  • Jun 30, 2024

    1. Sekiro

    all that other trash

  • Jun 30, 2024
    4 replies

    Ghost of Tsushima is the most casual game I've ever played

    I've never played something so on-the-nose and forced in my entire life

    F***ing embarrassing excuse for a game lmao

    Bland, boring, repetitive, cringe and awful story

    It's like the new Robert Pattinson Batman movie but in game form

  • Jun 30, 2024
    BlueChew Sean

    Damn, Nioh not as difficult as Sekiro/souls games? Always just assumed both games were brutally difficult and never been interested in them

    The amount of customisation and build crafting you get in Nioh 2 can trivalise a lot of the difficulty. The problem a lot of people face is that Nioh 2 has a loot system similar to Diablo/Path of Exile and many people are too overwhelmed with this and end up not engaging with this system at all which is also probably why some people may find it harder than the other games mentioned ITT.

    Nioh 2 can be either the easiest "soulslike" game you play or the hardest depending on if you pay attention to these systems

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    Ghost of Tsushima is the most casual game I've ever played

    I've never played something so on-the-nose and forced in my entire life

    F***ing embarrassing excuse for a game lmao

    Bland, boring, repetitive, cringe and awful story

    It's like the new Robert Pattinson Batman movie but in game form

    Look carefully people, this is what happens when you get souls brainrot

  • Jun 30, 2024
    1 reply

    These games aren't even comparable tbh

    try not to compare games where you can swing a katana in japan challenge impossible

  • Jun 30, 2024

    try not to compare games where you can swing a katana in japan challenge impossible

    On the other hand I will 100% be comparing GoT with AC: Japan and from what I’ve seen GoT did it way better already

  • Jun 30, 2024

    Ghost of Tsushima is the most casual game I've ever played

    I've never played something so on-the-nose and forced in my entire life

    F***ing embarrassing excuse for a game lmao

    Bland, boring, repetitive, cringe and awful story

    It's like the new Robert Pattinson Batman movie but in game form


  • Jul 1, 2024

    Look carefully people, this is what happens when you get souls brainrot

  • Jul 1, 2024

    Ghost of Tsushima is the most casual game I've ever played

    I've never played something so on-the-nose and forced in my entire life

    F***ing embarrassing excuse for a game lmao

    Bland, boring, repetitive, cringe and awful story

    It's like the new Robert Pattinson Batman movie but in game form

    Pattinson Batman the GOAT

  • Jul 1, 2024

    as a big casual fan I can't wait for GOT2

  • LD

    Ghost of Tsushima is the most casual game I've ever played

    I've never played something so on-the-nose and forced in my entire life

    F***ing embarrassing excuse for a game lmao

    Bland, boring, repetitive, cringe and awful story

    It's like the new Robert Pattinson Batman movie but in game form

    Matt Reeves Batman catching strays

  • Jul 1, 2024

    Stop giving that mf quotes he probably played that s*** on normal. Game is peak Kurosawa on Lethal, and Matt Reeves batman peak noir thats how I know he's trolling

  • GoT is cool but Sekiro is a f***in masterpiece and I don't use that word lightly at all. It's insane how well crafted the combat and the boss fights are in that game even by Fromsoft standards.