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  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Ngl, I’d be uncomfortable as f*** if I were a white Noname fan. Getting outta hand now

    Kinda get what she’s saying, but baby this wording ain’t it

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    blackface festivals?
    i did not say that racism isnt an issue in europe btw

    ^Said Europe isn’t obsessed with race like dumb toxic Americans.

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    ^Said Europe isn’t obsessed with race like dumb toxic Americans.

    never said dumb and i didnt say americans are toxic per se but from an outside view the current political climate in the US definitely looks toxic as f***
    europe isnt obsessed with race but that doesnt not mean there is no racism

  • Dec 31, 2019


  • Dec 31, 2019

    So ITT

    We have people asking why a country founded by racists and built on slavery makes race a big deal

    People who clearly skipped over WW2 and the Nazis in the history book

    And people who think Europe isn’t discriminating against Brown people migrating there as well

    Sounds about right KTT

  • Dec 31, 2019

    I don’t care about your life experiences.

    Don’t make generalizations about a group of people.

    This pertains to every group of people.

    If you’re going to be a racist piece of s***, it’s inexcusable.

    I mean if we take a look at history...

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    never said dumb and i didnt say americans are toxic per se but from an outside view the current political climate in the US definitely looks toxic as f***
    europe isnt obsessed with race but that doesnt not mean there is no racism

    America isn’t obsessed with race either. we’re just very vocal about racial inequality. The fact that you think black, brown and asian people in America are being unreasonable & forcefully trying to start some sort of race war just proves how oblivious you are.

  • Thread in absolute shambles

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    being "white" is an american exlusive concept ? or am i wrong ? if someone in europe put ppl of any skin color into a box they would come off as racist..

    america weird as fuuuck with this "race" s***

    Mfer you're from the country that birthed the Third Reich asking if whiteness is an American exclusive thing, what's with you Europeans and lying about race relations?

  • Dec 31, 2019

    I'm racist

  • Dec 31, 2019

    You European cacs are just oblivious to your own racism. You’re not any different than the average white liberal in America except at least even the dumbest of American cacs arent not openly having blackface festivals out in public and thinking there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it because it’s “hurrr durrr tradition”.

    racism is an issue everywhere, Europe isn’t some safe haven for black or brown people gtfoh

    They're not oblivious they're just liars

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    America isn’t obsessed with race either. we’re just very vocal about racial inequality. The fact that you think black, brown and asian people in America are being unreasonable & forcefully trying to start some sort of race war just proves how oblivious you are.

    lmaooo where the f*** did i say black brown and asian people are trying to start a race war?
    thats is NOT what i meant bro wtf

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    Mfer you're from the country that birthed the Third Reich asking if whiteness is an American exclusive thing, what's with you Europeans and lying about race relations?

    i live here .. not from germany, and idk its just that being "white", "black" etc. isnt a think here

  • Dec 31, 2019
    2 replies

    She tweets like she only f***s white nerds

    She tweets like she’s still binging Watchmen

  • Dec 31, 2019

    fake woke twitter activist

  • Dec 31, 2019

    lmaooo where the f*** did i say black brown and asian people are trying to start a race war?
    thats is NOT what i meant bro wtf

    not saying you said that but you might as well have.

  • Dec 31, 2019

    She tweets like she’s still binging Watchmen


  • Dec 31, 2019

    Christ the replies in those tweets (not the obvious trolls) are hurting my head

    How are there people this stupid in the world? This country is deadass weird with this race s***

  • Dec 31, 2019

    she’s not gonna fan base by the end of 2019
    she just needs to stop pandering to black twitter and be thankful people like her music

  • Dec 31, 2019

    god forbid a white artist said the same thing

  • Dec 31, 2019

    Ima have a relationship w NoName 1 day

  • pneu
    Dec 31, 2019

    It's always the "we're victims too" type of white people that get offended by this kind of stuff. Everyone else that recognizes these kinds of statements as a "if the shoe fits" type of generalization never get this worked up over it.

    So true

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    i live here .. not from germany, and idk its just that being "white", "black" etc. isnt a think here

    There was a shooting at a Synagogue in Halle 2 months ago, there's been decades of racist animosity towards to Turkish immigrant population and the Syrian migrant crisis is causing a rise in far-right extremism. We have Google in America, we can look up the racist s*** happening in your country, stop lying.

  • Dec 31, 2019
    1 reply

    There was a shooting at a Synagogue in Halle 2 months ago, there's been decades of racist animosity towards to Turkish immigrant population and the Syrian migrant crisis is causing a rise in far-right extremism. We have Google in America, we can look up the racist s*** happening in your country, stop lying.

    oh ok , i think u misunderstanding me , im not saying there is no racism , just that its not focused on skin color ppl discriminate against religion, or where they are from

    but i think that ppl identifying with being "white" etc. is toxis as fuuuck

  • Dec 31, 2019
    · edited

    She was supposed to marry the guy Candace Owen married. Allegedly lmao

    Ya know these liberal broads praise their god “the man” and don’t know how to act when they can’t get his attention.


    First statement is a joke, it’s the principle of what she’s doing lmao

    this cant possibly be true. no way could noname ever in a million years bag a white king like that. not only that, he and his family are completely conservative and politically active and the antithesis to what noname is, so i cant really believe they ever even met before

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