you never watched Tyler crew’s video on how he’s so fit? Watch that and you will have your answer
He's fit af cause skating works the core and takes energy
@str8dollaz drop some knowledge brother. Eating once a day does what to you in the long run? I believe it’s not healthy at all but you got the knowledge.
I actually don’t think it’s a huge deal. But tbh I’m not very well versed in the matter so I’m not gonna pretend like I’m any sort of expert
There's alot of benefits of eating one time a day but then again it all depends on the person.
I eat like 5-6 small meals and burn them off quickly
If I tried to cram all that into 1-2 meals I'd just feel nauseous
6 meals a day
I use to be on that one meal bullshit tho, its depressing.
6 meals a day
I use to be on that one meal bullshit tho, its depressing.
Tbh one meal a day is only good for skinny mfs that already have that fast metabolism! I’m in crazy crazy shape and I eat four small meals
Tbh one meal a day is only good for skinny mfs that already have that fast metabolism! I’m in crazy crazy shape and I eat four small meals
my meals are good portion, I've been on a clean bulk plan for 2 months now.
somewhere around 2700-2900 calories a day
Everything this guy does is a regurgitation of someone else's s*** and spinoff as his own
Warner must be loving him turning into a pop icon
He owes Spiritual So a massive bag for taking his YouTube material
I think I know i got a strong feeling I’m right. He’s a cool guy so it’s whatever
Tbh I have no clue. Tryna think but tbh people come and go on here so much it’s hard to tell sometimes
Idk i think advice like this should be left to personal trainers , this could be potentially harmful depending on the person
Hate those niggas who can eat whatever and stay in shape
Bro fr! Snoop dog almost 50 something and dudes metabolism is Still faster than most 19 years old
I do get what he's saying though, when I eat a nice meal I usually do get tired and want to relax for a bit before doing anything else
Lmao at china being underwater though, I’m sure thats not tru-