  • Mar 21, 2024
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    I’m a David lynch hate account
    that nigga a scammer just like m night shamalalamama

    talk to these niggas

  • Prez đź’Ž
    Mar 21, 2024
    2 replies

    I’m going to use this thread for general movie takes.

    Tom Hardy stinks with accents.

    Bane sounded dumb.

    And I’m watching the revenant now on Max and his American accent or whatever the hell he’s trying to do sounds like s*** too

  • frenchpress 🔺
    Mar 21, 2024
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    I’m a David lynch hate account
    that nigga a scammer just like m night shamalalamama

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024
    1 reply

    I’m going to use this thread for general movie takes.

    Tom Hardy stinks with accents.

    Bane sounded dumb.

    And I’m watching the revenant now on Max and his American accent or whatever the hell he’s trying to do sounds like s*** too

    tim hardy can do no wrong in my eyes
    he da goat

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024
    2 replies

    Thanks to everyone that showed up yesterday.

    Big stunna @Extraterrestrial finally got the dub and cleaned @early

    @Hndrxx_Free amazing hosting broski

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024

    this our the next vzs on the dock.
    no date yet

    Steven Spielberg VZ Stanley Kubrick
    @SwilloLoubeaux VZ @Marble

    Paramount vz Universal vz Warner bros
    @Uhhhhhh @Prez vz @early

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024

    @SwilloLoubeaux @Marble wanna get it popping this weekend?

  • Prez đź’Ž
    Mar 21, 2024
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    tim hardy can do no wrong in my eyes
    he da goat

    they say euros can do american accents well but americans cant do euro accents well.

    but tom hardy is the woat at accents

    christian bale is better but he also sounds awkward when he's doing american. but at least he's not so bad that he ruins movies like hardy does

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024
    1 reply

    @twitch wants to rep Rachel Sernott
    @fries wants to rep Pacino
    @SwilloLoubeaux wants to rep pixar or disney
    @SOLARIS wants to rep neon
    @Jonboi wants to rep the coen brothers and PTA
    @sace wants to rep michael mann
    @prez wants to rep universal against disney
    @Extraterrestrial wants to rep jamie kennedy
    @WT777 wants to rep paul WS anderson

    yall wanted to rep these guys. let me know if you got a matchup idea and we'll try and find yall reps

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024
    1 reply

    @twitch wants to rep Rachel Sernott
    @SwilloLoubeaux wants to rep pixar or disney
    @SOLARIS wants to rep neon

    look up

  • Mar 21, 2024

    I’m going to use this thread for general movie takes.

    Tom Hardy stinks with accents.

    Bane sounded dumb.

    And I’m watching the revenant now on Max and his American accent or whatever the hell he’s trying to do sounds like s*** too

    his accents are very silly, sometimes that's to his benefit and sometimes they aren't

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024
    1 reply

    and just a reminder if you host a vz the TV VZ council will offer u a generous amount of $10 flat. And if you do a good job there will be a $10 bonus

    probably should do some for reps too

  • Prez đź’Ž
    Mar 21, 2024
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    and just a reminder if you host a vz the TV VZ council will offer u a generous amount of $10 flat. And if you do a good job there will be a $10 bonus

    probably should do some for reps too

    i will host something. maybe the next director vz. just need to schedule it in advance

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024

    i will host something. maybe the next director vz. just need to schedule it in advance


  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024
    2 replies

    would love to get the decades or brackets vz running too soon

    @sace @prez @early @Uhhhhhh @humey @YungPapi

    what yall thinking

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024
    2 replies

    purpp had this idea

    basically style one match up like some of the brackets we’ve had in film and G&G

    have each round be 24 hours run a director match up for like 7 irl days ish. For example like Nolan Vz Tarintino for a week. Leave the first movie match up for a day or if it’s a blow out call it early but that’ll leave hella time for people to discuss and have more engagement from the film sxn

    It’s hard to explain but I think it would work in practice. Anyway I’m down to be the OP/ host of that if y’all are down to give it a try

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    purpp had this idea

    basically style one match up like some of the brackets we’ve had in film and G&G

    have each round be 24 hours run a director match up for like 7 irl days ish. For example like Nolan Vz Tarintino for a week. Leave the first movie match up for a day or if it’s a blow out call it early but that’ll leave hella time for people to discuss and have more engagement from the film sxn

    It’s hard to explain but I think it would work in practice. Anyway I’m down to be the OP/ host of that if y’all are down to give it a try

    @Echiham you wanna host the brackets here like you doing the pokemon one?

  • Prez đź’Ž
    Mar 21, 2024

    yea i have suggested something like this in the music vz section too. basically a slow vz where there can be more discussion and debate. this would be good for a director vz. you could do the spielberg one this way if the reps are into it

  • Prez đź’Ž
    Mar 21, 2024
    3 replies

    @early @uhhhhhhh

    one thing i am running into when prepping my universal list is there are some films that weren't produced by them but were distributed by them. for example Do The Right Thing. this is one where as far as i can tell, universal was only the distributor. the universal logo does show up at the start of the movie, so i think it would be fair game but not entirely sure.

    this as opposed to jurassic park which was actually produced AND distributed by universal. not just like universal buying the distribution rights.

    thoughts? i'd say we should probably say anything goes for the sake of simplicity

  • Prez đź’Ž
    Mar 21, 2024

    @early @uhhhhhhh

    one thing i am running into when prepping my universal list is there are some films that weren't produced by them but were distributed by them. for example Do The Right Thing. this is one where as far as i can tell, universal was only the distributor. the universal logo does show up at the start of the movie, so i think it would be fair game but not entirely sure.

    this as opposed to jurassic park which was actually produced AND distributed by universal. not just like universal buying the distribution rights.

    thoughts? i'd say we should probably say anything goes for the sake of simplicity


  • Mar 21, 2024
    1 reply
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    Thanks to everyone that showed up yesterday.

    Big stunna @Extraterrestrial finally got the dub and cleaned @early

    @Hndrxx_Free amazing hosting broski

    Film VZ > Music VZ

  • Mar 21, 2024
    Mr Papi Nigga Dave

    purpp had this idea

    basically style one match up like some of the brackets we’ve had in film and G&G

    have each round be 24 hours run a director match up for like 7 irl days ish. For example like Nolan Vz Tarintino for a week. Leave the first movie match up for a day or if it’s a blow out call it early but that’ll leave hella time for people to discuss and have more engagement from the film sxn

    It’s hard to explain but I think it would work in practice. Anyway I’m down to be the OP/ host of that if y’all are down to give it a try

    I like the idea

    Basically a vz but 24 hour rounds so people can get real deep at discussing and so everyone can participate and vote. More of like a passive join whenever thing than having to be there at the time

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024
    1 reply

    @early @uhhhhhhh

    one thing i am running into when prepping my universal list is there are some films that weren't produced by them but were distributed by them. for example Do The Right Thing. this is one where as far as i can tell, universal was only the distributor. the universal logo does show up at the start of the movie, so i think it would be fair game but not entirely sure.

    this as opposed to jurassic park which was actually produced AND distributed by universal. not just like universal buying the distribution rights.

    thoughts? i'd say we should probably say anything goes for the sake of simplicity

    @early @Uhhhhhh

    think we should make a distinction with this verses
    these are big distributors and we should leave it to only movies distributed by them

    for a produced vz i would think stuff like legendary A24 etc

  • OP
    Mar 21, 2024

    Film VZ > Music VZ

