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  • Dec 31, 2019
    6 replies

    being "white" is an american exlusive concept ? or am i wrong ? if someone in europe put ppl of any skin color into a box they would come off as racist..

    america weird as fuuuck with this "race" s***

    people dont believe this but its actually true for a lot of europe. not every country tho of course
    but NOBODY over here except for some neo nazis even uses the term "race" when it comes to anyhting else than dogs anymore.
    i might just dont understand whats going on but from an outside perspective it really gives me the perception that the US is obsessed with race, like yall make everything about race and it looks f***ing toxic.

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply
    Eazy or EzP

    Repeat those words to yourself and reevaluate your thinking because you’re coming real f***ed up right now

    I don’t care about your life experiences.

    Don’t make generalizations about a group of people.

    This pertains to every group of people.

    If you’re going to be a racist piece of s***, it’s inexcusable.

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    people dont believe this but its actually true for a lot of europe. not every country tho of course
    but NOBODY over here except for some neo nazis even uses the term "race" when it comes to anyhting else than dogs anymore.
    i might just dont understand whats going on but from an outside perspective it really gives me the perception that the US is obsessed with race, like yall make everything about race and it looks f***ing toxic.

    you just don't understand the importance race had in the US history and the importance it still has today

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    you just don't understand the importance race had in the US history and the importance it still has today

    "i might just dont understand whats going on"

  • Dec 31, 2019

    She’s f***ing annoying

  • What the f*** is wrong with americans

  • Dec 31, 2019

    "i might just dont understand whats going on"

    yeah you said might

    im here confirming it to you fam

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    people dont believe this but its actually true for a lot of europe. not every country tho of course
    but NOBODY over here except for some neo nazis even uses the term "race" when it comes to anyhting else than dogs anymore.
    i might just dont understand whats going on but from an outside perspective it really gives me the perception that the US is obsessed with race, like yall make everything about race and it looks f***ing toxic.

    you cant be serious lol. we make it about race because the country was founded by racists and a little thing called the transatlantic slave trade my guy

  • Dec 31, 2019

    People talking about the race without talking about Tay K tha god

  • Dec 31, 2019

    Not really surprised she bought into the racist s*** that gets put on Twitter.

    Earl is the same way, you always see him liking racist tweets. I don’t follow him anymore so maybe he stopped.

    It’s sad to see :(

    what are u talking bout

  • Dec 31, 2019

    you cant be serious lol. we make it about race because the country was founded by racists and a little thing called the transatlantic slave trade my guy

    not only that but the US is also only like 200 years old

    dude acting like we just gonna erase history quick like that

  • Dec 31, 2019

    people dont believe this but its actually true for a lot of europe. not every country tho of course
    but NOBODY over here except for some neo nazis even uses the term "race" when it comes to anyhting else than dogs anymore.
    i might just dont understand whats going on but from an outside perspective it really gives me the perception that the US is obsessed with race, like yall make everything about race and it looks f***ing toxic.

    Literally just delete this post

  • Dec 31, 2019

    cacs wylin itt


  • Dec 31, 2019

    people dont believe this but its actually true for a lot of europe. not every country tho of course
    but NOBODY over here except for some neo nazis even uses the term "race" when it comes to anyhting else than dogs anymore.
    i might just dont understand whats going on but from an outside perspective it really gives me the perception that the US is obsessed with race, like yall make everything about race and it looks f***ing toxic.

    insane post

    white girl avy not shocked

  • Dec 31, 2019

    people dont believe this but its actually true for a lot of europe. not every country tho of course
    but NOBODY over here except for some neo nazis even uses the term "race" when it comes to anyhting else than dogs anymore.
    i might just dont understand whats going on but from an outside perspective it really gives me the perception that the US is obsessed with race, like yall make everything about race and it looks f***ing toxic.

  • Dec 31, 2019

    in the replies

    ""whiteness" is an artificial construct and culture originally made to divide the working class and justify hypocrisy of enlightenment ideals within colonial and settler colonial projects."

    what lol

    I for the life of me can not understand what they are trying to say in that paragraph. What does “justify hypocrisy of enlightenment deals” even mean

  • Dec 31, 2019

    in the replies

    ""whiteness" is an artificial construct and culture originally made to divide the working class and justify hypocrisy of enlightenment ideals within colonial and settler colonial projects."

    what lol

    The first part makes sense but the second🥴

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    bruh really asked why a country founded by colonisers which has had a long history of systematic oppression against other races (which still continues onto this very day) would make things about race

  • Dec 31, 2019
    Eazy or EzP

    She can say it wherever she wants. She is a regular human being just like you

    Never said she isn’t. I just know she gets her point across better in her music. If it were any other artist I’d say the same, music is just a much more therapeutic way of getting your frustrations out than the toxic network that is Twitter.

  • Dec 31, 2019
    6 replies

    people dont believe this but its actually true for a lot of europe. not every country tho of course
    but NOBODY over here except for some neo nazis even uses the term "race" when it comes to anyhting else than dogs anymore.
    i might just dont understand whats going on but from an outside perspective it really gives me the perception that the US is obsessed with race, like yall make everything about race and it looks f***ing toxic.

    You European cacs are just oblivious to your own racism. You’re not any different than the average white liberal in America except at least even the dumbest of American cacs arent not openly having blackface festivals out in public and thinking there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it because it’s “hurrr durrr tradition”.

    racism is an issue everywhere, Europe isn’t some safe haven for black or brown people gtfoh

  • Dec 31, 2019

    You European cacs are just oblivious to your own racism. You’re not any different than the average white liberal in America except at least even the dumbest of American cacs arent not openly having blackface festivals out in public and thinking there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it because it’s “hurrr durrr tradition”.

    racism is an issue everywhere, Europe isn’t some safe haven for black or brown people gtfoh

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Did something happen to her recently? Every time I see her name pop up it always got something to do with Wypeepo. If this what she wants to be known for that’s on her but say it in the music not on twitter.

    “ tap dance the message to us in something we consume for free Nigga. Stop using twitter to speak “

    She can do as she chooses and part of why she wants to retire is the idea that so many elicit

  • Dec 31, 2019
    Eazy or EzP


    Do you think Black people are pawns that are only influenced by the internet and not the s*** we have to see and go through on a daily basis???

    It would also help if she does it on Twitter that she brings in specific cases cause the generalized “white people bad” narrative can only take us so far in a true conversation about what they don’t realize that they do that makes them so irritating.

  • Dec 31, 2019

    “ tap dance the message to us in something we consume for free Nigga. Stop using twitter to speak “

    She can do as she chooses and part of why she wants to retire is the idea that so many elicit

    Never said she can’t, just would rather it go into a work of art rather than some tweets

  • Dec 31, 2019
    2 replies

    You European cacs are just oblivious to your own racism. You’re not any different than the average white liberal in America except at least even the dumbest of American cacs arent not openly having blackface festivals out in public and thinking there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it because it’s “hurrr durrr tradition”.

    racism is an issue everywhere, Europe isn’t some safe haven for black or brown people gtfoh

    blackface festivals?
    i did not say that racism isnt an issue in europe btw

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