It would be unwise to take advice and knowledge wherever it comes from but Obama did us little good
Oh so we anti-Obama now?
Watch niggas be dismissive of Obama’s statement after having spent the last few days b****ing that rappers didn’t hop on twitter to “speak out” on this situation.
Don't know why I even come in these threads with anti Obama morons and a dude whose solution is a YouTuber mutiny colony
F*** Obama and everybody who love em. Mf didn’t do s*** for black people and f***ing militarized the police
Unsurprising that people on here hating on Obama and his well thought out response
Probably the same people who don’t vote and then b**** about elected officials
There isn’t some magic wand that can be waved to uproot systemic racism and Obama understands this better than most. He’s offering a viable solution on how to move forward and people don’t like it because it’s not cathartic or revengeful.
The political spectrum on this site is basically 50% Trump d*** riders and 50% Bernie Bro hoes
F*** Obama and everybody who love em. Mf didn’t do s*** for black people and f***ing militarized the police
How have you positively impacted yourself and the black community?
How have you positively impacted yourself and the black community?
Motherfucker did I serve 8 years as the f***ing president? Like what’s your point?
Motherfucker did I serve 8 years as the f***ing president? Like what’s your point?
My point is that it comes across as if you’re one of those niggas that expected a handout and a free ride strictly because a black man was the president at the time.
the thing people consistently arent getting is this new generation maybe 35 and under are at the point where they dont give a f*** about the system lol
people wanna redo all this slow paced bullshit lol
we been knew the problem was cops beating peoples ass...whats the holdup on laws changing it...theres a delay because the system youre trying to get to save you is designed to work the way it does from the inside out
Watch niggas be dismissive of Obama’s statement after having spent the last few days b****ing that rappers didn’t hop on twitter to “speak out” on this situation.
nigga made a statement so what
"system" aside ppl just want sum s*** to change and Obama ain't exactly contribute much to the situation with what he had outside of optics
KTT ain't fooled by neo-liberalism in a pretty package
What’s wrong with liberalism.
What’s wrong with liberalism.
These life section dudes hate on every liberal that isn’t Bernie, do yourself a favor and block them