Not with me Brodie
u trippin
u fw asians?
@YungPapi lock in
Low THC, Relaxed environment, lots of jokes and laughing
Then we gonna f***
Then we gonna f***
r u saying that u r not compatible w weed
No im saying I get lazy
Exact same
Also when i get too into posting in this thread and hours go by im kinda disappointed in myself bc I coulda done something better with my time in theory. Worst when it’s an argument day. And like the dopamine of not wanting to miss stuff in here
But also the music discussion is dope and I’d say I feel like friends with a few users so they keep me coming back
yeah and the best times are def when its a great time to unwind and take break from life and not really balancing it while trying to get stuff done
No im saying I get lazy
just fight the urge
I wanna watch drive my car too. Asian movies really underrated
You gotta fw the handmaiden
I managed to make this fire transition between Out West and Space Cadet
drop ur album
yeah and the best times are def when its a great time to unwind and take break from life and not really balancing it while trying to get stuff done
yeah if you accomplish nothing productive all day and smoke weed its a negative feedback loop
I wanna watch drive my car too. Asian movies really underrated
its amazing, one of best movies i saw last year. soundtrack also excellent