i’m a huge jim fan but i’ll rep will if you prefer
I ain’t repping outside of an emergency but I like this one
I ain’t repping outside of an emergency but I like this one
fair enough but if i find a will rep, you host
i wanna go against either @Uhhhhhh or @Extraterrestrial for Jim/Will i know they gon bring me that heat
i wanna go against either @Uhhhhhh or @Extraterrestrial for Jim/Will i know they gon bring me that heat
I’d be down to rep Jim
I’d be down to rep Jim
looks like i got Will @humey its set
we just need a date
looks like i got Will @humey its set
we just need a date
yeah np, the Nolan one was supposed to be next just waiting on sace & @davey for which week this one will be
Still looking?
yeah np, the Nolan one was supposed to be next just waiting on sace & @davey for which week this one will be
think i found a nolan rep so we got 2 vz set now @sace
If it's going to be Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday count me in
If it's going to be Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday count me in
@malediction @sace
what's good for y'all
@malediction @sace
what's good for y'all
Thursday is cool if we can make that happen
@early @Uhhhhhh either weekend of or the next week for y’all.. whatever works for you guys
Next Sunday potentially
man I know i been a bad op lol but can we get this thread poppin
anyways new vz tomorrow @malediction @mjpplus im gon be bout 30 mins late. me so sowe
@sace @humey @Uhhhhhh @Thetenaciousone @Extraterrestrial @Prez @early @Marble
not sure @malediction even aware we doing this tomorrow