  • Dec 12, 2019

    Y’all hating on this????

  • Dec 14, 2019
    1 reply

    If scarjo wasn’t so prideful and arrogant and read her letter they could have worked it out. Smh

    s***s OD sad because in the end, she got what she wanted in the first place since he ended up living in LA but just wrong timing

  • Dec 14, 2019
    2 replies

    twitter mad as s***

  • Dec 14, 2019

    Why Adam Driver sounds bass boosted all the time

  • Dec 14, 2019

    twitter mad as s***

    They going out super sad

  • Dec 14, 2019
    1 reply

    s***s OD sad because in the end, she got what she wanted in the first place since he ended up living in LA but just wrong timing

    Yup. Which is ironic because she called him selfish but she ended up being the selfish one

  • Dec 14, 2019

    This movie was fantastic. It’ll prob end up being somewhere in my top 10 by the end of the year - in a few weeks lol.

    This one dude I know and follow on Twitter had a tweet go viral hating on this movie

  • Dec 14, 2019

    If scarjo wasn’t so prideful and arrogant and read her letter they could have worked it out. Smh

  • Dec 14, 2019

    twitter mad as s***

    Man f*** them privileged f***s tbh, same goes to my homies f*** em too

  • Dec 14, 2019
    1 reply

    Yup. Which is ironic because she called him selfish but she ended up being the selfish one

    i’d say they were both pretty selfish but Nicole could of definitely communicated her issues way better than she did

    It’s still f*** her for bringing in a lawyer smh

  • Dec 14, 2019

    Good movie... wasn't "wow'd" by the acting like a lot of people. Driver and ScarLo did a good job, but nothing extraordinary...

  • Dec 14, 2019
  • Dec 14, 2019

    i’d say they were both pretty selfish but Nicole could of definitely communicated her issues way better than she did

    It’s still f*** her for bringing in a lawyer smh

    She escalated everything. Her selfishness was only beneficial for her. His selfishness benefited him and the family

  • Dec 14, 2019

    it was ok

    scarjo character is like a cardboard box and some of the dialogue was s***

  • Dec 15, 2019

    Great movie. Baumbach understands people very well.

  • Driver killed this s***

  • Dec 15, 2019

    found this pretty damn funny. Liotta the goat

  • Dec 17, 2019


  • Dec 18, 2019

    was able to catch this in a local theater tonight, incredible performances

    there a couple of times throughout the film that reduced me to tears but one part that really hit me was actually when the credits rolled and the old ladies sitting behind me started to cry and talked to each other about how authentic it felt

  • Dec 23, 2019
    2 replies

    ScarJo's character was unbearable. Same with Dern's character.

    Dunno why people are saying this is balanced.

    Movie was great, but seriously...the whole movie I was like "why should I care about ScarJo's character when she's doing all of this to Driver?"

  • Dec 23, 2019

    Loved the movie. Actually understood where her character was coming from too!

    But then she brought that goddamn lawyer in, and for what? It’s not like Driver was some insanely huge POS. Exact opposite tbh.

  • Dec 23, 2019
    1 reply

    ScarJo's character was unbearable. Same with Dern's character.

    Dunno why people are saying this is balanced.

    Movie was great, but seriously...the whole movie I was like "why should I care about ScarJo's character when she's doing all of this to Driver?"

    You seem to forget he cheated on her

  • Dec 23, 2019
    1 reply

    Twitter only dragging this movie since it came out right after Irishman which they’re obsessed with

  • Dec 23, 2019

    The framing and camera's movement is insane
