@​twitch wants to rep Rachel Sernott
@fries wants to rep Pacino
@​SwilloLoubeaux wants to rep pixar or disney
@​SOLARIS wants to rep neon
@Jonboi wants to rep the coen brothers and PTA
@sace wants to rep michael mann
@prez wants to rep universal against disney
@Extraterrestrial wants to rep jamie kennedy
@WT777 wants to rep paul WS anderson
yall wanted to rep these guys. let me know if you got a matchup idea and we'll try and find yall reps
still down for NEON vs A24
would love to get the decades or brackets vz running too soon
@sace @prez @early @Uhhhhhh @humey @YungPapi
what yall thinking
I wanna run the first one. The tentative idea was PTA vz Tarantino I think
Idk if @Jonboi is still interested
I wanna run the first one. The tentative idea was PTA vz Tarantino I think
Idk if @Jonboi is still interested
Oh yeah baby
Let’s get it cookin
@CutiePieHole u a mod?
still down for NEON vs A24
what u wanna rep
I wanna run the first one. The tentative idea was PTA vz Tarantino I think
Idk if @Jonboi is still interested
@Jonboi we just did a tarantino vz tho so don't want it to get stale
but im down. you got a tarantino rep in mind. we have a bunch in here that want too
still down for NEON vs A24
oh you neon
who wanna rep A24
@twitch u down?
oh you neon
who wanna rep A24
@twitch u down?
yea need a couple weeks to prepare tho
yea need a couple weeks to prepare tho
couple weeks
thats fine tho. just get ready while we find an a24 rep
Oh yeah baby
Let’s get it cookin
Gotta find you an opponent
@Jonboi we just did a tarantino vz tho so don't want it to get stale
but im down. you got a tarantino rep in mind. we have a bunch in here that want too
Down for whoever doggie
Down for whoever doggie
@malediction just repped tarantino so probably gonna go with someone else if we don't find someone.
I do have someone special from the grave that wants to rep him tho.il let u know
@Echiham you wanna host the brackets here like you doing the pokemon one?
Sure i can make the bracket if u want
Sure i can make the bracket if u want
too late
@malediction just repped tarantino so probably gonna go with someone else if we don't find someone.
I do have someone special from the grave that wants to rep him tho.il let u know
That vz was so good
@CutiePieHole u a mod?
no i jst get paid to report people in ai tokens.
no i jst get paid to report people in ai tokens.
what tokens u got. been holding $fet for 5 years now. I don't know when to sell and don't wanna be left behind
i don't like how @Marble been ignoring me
too late
Thanks to everyone that showed up yesterday.
Big stunna @Extraterrestrial finally got the dub and cleaned @early
@Hndrxx_Free amazing hosting broski
always happy to lose to my pops for the sake of peace
would love to get the decades or brackets vz running too soon
@sace @prez @early @Uhhhhhh @humey @YungPapi
what yall thinking
i’m interested might have to join the ranks of hosting since i repped twice back to back already and wanna give others a chance
@early @uhhhhhhh
one thing i am running into when prepping my universal list is there are some films that weren't produced by them but were distributed by them. for example Do The Right Thing. this is one where as far as i can tell, universal was only the distributor. the universal logo does show up at the start of the movie, so i think it would be fair game but not entirely sure.
this as opposed to jurassic park which was actually produced AND distributed by universal. not just like universal buying the distribution rights.
thoughts? i'd say we should probably say anything goes for the sake of simplicity
don’t over think it too much
cause for me i’m using
@early @Uhhhhhh
think we should make a distinction with this verses
these are big distributors and we should leave it to only movies distributed by them
for a produced vz i would think stuff like legendary A24 etc
why not