  • Dec 25, 2023

    bro mad asf on christmas 😭 must have woke up to some COAL

  • BiscuitBaby

    Real s***. Was a joy watching my daughter open her gifts this morning. Took her to a Christmas light show last night too, she was in awe

    This is my sons first Christmas and he’s only 2 months old so still a bit young to get it all but can already feel how special it will be in the coming years

  • Dec 25, 2023
    3 replies

    Real s***. Was a joy watching my daughter open her gifts this morning. Took her to a Christmas light show last night too, she was in awe

    nigga went from opening presents with his daughter to posting on KTT, boy we are cooked

  • lil ufo 🛸
    Dec 25, 2023

    nigga went from opening presents with his daughter to posting on KTT, boy we are cooked

    nothing wrong with that

  • Dec 25, 2023

    Holidays lost their charm for sure. But part of that is cause at least for me, a lot of folks done died

  • Dec 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Halloween and New Year's the only classic holidays that are still hittin tbh

  • Dec 25, 2023

    May Day doesn't mean s*** anymore because the proletariat is cooked

    Labor Day is just May Day for liberals

    MLK Day is diminished by the fact that MLK's legacy has been historically watered down to a shameful degree by the ruling class, even though he is a GOAT

    rest of the holidays are just reddit s***

  • Dec 25, 2023

    holiday season has been so ridiculously commercialized that im beginning to understand why people feel the most depressed during that time of year

    I'm happy today simply because I know we're getting this dogshit out of the way and won't have to deal with it for another 11 months

  • Dec 25, 2023

    nigga went from opening presents with his daughter to posting on KTT, boy we are cooked

  • Dec 25, 2023

    nigga went from opening presents with his daughter to posting on KTT, boy we are cooked

    Your life must suck, wish better for you in the new year champ

  • Dec 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Unironically @op the fact that old tradition don’t resonate with our Gen is the reason holidays are weird now

    It’s our fault

  • Dec 25, 2023
    1 reply

    Unironically @op the fact that old tradition don’t resonate with our Gen is the reason holidays are weird now

    It’s our fault

    read the title again If national holidays are a thing we have to confront reality, the origins of so many things we celebrate are either twisted lies or just flat out not meaningful if you’re not religious so we gotta make new ones or give new meaning collectively

    once again yes you can do whatever you want individually or with your fam but america just becomes more isolated because of that

  • Windmaster

    i feel like u right but the reason we dont have this is cus of "death of monoculture" aka the end product of the complete individualization of western life and the loss of all communal events

  • Dec 25, 2023
    Skinn Foley

    Halloween and New Year's the only classic holidays that are still hittin tbh

    deadass more excited for new years than anything cause there is no lie or illusion to become jaded to other than time

  • Dec 25, 2023

    they’re trying to promote juneteenth as a national holiday instead of just giving us our reparations, it’s cool if people are being educated because of it but baby steps i guess

  • Dec 25, 2023

    Chestertons fence:

    Never get rid of a norm, custom or tradition unless you know exactly what it exists to prevent. Like a fence, you don’t know what it could be keeping out.

    If you investigate and find it was meant to keep out something that is no longer a problem, or something that was never a problem to begin with, proceed and take down the fence.

    If it turns out the fence was put up for good reasons, and those reasons persist, do not remove the fence. Maybe change it, make it easier to pass through by adding gates, or repaint it, but don’t just take it down

  • Dec 25, 2023

    Touch grass

  • Dec 25, 2023
    slime wrld

    read the title again If national holidays are a thing we have to confront reality, the origins of so many things we celebrate are either twisted lies or just flat out not meaningful if you’re not religious so we gotta make new ones or give new meaning collectively

    once again yes you can do whatever you want individually or with your fam but america just becomes more isolated because of that

    I see what you mean now

    Does it matter that much to you tho? Yeah, the history of things are pretty strange but should we stop holidays altogether because of it

  • Shin Chan

    The traditions to follow are the ones you make with your loved ones.

  • Dec 25, 2023
    slime wrld

    nah im in a good mood i just had a


    why i thought the bald guy was zane lowe at first wtf

  • Dec 25, 2023

    anyways i don’t have much of a family + grew up jehovahs witness so i never cared for christmas that much, that said its sad that this country is so cooked that many ppl just aren’t into the christmas spirit anymore

  • Dec 25, 2023
    Hurry Up Mission

    This ain’t Christmas anymore to me, Dec 25th is National WLR Day

  • Dec 26, 2023
    1 reply

    Fr tbh. Feel so forced to have to spend time with family on Christmas

  • WINTER 🌨️
    Dec 26, 2023

    bro mad asf on christmas 😭 must have woke up to some COAL


  • WINTER 🌨️
    Dec 26, 2023
    goodkid mAAdposter

    Fr tbh. Feel so forced to have to spend time with family on Christmas