this is the last straw before streaming is about as expensive as cable, if not way more. First every company got their own platform, now this
my 12tb plex server laughs hysterically
At 18TB rn but only got 8TB filled after I cleared it a couple months ago
Netflix BEGGING users to unsubscribe
Netflix already did their research on this and knows this decision most likely won't effect their bottom line.
my 12tb plex server laughs hysterically
got 24TB rn but it’s full asf
keep meaning to buy another 8TB sometime
Netflix already did their research on this and knows this decision most likely won't effect their bottom line.
doesnt netflix already operate at a loss like by a lot
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Yeah but that's what the other guys point was lol.
Be a grown ass man and pay $15 accounts man just subscribe if you wanna watch that bad
If not then just go stream the s*** for free on one of the hundreds of streaming sites out there
One of the reasons I pay for the high tier is because it comes with 4 streams for my friends. It’s literally part of the package.
I don’t even charge them but if Netflix wants to f*** it up I’m ready to cancel.
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It's 2022 and people are still using Netflix like it's 2015
Between this and Microsoft testing ads in Windows Explorer, these companies greed knows no bounds. Going to be on Linux pirating movies before long.
Honestly am I missing out on anything by not having Netflix?? I feel like HBO MAX and Hulu are plenty.
Aite so whats this plex thing
doesnt netflix already operate at a loss like by a lot
Not entirely sure about the amount of debt they're holding right now.
So a server where u can store all ur pirated s*** piracy really comin back strong
Been paying like $5 4 screens using Turkish VPN but I rarely use netflix anyway
F*** all the Plex s***...had it for a while on my Nvidia Shield but there's no point when Syncler + real debrid/premiumize exists