  • Apr 6, 2023

    Mods really hating on his 9% body fat

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    NYC jus gotta go full throttle

  • Apr 6, 2023
    2 replies

    The problem with saying “being fat shouldn’t be accepted in society” is basically ignoring that so many industries in America have led to where we’re at. Fast food marketing, agriculture subsidies, alcohol industry and marketing, fitness industry being full of snake oil, nutrition industry filled with conmen.

    It’s very easy to get fat and it ain’t easy to get not fat.

    it took 9 whole pages before @Tubig made the 1st smart post in this whole thread.

    And this why I hate yall sometime slol.

    Very disappointed in how some of yall in this thread talkin bout "damn this country fat af" without talking about how the fat in alot of these communities suffer from things like food desserts and the inaccessibility to healthier alternatives.

    this s*** aint as much a "choice" as people that are out of touch and don't have friends/family in these communities that directly affect what they eat make it out to be.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    2 replies
    Mac Wit Da Cheese

    With all the users on here who claim to have depression or other mental health issues you’d think they’d understand not shaming others for their issues

    this site is full of hypocrites my nigga.

  • Apr 6, 2023

    23 pages
    Surely those will be civil

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    it took 9 whole pages before @Tubig made the 1st smart post in this whole thread.

    And this why I hate yall sometime slol.

    Very disappointed in how some of yall in this thread talkin bout "damn this country fat af" without talking about how the fat in alot of these communities suffer from things like food desserts and the inaccessibility to healthier alternatives.

    this s*** aint as much a "choice" as people that are out of touch and don't have friends/family in these communities that directly affect what they eat make it out to be.

    talking about how the country is fat and it needs to change means we want to address these issues

  • Apr 6, 2023

    this site is full of hypocrites my nigga.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    talking about how the country is fat and it needs to change means we want to address these issues

    because majority of it has been yall pointing fingers at the people themselves and not the circumstances surrounding that.

  • Apr 6, 2023

    Count your calories

  • Apr 6, 2023
    Scratchin Mamba

    Nah but fr people get stoopid when it comes to fat people

    Just bc there's a loud minority of cacs on tiktok being weird saying it's fatphobic to go to the gym doesnt mean fatphobia isn't a thing in most of the countries ktt2 posters are from

    It's not for no reason that countries in the global south have more cases of anorexia the more they're exposed to westoid media

    lemme correct myself.

    Lot of yall just euro stepped past this one

    and my question to all the "40-50% of this country is obese" is by what BMI or body metric scale are we judging this off of?

    What's the standards? What's the magic numbers?

    I's not like certain groups of people haven't been historically judged differently for how they carry their weight more their others in ways that would be looked at negatively in a certain country.

    That would just be preposterous.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    it took 9 whole pages before @Tubig made the 1st smart post in this whole thread.

    And this why I hate yall sometime slol.

    Very disappointed in how some of yall in this thread talkin bout "damn this country fat af" without talking about how the fat in alot of these communities suffer from things like food desserts and the inaccessibility to healthier alternatives.

    this s*** aint as much a "choice" as people that are out of touch and don't have friends/family in these communities that directly affect what they eat make it out to be.

    Sounds like you trying to cope my brother

  • Apr 6, 2023

    I just wanna give some tips for people trying to lose weight. I lost 100 pounds so I know I’m an expert now so here’s the secret
    Limit your calories by 500 atleast. And drink lots of water
    You see how much better I am than everyone else fat shaming? I know some people here can learn from me

  • Apr 6, 2023

    this site is full of hypocrites my nigga.

    The amount of times I’ve seen users ranting about their life and mental health in this sxn only to see those same users in music/film sxn calling people soft or snowflakes for things being too PC

    There’s no self awareness

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    because majority of it has been yall pointing fingers at the people themselves and not the circumstances surrounding that.


  • Apr 6, 2023
    BlueChew Sean

    Think the post that got Tobacky clapped was him saying being obese is a mental illness

    But it's wild if they got him for that. Bruh said young women are the best and R Kelly was onto something in one thread


  • Apr 6, 2023


    look at majority of this thread my boi

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    Sounds like you trying to cope my brother

    the origin of BMI was literally some Belgian nigga named Quetelet wanting to know what the average man looked like

    If the average man were completely determined, we might consider him as the type of perfection,” he wrote in his book A Treatise on Man and the Development of His Faculties. “And everything differing from his proportion or condition, would constitute deformity or disease ... or monstrosity.”

    So, he created the Quetelet Index by using a calculation involving a weight-to-height ratio and set out to determine "the ideal."

    And guess what? He collected his data primarily from white European men. So the mean of this data might suggest who was the “ideal” white European man, but not the ideal for all men. What's more, Quetelet never intended that this index be used to measure a person’s health or wellness at all.

    it's called doing research. Not coping.

    But try again projecting to a nigga that's been vegan his whole life.

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    but I already know how ktt is, so I'ma sign off with this last post explaining the severity of this issue...

  • figaro 🏄‍♂️
    Apr 6, 2023

    NYC jus gotta go full throttle

    im tryna set up a donut shop there

  • insertcoolnamehere

    the origin of BMI was literally some Belgian nigga named Quetelet wanting to know what the average man looked like

    If the average man were completely determined, we might consider him as the type of perfection,” he wrote in his book A Treatise on Man and the Development of His Faculties. “And everything differing from his proportion or condition, would constitute deformity or disease ... or monstrosity.”

    So, he created the Quetelet Index by using a calculation involving a weight-to-height ratio and set out to determine "the ideal."

    And guess what? He collected his data primarily from white European men. So the mean of this data might suggest who was the “ideal” white European man, but not the ideal for all men. What's more, Quetelet never intended that this index be used to measure a person’s health or wellness at all.

    it's called doing research. Not coping.

    But try again projecting to a nigga that's been vegan his whole life.

    Reread my last post

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    but I already know how ktt is, so I'ma sign off with this last post explaining the severity of this issue...


    thanks for telling us there are other issues contributing to people being overweight, you really added a lot to this thread that people didnt already know

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    thanks for telling us there are other issues contributing to people being overweight, you really added a lot to this thread that people didnt already know

    didnt see anyone bringing up the race factor and how every body is different so no probs bro!

  • Apr 6, 2023

    you think snoop is chainsmoking 20 joints a day?

    it's niggas that smoke that many joints a day????

    how you functionable

  • Apr 6, 2023
    1 reply

    needs to be a 2022 update on the reading comprehension levels of Americans cause

  • ghosting ®️
    Apr 6, 2023

    needs to be a 2022 update on the reading comprehension levels of Americans cause

