He got “Lived in the Projects” mixed up with “I Don’t Believe You” but both songs are great.
Looking at your rankings this might be an underrated opinion but Church is the most replayable Woods solo album to me
Nah, probably agree with you tbf. Extremely easy to put on anytime.
I might prefer other albums as a whole, but I don't necessarily find myself in the mood to throw on Aethiopes or Brass and listen start to finish all too often.
Hiding Places is the antithesis to that though, despite how heavy it is, I can pretty easily endlessly replay that.
I can get behind most of this. And agreed there's just something about Paraffin which is so unique and relentless.
I will no longer stand for Known Unknowns slander. You and @marcusg are both guilty of this. So many of the beats knock hard as hell and woods goes absolutely off on it. Some of his best ever lines on there. Sure it's a little long and can be liable to veer into slightly poppy territory, but never egregiously so.
Might have to put me in that camp, too; listened to Known Unknowns for the first time recently and a lot of the production ain’t makin’ it for me. Fave tracks were “Superpredator”, “Fall Back”, “Groundhog’s Day”, “Police Came to My Show”, “Washington Redskins” and “Gazpacho”. Will focus more on the lyrics on repeated listens, though. Today, I Wrote Nothing is my favorite pre-Hiding Places solo billy LP so far but I still have to listen to Dour Candy and Camouflage.
Might have to put me in that camp, too; listened to Known Unknowns for the first time recently and a lot of the production ain’t makin’ it for me. Fave tracks were “Superpredator”, “Fall Back”, “Groundhog’s Day”, “Police Came to My Show”, “Washington Redskins” and “Gazpacho”. Will focus more on the lyrics on repeated listens, though. Today, I Wrote Nothing is my favorite pre-Hiding Places solo billy LP so far but I still have to listen to Dour Candy and Camouflage.
I can't deal with you lot anymore.
Bush League Robespierre
But it's fine. It's fine.
choosing to read Small victories ha? Fled the village, accused of wizardry ha? as a Juvenile interpolation
I pushed this s*** irl to friends and I also had been seeing a lot of praise for Woods this month. Pitchfork article and etc. Really happy for bruh
How I'm feeling currently:
Hiding Places
Terror Management
Known Unknowns
Today, I Wrote Nothing
History Will Absolve Me
Dour Candy
History Will Absolve Me
The Chalice
Today, I Wrote Nothing
Hiding Places
Known Unknowns
Dour Candy
Terror Management
The Nelsons with another one
Played this stretch of the album so much I expected Year Zero to come in once the Babylon beat ended 😵💫
How I'm feeling currently:
Hiding Places
Terror Management
Known Unknowns
Today, I Wrote Nothing
History Will Absolve Me
Dour Candy
Anything not listed i havent heard yet or enough to rank
History Will Absolve Me
The Chalice
Today, I Wrote Nothing
Hiding Places
Known Unknowns
Dour Candy
Terror Management
Furtive Movement
Race Music
Interviewing woods seems like an exercise in ego death; bring worthy questions and proceed with caution or be exposed to your own tedium
(that being said, he’s faring a lot better than the podcaster!)
Billy just doesn't do it for me. Gonna give it another try tho
What about hiding places?
Interviewing woods seems like an exercise in ego death; bring worthy questions and proceed with caution or be exposed to your own tedium
(that being said, he’s faring a lot better than the podcaster!)
Feel like the key is to mostly ask what he's been cooking.
Might have to put me in that camp, too; listened to Known Unknowns for the first time recently and a lot of the production ain’t makin’ it for me. Fave tracks were “Superpredator”, “Fall Back”, “Groundhog’s Day”, “Police Came to My Show”, “Washington Redskins” and “Gazpacho”. Will focus more on the lyrics on repeated listens, though. Today, I Wrote Nothing is my favorite pre-Hiding Places solo billy LP so far but I still have to listen to Dour Candy and Camouflage.
Dour Candy all Blockhead beats if that helps. Remember starting it and having to replay The Undercard over and over to understand what was going on. The whole style seemed completely extraneous to me.