@malediction @mjpplus @early @sace
looks like we have a date afterall. yall both confirm and we'll get @early to make thread. sace and I gon be a lil late. sorry crodies
I’m available
@malediction @mjpplus @early @sace
looks like we have a date afterall. yall both confirm and we'll get @early to make thread. sace and I gon be a lil late. sorry crodies
That’s cool. Before or after 7 est?
I’m available
7 est
will a tag list need to be made? @sace @humey @op
yeah just gonna use the kino members list I’m editing it now
what time this starting again? or you want me to dm u the list
7pm est
and dm it on discord if you joined
7pm est
and dm it on discord if you joined
not on discord but check ktt2.com/messages see if it lets you pull the list I just sent it 🫡
not on discord but check ktt2.com/messages see if it lets you pull the list I just sent it 🫡
send it imma put it in op
lol post it in here
crying this a lot more than i expected yall got the tag lol
@kfa @edumist @bruises @vibe @fragileoil_ @margielababy @knightmareleague @jenkem @mace @nylon @cartier @moonchaser @sufi @mictlan @bnballintoo @cody @moneycristo @johan_devito @ragedsycokiller @nightingalexo @danny @maxx @jollofraids @kodakspice @yungpapi @rockman @cutiepiehole @solipsist @ruckus @lil_ufo @dankmustard_mobile @tokintargaryen @hoochieandgucci @trap_a_holic @smoochie @interstellarflyin2 @ganger @elric @bad_finger_boogie @blueface @ilgnd @yandhi @realtalkmynigga0 @rapgod911 @billyrockets @rickon @trilla @frog @embezzle @swilloloubeaux @logula @atthepyramids @anti @saveme @misfit @jave @washington @numeroocho @aight @noir @jonboi @tuxedomask @vietbrah @heyfella @demo @rastafire @sab @kr0niic @soupvillain @ifeelterrific @ds2 @strictlysyrup @vox @bandz @ghosting @blackslug @bazooe @bvl @twitch @anna @fries @neonbuddy @santi @shadow2 @eleganza @scott @arrrg @thebham @hmm @fifty950 @rxserpico @p_p @Barcelona @jesusglock @be2 @solaris @hayabusa @innuendo @tupacarti @passing_the_time @giorno_giovanna @wesim @bo_ceephus @beach_kneega @everest @formic @moneydragon @greedyfatape @pushin @thelostboy @garetare @orangutan @nobodywins @very_based @oblivion @xanman86 @dutchye @padybu @victorious_korea @ava_yeezy @drogon_ @jaerell @fellivarda @bane @proper @riffwanker @rise_zero @kev @pussy_bacon @lujo @koala @melz @bgfx @drjdeponytail @ysl @basedspirit @kogoyos @prada @campari @tha7osavage @goaheadmrjoestar @twinkletoez @sonyomom @flootures @rasie @william1738 @xantaclaus @beflygelt @mjpplus @yuzzy @nightman @delon @elvis @suzuki @antidote @aruji @marble @thankmelater @malediction @flyhiii @sace
lol post it in here
ima just post it in the VZ thread when it’s time for tagging
you can copy it from there, im starting to suspect people blocking my account for tagging them too much
ima just post it in the VZ thread when it’s time for tagging
you can copy it from there, im starting to suspect people blocking my account for tagging them too much
i don't doubt it
ima just post it in the VZ thread when it’s time for tagging
you can copy it from there, im starting to suspect people blocking my account for tagging them too much
lol how you get the list of every user on the site tho.
when yall be posting that s*** i be dying
crying this a lot more than i expected yall got the tag lol
@​kfa @​edumist @​bruises @​vibe @​fragileoil_ @​margielababy @​knightmareleague @​jenkem @​mace @​nylon @​cartier @​moonchaser @​sufi @​mictlan @​bnballintoo @​cody @​moneycristo @​johan_devito @​ragedsycokiller @​nightingalexo @​danny @​maxx @​jollofraids @​kodakspice @​yungpapi @​rockman @​cutiepiehole @​solipsist @​ruckus @​lil_ufo @​dankmustard_mobile @​tokintargaryen @​hoochieandgucci @​trap_a_holic @​smoochie @​interstellarflyin2 @​ganger @​elric @bad_finger_boogie @​blueface @​ilgnd @​yandhi @​realtalkmynigga0 @​rapgod911 @​billyrockets @​rickon @​trilla @​frog @​embezzle @​swilloloubeaux @​logula @atthepyramids @anti @​saveme @​misfit @​jave @​washington @​numeroocho @aight @​noir @​jonboi @​tuxedomask @​vietbrah @​heyfella @​demo @​rastafire @​sab @​kr0niic @​soupvillain @​ifeelterrific @​ds2 @​strictlysyrup @​vox @bandz @​ghosting @​blackslug @bazooe @​bvl @​twitch @anna @​fries @​neonbuddy @​santi @​shadow2 @​eleganza @​scott @arrrg @​thebham @​hmm @​fifty950 @​rxserpico @​p_p @Barcelona @​jesusglock @be2 @​solaris @​hayabusa @​innuendo @​tupacarti @​passing_the_time @​giorno_giovanna @​wesim @​bo_ceephus @beach_kneega @​everest @​formic @​moneydragon @​greedyfatape @​pushin @​thelostboy @​garetare @​orangutan @​nobodywins @​very_based @​oblivion @​xanman86 @​dutchye @​padybu @​victorious_korea @ava_yeezy @​drogon_ @​jaerell @​fellivarda @bane @​proper @​riffwanker @​rise_zero @​kev @​pussy_bacon @​lujo @​koala @​melz @bgfx @​drjdeponytail @​ysl @basedspirit @​kogoyos @​prada @​campari @​tha7osavage @​goaheadmrjoestar @​twinkletoez @​sonyomom @​flootures @​rasie @​william1738 @​xantaclaus @beflygelt @​mjpplus @​yuzzy @​nightman @​delon @​elvis @​suzuki @antidote @aruji @​marble @​thankmelater @​malediction @​flyhiii @​sace
added to second post
really shocked im not on this @humey
lol how you get the list of every user on the site tho.
when yall be posting that s*** i be dying
i did research for the music sxn list in december and got all the most active users that participate in music discussion
then i trimmed it down from there after people say they don’t wanna be on the list
but a lot of people remain by choice