@YungPapi lock in
They cool
Gimme a middle eastern girl
I was expecting more tbh
wait, what is your letterboxd, idk if i have you there
its amazing, one of best movies i saw last year. soundtrack also excellent
I wanna watch it when I find a place to watch it
Low THC, Relaxed environment, lots of jokes and laughing
yeah if you accomplish nothing productive all day and smoke weed its a negative feedback loop
yeah but crine cuz i was talking about using KTT
You gotta fw the handmaiden
also masterpiece
Still better then British cuisine
british cuisine " toad in a hole " is genuinely a thing
Still better then British cuisine
big facts
british cuisine " toad in a hole " is genuinely a thing
You ever serve me beans on pizza and im calling the police
show or movie?
The movie it’s by a dope director
You ever serve me beans on pizza and im calling the police
why dont u take another pen hit, fiend...
You ever serve me beans on pizza and im calling the police
im committing murder
Still better then British cuisine
@ryder ramsay slander
its amazing, one of best movies i saw last year. soundtrack also excellent
The soundtrack is so good
why dont u take another pen hit, fiend...
i dont hit pens very often at all lol
I wanna watch it when I find a place to watch it
its def got some slow parts and is long but i found it very compelling and meaningful
wait, what is your letterboxd, idk if i have you there
Just followed you
The movie it’s by a dope director
I already have it on my watchlist. I'll watch it tomorrow maybe