Might have to put me in that camp, too; listened to Known Unknowns for the first time recently and a lot of the production ain’t makin’ it for me. Fave tracks were “Superpredator”, “Fall Back”, “Groundhog’s Day”, “Police Came to My Show”, “Washington Redskins” and “Gazpacho”. Will focus more on the lyrics on repeated listens, though. Today, I Wrote Nothing is my favorite pre-Hiding Places solo billy LP so far but I still have to listen to Dour Candy and Camouflage.
Billy's first few albums resonate with me the most because it's a lyrical exercise; punchline after punchline after punchline. Versus how he rhymes today which is more stories, at times cryptic, in first-person with multiple perspectives
Sooner or later its gon be two unrelated active shooters same place, same time, great minds, Tesla and Edison
Insane bars
Anyone know where I can listen to the two vinyl-exclusive tracks?
On Maps I mean
Anyone know where I can listen to the two vinyl-exclusive tracks?
On Maps I mean
Hasn't shipped yet, and doesn't seem like the few who've managed to get a copy at a show have ripped it.
woods did a fair amount of Hiding Places material the first time I saw him, have to assume we get some tonight as well (unless they’re dividing the time in half for Kenny Segal to get his own instrumental set, which isn’t impossible)
Maybe we get a lil Elucid appearance for Baby Steps/As the Crow Flies 🤞
That was unfathomably good, I might be on a high into next week off the strength of how f***ing great that show was. That was an all-timer. Greatest living artist
Wildfire smoke blanketing the northeast coast necessitates playing Armand Hammer at high volumes
Shrines anniversary on the 5th, Known Unknowns anniversary today… 5 years of Parrafin coming in August 👀
He strikes again
Woke up and came here to post it, we’re f***in blessed once again (real talk Marcus is this u? Aliases abound, mysterious businessmen from Toronto and all that)
Off to see woods and Kenny Segal live. 3rd time seeing woods. Sam Herring opening second time seeing him technically, went for a Future Islands gig a few years back.
Maps deluxe didn't arrive in time for signing might pick up some shirts. Think I will listen to Church for this train journey.
Gonna try and ask him if the Breeze Brewin track on High Bias is indicative of a solo on Backwoodz.
Also want to know how the Tim Blake Nelson collaborations came about.