  • May 8, 2023
    1 reply

    damn this the best vocal mix i ever done

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    May 9, 2023
    1 reply

    damn this the best vocal mix i ever done

    Any secret sauce to share with the fam?

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    May 9, 2023

    Sending my Moog off for repair, this the only 2nd hand purchase I've ever been burned on

  • May 9, 2023
    1 reply
    1996 BRL

    Any secret sauce to share with the fam?


    I mean really my thing is the recording has to be good obviously, but after that I use standard compression (usually boost vocals quite a bit then set ratio to around 2-3 to handle any quiet parts) melodyne and autotune, some ping pong delay not too strong, reverb bus with harmonizer too (just route main vocals thru this bus), exciter (may not help depending on how u eq and the vocalist/song) and obv eq

    Eqing is the most important part. Changes based on the vocalist but usually it's just dropping lows and some of the mids around 600 then boosting everything above 5000. Then if I still think it could be better I add another eq an maybe cut the mids or boost some highs again

    With a really smooth eq vocal when u add effects like slight flanger or harmonizer
    Etc like effects that make vocals sound cooler it will sound absolutely insane. The delay is also very important to get the vocals smooth. I also would say that the order u use effects in is super important, delay and reverb come last, compression and eq first etc

  • May 9, 2023
    1 reply

    It took me a while to rly start doing this but parallel processing is a must. U don't have to use compression u can literally just route to another bus just to get more thickness and volume to the vocals

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    May 9, 2023
    1 reply


    I mean really my thing is the recording has to be good obviously, but after that I use standard compression (usually boost vocals quite a bit then set ratio to around 2-3 to handle any quiet parts) melodyne and autotune, some ping pong delay not too strong, reverb bus with harmonizer too (just route main vocals thru this bus), exciter (may not help depending on how u eq and the vocalist/song) and obv eq

    Eqing is the most important part. Changes based on the vocalist but usually it's just dropping lows and some of the mids around 600 then boosting everything above 5000. Then if I still think it could be better I add another eq an maybe cut the mids or boost some highs again

    With a really smooth eq vocal when u add effects like slight flanger or harmonizer
    Etc like effects that make vocals sound cooler it will sound absolutely insane. The delay is also very important to get the vocals smooth. I also would say that the order u use effects in is super important, delay and reverb come last, compression and eq first etc

    Appreciated fam

    This is valuable knowledge to share

  • May 9, 2023
    1996 BRL

    Appreciated fam

    This is valuable knowledge to share

    Yea fam np the parallel s*** where u route the vocals to a new track is clutch as f***. U can add effects to these extra channels that would normally make the vocals sound like weird

  • May 10, 2023

    Trying to learn FL is a blast. Been doing it on/off for some time. Anyone did it without guides and vids?

  • May 17, 2023
    1 reply

    It took me a while to rly start doing this but parallel processing is a must. U don't have to use compression u can literally just route to another bus just to get more thickness and volume to the vocals

    Would you be willing to screenshot what this looks like in your daw with how you stack everything? I been getting pretty good sound and fx lately but something’s missing. I can never get my s*** to sound as full as I want and truly lace into the beat on a professional level.

    I’ve been really stuck on it for a minute. I’m not sure if I’m cutting out too much low end on EQ, need better saturation, or am f***ing up with where I place compression in my stack.

  • May 17, 2023

    Would you be willing to screenshot what this looks like in your daw with how you stack everything? I been getting pretty good sound and fx lately but something’s missing. I can never get my s*** to sound as full as I want and truly lace into the beat on a professional level.

    I’ve been really stuck on it for a minute. I’m not sure if I’m cutting out too much low end on EQ, need better saturation, or am f***ing up with where I place compression in my stack.

    I would but tbh every song has a different line up of plugins plus obv if i dont show the settings its not so helpful

    i would say that eqing is the first and last thing i do (actually usually start with compression just to boost volume). i do a basic eq to cut the low mids and low end, then boost highs, this makes the vocals actually listenable, add autotune usually, then usually a slight delay to add depth, then either slight reverb for more depth or an exciter to make the vocals brighter. after this i route to another track for more fullness, i used to put the harmonizer on that track but sometimes that makes the vocals less clear, maybe add a slight phaser or something depending on the track. come back with an eq to lower the mids and lows again.

    not too complex but it gets the job done for the most part, delay and reverb helps with making vocals sound bigger, also like i said adding a harmonizer or phaser to the aux track helps, some people also use reverb tracks instead

    i can listen to the mix u did and give feedback, im no expert tho mostly learned via trial and error

  • May 17, 2023

    ngl i use fruity parametric 2, i have WAY more powerful eq's like sonalksis or fabfilter, but i find that the additional features are like a rabbit hole and its best to just use simple plugins

  • May 17, 2023

    @TylerConan i forgot to mention too, compression is some secret wizardly of vocal mixing i have yet to master, but if u can figure out the balance between boosting and limiting the vocals while retaining dynamics that will work magic. i still often find my vocals are too dynamic or brickwalled

  • May 19, 2023

    was sleepin on ott

  • May 20, 2023

    Someone needs to sample 0:22

  • May 20, 2023
    1 reply

    I'm finding it's better to do sharp deep cuts to remove undesirable frequencies instead of just using broad but less deep dips to suppress problematic frequency regions

  • May 23, 2023
    1 reply

    short n sweet

    Yo dude

  • May 23, 2023
    1 reply
    internet buddy

    Yo dude

    what’s up

  • lil ufo 🛸
    May 23, 2023

    I'm finding it's better to do sharp deep cuts to remove undesirable frequencies instead of just using broad but less deep dips to suppress problematic frequency regions

    low cut preset on the EQ2 on FL is the way to go

  • May 23, 2023

    what’s up

    Do you have ig? You don’t check your discord at all

  • 1996 BRL ✊🏿
    May 23, 2023

    Push (3) does look like a game changer
    Eliminate the need for an interface + the CV for modular/semi modular
    I'm considering selling my Push 2 & MPC Live for it since I don't use my MPC enough & I always export to ableton in the end when I do use it

    The MPE functionality & integration on the Push (3) are almost as impressive as the Osmose, solely because of how deep it is integrated into their software.

    I feel bad for Roger Linn/Linnstrument kinda

  • I need to start producing s***, I have so many cool ideas that come into my head but I have no idea how to make them real. Any tips to get started would be much appreciated

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    ayy i'm trying to start a cool project with someone hmu if interested

    ig : philanthropistx

    Did u ever finish this?

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply
    internet buddy

    Did u ever finish this?

    Sadly no but i'm down to collab!

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    Sadly no but i'm down to collab!

    Do you have a discord?

  • May 30, 2023
    1 reply

    anyone got suggestions on how to write melodies? think i got basic drum patterns down, but don't know anything about melodies and harmony