Taylor's demographic is white teenage girls, if she doesn't go broader than that she can never reach MJ or Beatles level.
There must be a lot of white girls in Singapore because she will play 6 stadium dates there next month
Brings me no joy to say this, but in 20 years, Shake It Off will be more well known than any Beatles song
I love Taylor but nah man. I actually think Taylor's biggest problem is her impact doesn't last. Some of my favorite songs of her like IKYWT and Wildest Dreams are already sounding extremely dated. S*** her worst singles like Bad Blood are unbearable and it's only 10 years old. That's one thing about Taylor, her production is very trendy and in the moment. Timeless sounding hits like The Beatles and MJ are rare
find me one cool picture of taylor swift
I'd post some but the mods banned AI pictures when Taylor hit S with a cease and desist
I'd post some but the mods banned AI pictures when Taylor hit S with a cease and desist
you're a f***ing creep dont post that s***
You asked for it
if you think that AI s*** is cool then you gotta touch some grass
ngl you’re just waffling man
Not my fault people bring up the same point or question just in a different way again and again
That post specifically was a general response to other quote arguments i got i was bout to respond to before the #1 MJ saver got feelings during a speed read that derailed it
There’s kids in Africa still dancing to MJ music trying to go viral, she will never have that type of impact
if you think that AI s*** is cool then you gotta touch some grass
The future is now. AI partners are in
Honestly make more rhythmically driven hits in minor keys. Just cooler sounding songs period, like as a fan I gotta admit her s*** don’t sound swaggy or cool like MJ or The Beatles. She’s got everything else in her favor perception wise to be in that tier
Her fans can’t dance
This is not a serious post
Time passes. If you polled people under 25 I bet it would already be the case. You don’t think a certain age group knows Shake It Off more than the Beatles hits?
When I was younger The Three Stooges were still a household name and every one even my age knew them by name. That’s not the case anymore. Same will happen to the Beatles eventually.
Getting into their music is still kind of a rite of passage for music nerds but in the world of casual listeners and young people, yes Shake It Off will stick around longer in the public consciousness. I know y’all think everything I say is a hot take but this is just kind of obvious. Think about what media will actually look like in 20 years.
There’s kids in Africa still dancing to MJ music trying to go viral, she will never have that type of impact
Exactly. She can have twice the numbers (barely counts in the streaming era lol) but at the end of the day the only Taylor song swift I can name is bad blood
drop a classic
The future is now. AI partners are in
everything abt this post is pathetic
The Beatles and MJ could never make Blank Space or All Too Well
I’d say she’s already surpassed them
damn so yall think taylor ain’t got no classics or anything huh? i don’t even like her like that but i can still admit she got some slappers
I love Taylor but nah man. I actually think Taylor's biggest problem is her impact doesn't last. Some of my favorite songs of her like IKYWT and Wildest Dreams are already sounding extremely dated. S*** her worst singles like Bad Blood are unbearable and it's only 10 years old. That's one thing about Taylor, her production is very trendy and in the moment. Timeless sounding hits like The Beatles and MJ are rare
Shake It Off is probably one of the most universally known songs today though. If you walk up to a random person under 30 you can guarantee they know Shake It Off, you can’t guarantee they know the Beatles like that