Like what basic f***ing s*** is this
“I went to starbucks i had a cold brew, thats when i laid eyes on you”
S*** ABC music
Terrible artist
So youre ignoring every metric of Taylor Swift?
So youre ignoring every metric of every big modern star that have also broke records?
No jackass im talking again from my "limited wondow" of the few younger people in my life and being on tiktok, youtube and other platforms that are from these people.
Where did i say MJ is not popular? Dumbass.
I said THEY dont care about rules of yesteryear. They dont give af about mystique. And yeah MJ being a "pedo" is a trend that pops up on social media frequently with "cancelations". Sorry if that upsets, but its a character assassination that sticks pretty well even with older people. You should know that.
Oh wow because of "some ktt user" that didnt even s*** on popularity just optic. Funny you or "yall" only validate performance when its an artist you like LOL. Again ignoring everyone else.
Nowhere did i say anything about MJ popularity, I was saying his & other artists "mystique" & reverence that USED TO BE a "big deal/rule" is not taken the same anymore.
No, you sit this one out with your emotional ass & go actually talk to people.
bro when r yall gonna realize that these records and metrics now don’t mean s*** compared to the pre streaming era
So youre ignoring every metric of Taylor Swift?
So youre ignoring every metric of every big modern star that have also broke records?
No jackass im talking again from my "limited wondow" of the few younger people in my life and being on tiktok, youtube and other platforms that are from these people.
Where did i say MJ is not popular? Dumbass.
I said THEY dont care about rules of yesteryear. They dont give af about mystique. And yeah MJ being a "pedo" is a trend that pops up on social media frequently with "cancelations". Sorry if that upsets, but its a character assassination that sticks pretty well even with older people. You should know that.
Oh wow because of "some ktt user" that didnt even s*** on popularity just optic. Funny you or "yall" only validate performance when its an artist you like LOL. Again ignoring everyone else.
Nowhere did i say anything about MJ popularity, I was saying his & other artists "mystique" & reverence that USED TO BE a "big deal/rule" is not taken the same anymore.
No, you sit this one out with your emotional ass & go actually talk to people.
I don't give a s*** about TS.
You said they don't care for MJ. That's factually not true.
Not interested in any of the other s***. Cry about it elsewhere
And no, before someone brings up "MJ/beatles is played by everyone"
Beatles "no one" gives a f*** about in the black community overall. Dont lie to me lol. Which could be your Taylor equate.
While Drake could be your "everyone loves" equate similar to like a MJ.
Point is the rules & adoration is not the same today & just because "we" dont understand or accept the "new" rules and adoration today doesnt mean it doesnt exist lol.
Just because your momma wasnt bumping taylor swift while you were in the basket 10 to 30 years ago doesnt mean its not their for the today generation. It is part of their enviorment, "mythos" & upgringing & they also have sales, popularity, record breaking & worldwide fans to go along with it as well.
Some artists are in specific demos, some are my crossover, but the fact still remains the same.
What you consider a "superstar" does not translate.
Most of it is goal post moving & abstract talking anyways, because the people we"re talking about specifically DO have the number, accolades AND PEOPLE
I don't give a s*** about TS.
You said they don't care for MJ. That's factually not true.
Not interested in any of the other s***. Cry about it elsewhere
Oh so youre a dumbass thay cant read and dont even know the actual topic. It must be exhausting for you to keyboard defend a myth that a lot of people believe and ruins his kegacy. I understand why youre tired.
Learn to read words instead of just numbers.
And again, i didnt say no one didnt care about him you illiterate. I said the pedo accusations grow with them and THEY dont care how YOU FEEL.
And no, before someone brings up "MJ/beatles is played by everyone"
Beatles "no one" gives a f*** about in the black community overall. Dont lie to me lol. Which could be your Taylor equate.
While Drake could be your "everyone loves" equate similar to like a MJ.
Point is the rules & adoration is not the same today & just because "we" dont understand or accept the "new" rules and adoration today doesnt mean it doesnt exist lol.
Just because your momma wasnt bumping taylor swift while you were in the basket 10 to 30 years ago doesnt mean its not their for the today generation. It is part of their enviorment, "mythos" & upgringing & they also have sales, popularity, record breaking & worldwide fans to go along with it as well.
Some artists are in specific demos, some are my crossover, but the fact still remains the same.
What you consider a "superstar" does not translate.
Most of it is goal post moving & abstract talking anyways, because the people we"re talking about specifically DO have the number, accolades AND PEOPLE
the beatles were and are still big around the world
Like what basic f***ing s*** is this
“I went to starbucks i had a cold brew, thats when i laid eyes on you”
S*** ABC music
never listened to her, this cant be real dogg 😂😂😂
And no, before someone brings up "MJ/beatles is played by everyone"
Beatles "no one" gives a f*** about in the black community overall. Dont lie to me lol. Which could be your Taylor equate.
While Drake could be your "everyone loves" equate similar to like a MJ.
Point is the rules & adoration is not the same today & just because "we" dont understand or accept the "new" rules and adoration today doesnt mean it doesnt exist lol.
Just because your momma wasnt bumping taylor swift while you were in the basket 10 to 30 years ago doesnt mean its not their for the today generation. It is part of their enviorment, "mythos" & upgringing & they also have sales, popularity, record breaking & worldwide fans to go along with it as well.
Some artists are in specific demos, some are my crossover, but the fact still remains the same.
What you consider a "superstar" does not translate.
Most of it is goal post moving & abstract talking anyways, because the people we"re talking about specifically DO have the number, accolades AND PEOPLE
ngl you’re just waffling man
the beatles were and are still big around the world
Blud acting like legacy and records that reached/reach the world just went out the window cause some kids don’t appreciate music
None of her songs have an everlasting impact when compare to MJ and The Beatles. Only to her stans I suppose.
None of her songs have an everlasting impact when compare to MJ and The Beatles. Only to her stans I suppose.
Brings me no joy to say this, but in 20 years, Shake It Off will be more well known than any Beatles song
None of her songs have an everlasting impact when compare to MJ and The Beatles. Only to her stans I suppose.
this is bullshit lol
Taylor's demographic is white teenage girls, if she doesn't go broader than that she can never reach MJ or Beatles level.
Brings me no joy to say this, but in 20 years, Shake It Off will be more well known than any Beatles song
People say The Beatles sound dusty, guarantee Shake It Off and most her other hits will age like milk
Brings me no joy to say this, but in 20 years, Shake It Off will be more well known than any Beatles song
This is not a serious post