You seem to forget he cheated on her
Being nasty and manipulative to someone who's been nasty and manipulative to you in the past =/= being a good person
ScarJo's character was unbearable. Same with Dern's character.
Dunno why people are saying this is balanced.
Movie was great, but seriously...the whole movie I was like "why should I care about ScarJo's character when she's doing all of this to Driver?"
lol he was shown to be pretty controlling and immature in a lot of aspects thru the film. i think ScarJo’s character was just at the point where she was done with the relationship more than Adam Driver was, so people are gunna feel for him a bit more.
also she let Dern’s character turn it into a battle royale lmao
lol he was shown to be pretty controlling and immature in a lot of aspects thru the film. i think ScarJo’s character was just at the point where she was done with the relationship more than Adam Driver was, so people are gunna feel for him a bit more.
also she let Dern’s character turn it into a battle royale lmao
He's totally not in the right. And it's basically his fault the marriage fell apart. However, at the point in the story where we follow them, he's obviously learning from a lot of his mistakes and trying to do well by his family and his co-workers.
That makes it all the more frustrating when ScarJo's character lets Dern get involved and never once stands up for herself about what she thinks is best for her or her child. The scene toward the end where Dern goes behind SJ's back and gets higher custody rights shows just how out of touch SJ is with what she actually wants and how she's letting Dern walk all over her.
After she literally writes in her letter that she admires how good of a dad Driver is, refuses to talk to Driver about how she's feeling, and says they should avoid lawyers, she meets with Dern and immediately starts taking shady practices to screw Driver over and get full custody.
Is this movie going to fix the marriage of a couple going through a rough patch ?
Is this movie going to fix the marriage of a couple going through a rough patch ?
you could look at it that way
Is this movie going to fix the marriage of a couple going through a rough patch ?
definitely not
Being nasty and manipulative to someone who's been nasty and manipulative to you in the past =/= being a good person
No one's arguing against that. Im just pointing out how him cheating on her served to favor her point of view.
It totally did, but I felt she was entirely inconsistent and backstabbing while Driver's character was actively trying to not be. The majority of Driver's wrongdoings takes place prior to the film even starting, while SJ begins the divorce and encourages the divorce to become a warzone.
He's totally not in the right. And it's basically his fault the marriage fell apart. However, at the point in the story where we follow them, he's obviously learning from a lot of his mistakes and trying to do well by his family and his co-workers.
That makes it all the more frustrating when ScarJo's character lets Dern get involved and never once stands up for herself about what she thinks is best for her or her child. The scene toward the end where Dern goes behind SJ's back and gets higher custody rights shows just how out of touch SJ is with what she actually wants and how she's letting Dern walk all over her.
After she literally writes in her letter that she admires how good of a dad Driver is, refuses to talk to Driver about how she's feeling, and says they should avoid lawyers, she meets with Dern and immediately starts taking shady practices to screw Driver over and get full custody.
So the whole movie she was desperate to do things her way and in the end got manipulated still. I don’t see how we are supposed to be on her side at all besides him cheating
Is this movie going to fix the marriage of a couple going through a rough patch ?
Nope. It’ll make y’all want to end it
Adored this
just saw your other post about questioning this cus of the twitter vids. before this post. happy you liked it cus idk why Twitter taking specific clips out or tryna not make it look good
just saw your other post about questioning this cus of the twitter vids. before this post. happy you liked it cus idk why Twitter taking specific clips out or tryna not make it look good
Twitter does that sometimes
Glad I watched it though, one of my favs of the year
That kid was annoying as f***. If I was the dad I would’ve just left his ass in LA forever.
Twitter only dragging this movie since it came out right after Irishman which they’re obsessed with
Obsessed with Irishman, as in they trashed it to bits calling it boring and whatnot? Then yeaa, they been wylin
This was alright. Really only watched cuz I like watching Adam act, and he didn’t disappoint
That kid was annoying as f***. If I was the dad I would’ve just left his ass in LA forever.
Knife Scene was sad af to me
You can tell Charlie was trying his absolute hardest, in way over his head, and frantic
Those observations are unfair as hell
Thought he died at first i was like
His s***ty past explained why he was such an individual and sort of selfish, protecting himself
Adam Driver is the goat bros