has a better resume though, but not for long tbh.

    LMFAO, you watched all that basketball and understood none of what was happening

    Wade the 3rd best SG all time behind MJ and Bean. facts.
    Wade 06 Finals was the best finals performance ever, until James in 16. facts
    Wade the best shot blocking guard ever, an elite defender during his prime. facts
    Harden the better scorer/3pt shooter, maybe one of the most prolific scorers in the history of the game, but he been a turnstile on defense. facts

    there's a reason (stacked) Harden-led teams sputter in the playoffs. he could never do what Wade did 06 (and if you even mention Shaq's name for that 06 run then idk what the hell you were watching). and Wade was the best player on that 2011 Miami team that lost to Dallas, especially during the Finals

    sorry, but Harden can't eclipse Wade, it's too late. simple fact is Wade/Harden discourse is the ultimate litmus test to see who knows ball and who doesn't. go back, watch some more film, learn the game

  • Mar 8, 2021
    1 reply

    Harden has a better resume and will get a chip lol

    0 rings, 1 finals appearance (as a BENCH player/6man)

    Rockets missed 27 straight threes in a game 7 at HOME to choke away a 3-2 lead in the WCF over GS

    yea bro, such a better resume than Wade

    Harden can count all those mickey mouse regular season "accolades" or whatever he wants, we only count ringzzzzzz on this side, sit down lil boy
