Yo I’m getting back into production after a while. What are some good free instrument plugins? I got spitfire!
Yo I’m getting back into production after a while. What are some good free instrument plugins? I got spitfire!
Use YouTube.
soothe 2 crack for mac
i know one of you niggas got it. I've got 3 days left on trial. Help!
Do any of y’all sing R&B or at least knows of someone that does? I got a hook on a song but I’m looking to work with another artist for it
What’s up?
Yo I’m getting back into production after a while. What are some good free instrument plugins? I got spitfire!
go here fam 4download.net/1746-arturia-fx-collection-3-for-windows.html
i've downloaded a SHIT TON of stuff from here and can vouch for the quality/safety from the user "4download"
⚠️ FOR LEGAL PURPOSES this post is a uh "insert legal disclaimer and liability waiver here" (be on the safe side and scan each download ) ⚠️
go big i'd rec copping, and by copping i mean illegally downloading
the whole Arturia Collection,
anything from Korg
other good ones
Serum ( MUST have)
Omnisphere (altho i havent tried to download this one yet been on my list )
Anyone on here looked into using rip X.
If not look into the free trial. It might become a must cop
how do y‘all add chords to samples? I struggle finding the key sometimes
Scaler 2 has a function just for this
Anyone on here looked into using rip X.
If not look into the free trial. It might become a must cop
im looking for something that can take the nasal and kind of weird frequencies out of vocals
i find that i dont really need autotune necessarily but i dont like how my voice sounds without it. i like how it almost kind of makes ur voice sound sharper and more compressed
also is rip x any different from rx 8 advanced
im looking for something that can take the nasal and kind of weird frequencies out of vocals
i find that i dont really need autotune necessarily but i dont like how my voice sounds without it. i like how it almost kind of makes ur voice sound sharper and more compressed
also is rip x any different from rx 8 advanced
Straight up I haven't used rx8 or ripx but from what I've seen from both rip X is a lot different in its manipulation of audio.
If your just looking to de ess your vocals rx8 is a cheaper option. And maybe has a more streamlined process to just do that.
Both programs can do what you want but to just do that job I'd stick with rx8
Ripx creative side blows rx8 out the water though
Straight up I haven't used rx8 or ripx but from what I've seen from both rip X is a lot different in its manipulation of audio.
If your just looking to de ess your vocals rx8 is a cheaper option. And maybe has a more streamlined process to just do that.
Both programs can do what you want but to just do that job I'd stick with rx8
Ripx creative side blows rx8 out the water though
!https://youtu.be/gVIcJ1zhrYA!https://youtu.be/-Mhe5zcT1yYimma try melodyne if that doesnt help ill try other stuff
rip x does seem rly dope tho
Scaler 2 has a function just for this
Really? I have Scaler 2 which function are you talking about
I just copped an akai mpc studio
Really? I have Scaler 2 which function are you talking about
You can add your sample to source and it will auto detect chords and suggest keys. 1st one is what tete detecting it as.