How do you come to this conclusion when reading this news lmao it's just about ending discrimination for things such as housing and working I swear some of you ktt users are awful people
Catch a lap
Litteraly what's ktts problem with fat people it's such a weird obsession to have
people who are naturally skinny or thinner see it as an easy way to s*** on others would be my guess
somebody shouldn't be able to s*** on fat people here unless they post their bench, deadlift, and mile time
Didn't you say you would rather throw change in the garbage than give it to homeless people back then lol I'm sure your town won't miss you
You gotta just ignore what NiceLikeChrist says 70% of the time its a lie.
aint no way people itt said people talking down on obesity was equivalent to nazi rhetoric
All this vitriol and passion for the future and health when going at fat people but where this all at for food deserts, a lack of green spaces or even safe places to walk outside/sidewalks due to car centric design, terrible work hours for terrible wages etc
All the people ITT thay “ wAnNa tAlK aBoUt ThiS” but keep referencing the outdated BMI that literal athletes in good health that I went to college with was told it said they were obese.
is this random doctor's experience supposed to sway people's understanding of the BMI scale? It is outdated and bullshit from a medical diagnosis perspective.
I say the origin of the BMI is a nigga from Belgium using “the average man” (aka a European) as a threshold standard and this what homie uses as an argument.
Everyone eurostepped past the whole “different races legit carry weight differently and have been judged harshly for it” part of the argument.
aint no way people itt said people talking down on obesity was equivalent to nazi rhetoric
Shawty said “borderline” cause cmon
but the whole mindset that people should just appreciate fat people for what they are and let them live their lives is just weird and detrimental
This is a wild statement
Shawty said “borderline” cause cmon
but the whole mindset that people should just appreciate fat people for what they are and let them live their lives is just weird and detrimental
This is a wild statement
you can call someone a d*** or distasteful without insinuating theyre trying to start a holocaust
you can call someone a d*** or distasteful without insinuating theyre trying to start a holocaust
I wouldnt have said it personally but some of these people’s vitrol is alarming to say the least
When body positivity started: love your physical defects that you cannot change because it’s who you are and you should be comfortable in your own skin regardless of how others perceive you
When fat people took it over: it’s okay to live an unhealthy lifestyle and you should be criticized for suggesting that I’m unhealthy and should be working to change my life and build healthier habits. Let’s shove overweight people into all forms of media and life so that it can be normalized and more acceptable so that future generations think this it’s okay to be fat.
Mind your business?
Who cares if they’re fat, how is it affecting you?
The whole “body acceptance” thing our current society has is disgusting. It’s a cover for people to be unhealthy.
No one should be proud of being unhealthy. It’s something everyone should strive to improve. I get that it’s tougher for some people because of genetics, but that doesn’t mean you should just accept it. Obviously making fun of people for their weight is not cool, but the whole mindset that people should just appreciate fat people for what they are and let them live their lives is just weird and detrimental.
Edit: this post is obviously not directly related to the article in OP, just a general observation about society.
Why does it affect you so much?
I hate this thinking with the right wingers.
Oh no the trans community is taking over!!
Our kids, who will save them?
Dude, it’s not affecting you at all, you just want to spread hate.
aint no way people itt said people talking down on obesity was equivalent to nazi rhetoric
I've seen people on this site saying stuff like they should je eradicated for the well being of society
Government is gonna lock people up for telling others to have some self control
aint no way people itt said people talking down on obesity was equivalent to nazi rhetoric
ktt been buzzwordy for awhile now unfortunately
I've seen people on this site saying stuff like they should je eradicated for the well being of society
nah thats a little to wild
cant believe americans are out-lawing telling people to stay healthy and fit.
nah thats a little to wild
cant believe americans are out-lawing telling people to stay healthy and fit.
That’s what you got out of this law?
Ima discriminate against your dumb ass
nah thats a little to wild
cant believe americans are out-lawing telling people to stay healthy and fit.
do you agree that they should be denied housing and jobs?
Government is gonna lock people up for telling others to have some self control
Bro lmao it’s outlawing discrimination against them in hiring and housing
God damn y’all hating on fat people gotta focus on yourselves
fat people makin my flights uncomfortable, the seats are already tight af,
you wouldnt know that,
you dont fly
you not fly
broke ass