  • Dec 26, 2023
    2 replies

    Discarding tradition is how society falls to the state we are in

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Dec 26, 2023
    1 reply

    I love the holidays but this is the most depressed I’ve ever been on Christmas Day

  • Dec 26, 2023

    Christmas is magical again once you have kids

    Not if you’re broke

  • Dec 26, 2023
    1 reply
    AK Fresh

    Discarding tradition is how society falls to the state we are in

    I never said discard traditions i’m suggesting we fix it by making new ones that resonate with people of today, most holidays people only see as a day off of work or school

    btw yall remember columbus day?

  • Dec 26, 2023
    1 reply

    I love the holidays but this is the most depressed I’ve ever been on Christmas Day

    What’s wrong fam? Why you depressed

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    Dec 26, 2023
    2 replies

    What’s wrong fam? Why you depressed

    Financial and living stress, family has grown significantly smaller, the aura was just overwhelmingly negative this year. I slept the entire day. I hate I reached this far with no kids, probably won’t have any, and my nephews and niece are growing up. Lonely af. Scared about my health and dying. Just no good vibes for me atm

  • Dec 26, 2023
    1 reply

    speak for yourself christmas is a great wholesome time for me

    Always some lame projection going on

  • Dec 26, 2023

    Always some lame projection going on

    right? and the guys talking about religious ones our age as if i wasn’t talking to a guy at church our age who i barely see say even tho life gets crazy christmas makes him feel good. if you wanna go somewhere where christmas is cooked go to the middle east where it’s looked down on to celebrate it in some places

  • Dec 26, 2023

    Financial and living stress, family has grown significantly smaller, the aura was just overwhelmingly negative this year. I slept the entire day. I hate I reached this far with no kids, probably won’t have any, and my nephews and niece are growing up. Lonely af. Scared about my health and dying. Just no good vibes for me atm

    Damn I don’t think there’s any advice that can fix all your problems. Try to be around the family you do have as much as possible. I’ve been in the spot, sleeping days away it’s a good cope for the moment but will only make you feel worse later on when you see what you missed out on.

    Focus on being with your people and getting you money right by any mean necessary. Small steps. When I was down bad my first step toward financial freedom was to simply cut unnecessary subscriptions and stop paying overdrafts fees. Take small steps and don’t let yourself waste away in your bed.

  • Dec 26, 2023

    I felt obligated to attend my in-house workplace Christmas party cause I was new....shit cost $10

    ...and the best food they could bring was some grocery store chicken and Chinese take-out.

    ...and on top of that...the only drinks they had was canned soda. How you have a gathering to eat with no bottles of water?

    They hate y’all

  • Dec 26, 2023
    AK Fresh

    Discarding tradition is how society falls to the state we are in

    True, but somehow people don’t understand traditional values.

    This is a subject. i regularly think about

  • Dec 26, 2023

    Need a s***holiday

  • Dec 26, 2023

    why is everyone in this section a depressed loser

  • Dec 26, 2023
    1 reply
    slime wrld

    I never said discard traditions i’m suggesting we fix it by making new ones that resonate with people of today, most holidays people only see as a day off of work or school

    btw yall remember columbus day?

    Yea we should have a holiday where you share your wife or one where get on your knees and pray to Israel and Ukraine for 7 hours.

  • Dec 26, 2023

    We need to start sacrificing people each year again

  • Enes

    New tradition when your daughter marries a chad from her school he has to listen to sped up nightcore fukumean for 24 hours to get the validation from you

    This but with Rockefeller street

  • Dec 26, 2023

    Idk but i’m seeing ads in the middle of threads and it is annoying

  • Dec 26, 2023

    Financial and living stress, family has grown significantly smaller, the aura was just overwhelmingly negative this year. I slept the entire day. I hate I reached this far with no kids, probably won’t have any, and my nephews and niece are growing up. Lonely af. Scared about my health and dying. Just no good vibes for me atm

    i'll say this, christmas 2020 i was freshly laid off, some friends and family that passed away recently and i was really feeling the isolation of covid at that time because of the seasons and everything at a time when i had some health complications that made things less easy for me. i wasn't who i wanted to be at that time and felt like a failure and i wasn't really talking to anyone i felt so alone and like life was just going and i felt standing still in this time lapse of life. there are things outside of our control which we have to accept but there are things completely within our control that if we work everyday we can change. since that really dark time in my life i feel like personal relationships are a lot of stronger and i feel i have a good group of people around me i'm far away from that guy in 2020.
    so what i'm saying is take step back and kinda write down what you're down about and what you wish was better and see what you can about it chances are everyday you can make improvements and inch towards being where you wanna be

  • Dec 26, 2023

    Yea we should have a holiday where you share your wife or one where get on your knees and pray to Israel and Ukraine for 7 hours.