  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    i think it has similar flow and energy to a lot punk records i have heard, lots punk musicians aren't technically skilled but make up for fantastic energy and engaging but simplistic lyrical content and production

    carti for all intensive purposes did that and thats all i care about

    anyways punk been gentrified since exact VW did collab with S***Pistols and most of major bands in punk were signed to major labels so don't come with some bullshit saying carti can't do punk aesthetics

    Lol u don’t even have a clue...

    Punk since inception is the product of gentrification

  • Dec 31, 2020
    3 replies

    Niggas calling it punk don’t listen to punk lol

    I listen to punk and WLR is inspired by punk. No denying that. Just because it's not a live band playing or political lyrics doesn't mean its not. Punk is not just a genre of music. It's a lifestyle. WLR has short songs, punk energy and Carti is not on beat a lot which is how a lot of punk music was. Punk is about being free and Carti is being and rapping freely throughout this album. Instead of political, it's a new age lifestyle of not giving a f*** and living wildly free.

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Watching this Adam interview. If you don’t understand carti then you’ll never get it. Everyone is emphasizing on his lack of lyrics like wat. Yo carti is the James brown of this post trap or melodic rap s***. He is just combined with the music like a instrument

    never thought about it that way. don't know if it changes how I feel about Carti's music but interesting a***ogy.

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    never thought about it that way. don't know if it changes how I feel about Carti's music but interesting a***ogy.

    Did you like WLR?

  • Dec 31, 2020

    Did you like WLR?

    thought it was ok and better than what I thought it would sound like. I would preface this by saying I was never a Carti fan so I had low expectations.

  • Dec 31, 2020

    I find it so weird that people feel so entitled to a genre of music. All the punk fans in here are being bitter. Y'all are just showing how un-punk you are. Instead you're a bunch of whiny people on an internet form talking down on the new age of music. It's sad. Hip-Hop and rap has always been about rebellion from the system, just like punk music.

  • kttmz ⚰️
    Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Watching this Adam interview. If you don’t understand carti then you’ll never get it. Everyone is emphasizing on his lack of lyrics like wat. Yo carti is the James brown of this post trap or melodic rap s***. He is just combined with the music like a instrument

  • I f*** on that b**** / suck on my d*** lyrics

    Punk af

  • Dec 31, 2020

    Whole lotta red is amazing and by far cartis best

    He just wants to sound smart

    “Its not punk because it doesnt fit these strict rules!! And u arent smart enuff!!” Sounds very punk off you f***ing dork

  • Dec 31, 2020
    2 replies

    Same energy

  • kttmz ⚰️
    Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Same energy

    No, not even the slightest

  • Dec 31, 2020

    This guy literally married a w**** lol

  • Dec 31, 2020

    No, not even the slightest

    Lol. There is no other way you could prove it isn’t. Same concept different genres of music. Carti is James brown of melodic rap music

  • Dec 31, 2020

    imagine turning to Adam22 for Hip Hop takes.

  • Dec 31, 2020
    stream evangelion

    i love wlr but i admit the leaks were better


  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Can somebody please tell me what song or songs they consider punk? Nothing on here sounds anything remotely similar to punk wtf y’all on

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Can somebody please tell me what song or songs they consider punk? Nothing on here sounds anything remotely similar to punk wtf y’all on

    rockstar made
    stop breathing
    new tank
    on that time

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    rockstar made
    stop breathing
    new tank
    on that time

    it’s more punk like energy than it actually sounding like punk music. there’s so many melodic tracks idk how ppl can just ignore them

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Control is carti’s best song

    I can’t believe he bested long time

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    yea that exactly what it is

    so where @Cookies says she/he doesn't like punk cause it has bad song writing is such cop out of answer

    you don't need to be super lyrical to convey emotion and explain your message

    If someone ain’t never heard a FATMANKEY mixtape dey shouldn’t critique r3d
    If u not black enough u not gon understand r3d neither

  • Dec 31, 2020

    “Putting 3s instead of E’s is not cool it just looks stupid” u might like the music but that’s a FACT

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    Lol u don’t even have a clue...

    Punk since inception is the product of gentrification

    You know VW collab was pretty early on of punks inception

  • Dec 31, 2020

    If someone ain’t never heard a FATMANKEY mixtape dey shouldn’t critique r3d
    If u not black enough u not gon understand r3d neither

    Key! is super underappciated

  • Dec 31, 2020
    1 reply

    yea that exactly what it is

    so where @Cookies says she/he doesn't like punk cause it has bad song writing is such cop out of answer

    you don't need to be super lyrical to convey emotion and explain your message

    Adam said Kanye sounds same every worse I wanna turn it off
    He don’t understand black music
