avi tough
add me to op
we making a treaty
lol you gotta do work to get in op
but shocked i don't got you in the second post. fixed now
lol you gotta do work to get in op
but shocked i don't got you in the second post. fixed now
on it bossman
man I know i been a bad op lol but can we get this thread poppin
anyways new vz tomorrow @malediction @mjpplus im gon be bout 30 mins late. me so sowe
@sace @humey @Uhhhhhh @Thetenaciousone @Extraterrestrial @Prez @early @Marble
It’s Wednesday man
man I know i been a bad op lol but can we get this thread poppin
anyways new vz tomorrow @malediction @mjpplus im gon be bout 30 mins late. me so sowe
@sace @humey @Uhhhhhh @Thetenaciousone @Extraterrestrial @Prez @early @Marble
Got a barber appointment tomorrow. See if I’ll come.
@early yall decide the specific date/time?
we were speculating next sunday but we dont have a time because there's a vz later on that day
but if anything, maybe 5pm est?
we were speculating next sunday but we dont have a time because there's a vz later on that day
but if anything, maybe 5pm est?
Got a barber appointment tomorrow. See if I’ll come.
We can postpone if you’re not avail
It’s Wednesday man
lol fr
my b
Got a barber appointment tomorrow. See if I’ll come.
we might have to postpone unless @early you wanna host that would get you on op fast af
we might have to postpone unless @early you wanna host that would get you on op fast af
i aint busy tomorrow
we were speculating next sunday but we dont have a time because there's a vz later on that day
but if anything, maybe 5pm est?
oaff you sure you wanna do both same day? Could just pick another day but I’m good w that time/day
oaff you sure you wanna do both same day? Could just pick another day but I’m good w that time/day
my opponent rep suggested
waiting on his response now
we might have to postpone unless @early you wanna host that would get you on op fast af
so both yall gone be late
we might have to postpone unless @early you wanna host that would get you on op fast af
Again, we’ll see.
You talking about with Dre Vz Ye?
We got 7 days a week and we always try to schedule these on the days Music Vz is doing some s***
We got 7 days a week and we always try to schedule these on the days Music Vz is doing some s***
we have a VZ every 3 days
lets do saturday instead
i aint busy tomorrow
@malediction @mjpplus @early @sace
looks like we have a date afterall. yall both confirm and we'll get @early to make thread. sace and I gon be a lil late. sorry crodies