bro what is the name of that sound/instrument i hear in west coast songs a lot it's like a thump, thud, it has like a crashlike quality to it feels like a drum sometimes
I found something on audioz but I don‘t understand the steps
portable kontakt on rutracker was the only cracked version i got to work but i gave up on using it shortly afterwards and just bought it when i got the money. keeping track of which libraries work with which version kontakt was annoying af
bro what is the name of that sound/instrument i hear in west coast songs a lot it's like a thump, thud, it has like a crashlike quality to it feels like a drum sometimes
stomp? lol
Do any of y’all sing R&B or at least knows of someone that does? I got a hook on a song but I’m looking to work with another artist for it
need somebody to introduce me to some sampling techniques
paulstretch. - clams casino
find the key of your chops and create a composition that way using music theory.
find a sampler that will show you to play your sample like on the keys of a piano with different pitches or notes.
reverse , reverb , flanger
chop a sample, compose chop and repeat until you like the skins that you got.
paulstretch. - clams casino
find the key of your chops and create a composition that way using music theory.
find a sampler that will show you to play your sample like on the keys of a piano with different pitches or notes.
reverse , reverb , flanger
chop a sample, compose chop and repeat until you like the skins that you got.
how do y‘all add chords to samples? I struggle finding the key sometimes
how do y‘all add chords to samples? I struggle finding the key sometimes
usually just sing/play over the sample till I hit the key I'm looking for
usually just sing/play over the sample till I hit the key I'm looking for
so you play til u find the key that sounds the best/most natural?
how do y‘all add chords to samples? I struggle finding the key sometimes
harmonic mixing use audio key chain(website), g tune(vst) for specific notes,
also check if the song is on chordify or hook theory(websites)
Larry June - Six Hustles (QAPT Flip) Recording you have discord?