  • Feb 25, 2024

    Kanye, Beatles and MJ

    Everyone else

  • Feb 25, 2024
    The Darkest Angel

    I don't think this will be true.There's something going on behind the scenes. We're going to see a massive push in older music now that all the big catalogs are being sold off for 100 millions and more. Whether we like it or not The Beatles and s*** will be shoved down our throats. I don't know about MJ because Sony and his estate share it 50/50 but his fans are dedicated enough to keep it alive and lucrative

    They gonna try that for sure but I could see it failing and being just a music nerd thing. Good point though you could be right

    Everything seems to be leaning towards modern so it’s just hard to see the new generations really keeping listening to some very old fashioned music, even in its sonics and recording

  • Feb 25, 2024

    if Taylor was “cool” it would damage her appeal anyways

    she’s more relatable than someone like Amy Winehouse who had natural drip that most yt girls do not possess tbh

    This is true too. It’s kinda paradoxical cause on one hand she got to that tier but isn’t given it fully because she doesn’t make cool music; on the other hand being uncool is part of why she’s in that tier in the first place

  • Feb 25, 2024
    1 reply

    I don’t even care about Taylor but this site is so delusional when it comes to her

    This hoe just grossed 1 billion with the FIRST LEG of her tour

    Just accept she’s very popular. And no, not just with “white girls” – this is a very US centric take, the rest of the world doesn’t function like this

  • Feb 25, 2024
    1 reply
    paradise valley

    Elvis was big with everyone in the 50s-60s

    Did you not see the Elvis movie? That is absolutely not true

  • Feb 25, 2024
    2 replies

    Within 30 years I don’t think The Beatles or any 20th century acts will be remembered much at all. The legacies of older acts is dwindling. when the tiktok generation are the majority of adults, nothing from before this era will be remembered. History has become less important to society, so we will see history being preserved and remembered much less

    Welp, the Beatles have not released an album for 50+ years and newer white artists are still being compared to them and saying they are hugely inspired by them
    And many teenage kids go through a Beatles phase at some point

  • Feb 25, 2024
    1 reply
    · edited

    Welp, the Beatles have not released an album for 50+ years and newer white artists are still being compared to them and saying they are hugely inspired by them
    And many teenage kids go through a Beatles phase at some point

    Yeah for sure. In 20-30 years I see that becoming less common though.

    The Kanye phase will replace the Beatles phase in that sense

  • americana

    And Amy is a superlative example

    The white indie shorties are cooler than Taylor swift too

    Charlotte Day Wilson, Alina Baraz, Phoebe BRIDGERS (WAS), Alice Glass, Kacey Musgraves, Lana, Lorde,

    Taylor Swift is the antithesis of cool, in that her cultural product is not presented as something desirable, forward thinking, or divisive

    I think instead she is a product thats meant to be comforting and self-validating especially to America’s suburban crackerettes

    michael jackson buying out the whole grocery store so the nigga can shop by himself is more human/ less manufactured than anything taylor swift has done

  • Feb 25, 2024
    1 reply
    paradise valley

    Elvis was big with everyone in the 50s-60s

    Massive Elvis fan but this is not the case. Everybody but his biggest stans had written him off before his miraculous late 60s comeback.

  • internet buddy

    Did you not see the Elvis movie? That is absolutely not true

    older conservative people didn’t like him because of all the sexual stuff and because of race, etc

    but yes, he was very popular in general in the US and globally, not just with American girls

  • Feb 25, 2024
    1 reply

    What about today?

    That’s an interesting choice, because if 20 year olds today know Shake It Off better (I assume you implied that based on your post) that means in 20 more years, that 40 year olds will know it better, and their kids will follow suit.

    You said only 20 years from now, not right at this present moment. And even if this hypothetical was to happen right now, I’m sure I could bag a million by humming Hey Jude or Here Comes The Sun. Everyone and their moms knows those songs.

    The idea that you think Taylor will have a song bigger then the biggest band of all time in twenty years, when The Beatles have been broken up 4x as long as she’s even been a recording artist and yet have people still comparing them when it comes to the “biggest” tells me that the only one who really comes close to their success is MJ in the 80s.

    When Taylor starts making music that appeals for more than a large select group of people, then the discussion can be taken seriously.

  • Feb 25, 2024

    Not everyone


    Elvis is only celebrated amongst White America

  • Feb 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Massive Elvis fan but this is not the case. Everybody but his biggest stans had written him off before his miraculous late 60s comeback.

    in the 50s before the Hollywood era?

  • Feb 25, 2024
    5 replies

    You said only 20 years from now, not right at this present moment. And even if this hypothetical was to happen right now, I’m sure I could bag a million by humming Hey Jude or Here Comes The Sun. Everyone and their moms knows those songs.

    The idea that you think Taylor will have a song bigger then the biggest band of all time in twenty years, when The Beatles have been broken up 4x as long as she’s even been a recording artist and yet have people still comparing them when it comes to the “biggest” tells me that the only one who really comes close to their success is MJ in the 80s.

    When Taylor starts making music that appeals for more than a large select group of people, then the discussion can be taken seriously.

    Shake It Off is pretty big fam. I think you could make an argument that’s the most well known song in existence today, at least in a 40 and under demographic

    It gets quoted constantly throughout culture

  • Feb 25, 2024
    1 reply
    paradise valley

    in the 50s before the Hollywood era?

    He lost a s***load of cred when he joined the military in 58. Then spent three quarters of the 60s doing garbage movies and soundtracks that nobody liked but the stans. Then he had the best comeback of all time, but that didn't last long and he was pretty uncool in the 70s again.

  • Feb 25, 2024
  • Feb 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Shake It Off is pretty big fam. I think you could make an argument that’s the most well known song in existence today, at least in a 40 and under demographic

    It gets quoted constantly throughout culture

    I won’t sit here and deny Shake It Off is a massive song, but the biggest song of all time in the 40 and under demographic? Cmon man you’re overestimating that songs popularity when there’s a good few songs last decade that could’ve been argued as just as big.

  • Feb 25, 2024

    Yeah for sure. In 20-30 years I see that becoming less common though.

    The Kanye phase will replace the Beatles phase in that sense

    the Kanye phases 50+ years from now is gonna be crazy

  • Elric

    He lost a s***load of cred when he joined the military in 58. Then spent three quarters of the 60s doing garbage movies and soundtracks that nobody liked but the stans. Then he had the best comeback of all time, but that didn't last long and he was pretty uncool in the 70s again.

    that phase starting with the ‘68 comeback until the Hawaii concert in 1973 is legendary

  • Feb 25, 2024

    I’d say never post again

    Crine u mad as s***

    Just make like Taylor Swift and shake shake shake it off

  • Feb 25, 2024
    · edited

    Welp, the Beatles have not released an album for 50+ years and newer white artists are still being compared to them and saying they are hugely inspired by them
    And many teenage kids go through a Beatles phase at some point

    Not only that, but with The Beatles movies coming out in a few years, you’re about to see a whole new generation of kids exposed to their music and becoming fans, even if only casually.

  • Feb 25, 2024

    I’d say never post again


  • Feb 25, 2024
    1 reply

    Shake It Off is pretty big fam. I think you could make an argument that’s the most well known song in existence today, at least in a 40 and under demographic

    It gets quoted constantly throughout culture

    I think it could make the top 5 if you only look at the past 10 years but Old Town Road, God's Plan, Sunflower are bigger if we're look at the numbers and all had a huge social media presence that Shake It Off didn't have even at it's peak. I'd compare it more to Work where it was big on charts but not much outside of that. It's definitely not a phenomenon like Gangnam Style or Uptown Funk was either

  • Feb 25, 2024


    Taylor swift is successful, her music is conventionally coherent, she is impactful, she is culturally relevant. There’s no doubt

    But the caveat is her cultural product is rooted in the “smol bean” suburbanite white woman who self-victimizes because they’ve somehow blinded themselves to everything in the world except their own satisfactions

    On one hand, this cultural demographic is the largest in America rn, it’s also the easiest to make money off of because they have no radical political aspirations and a lot of disposable income so there’s really no need to appeal to any precarious social angles. They also have no identity so they can latch onto a product easily (Stanley cups)

    The latter plays into the flip side of this demographic being the most culturally destitute, possibly in the world. So whatever’s being made to cater to them has to be constructed out of whatever barebones identity they possess, which is, once again, jaded high school relationships, self-pity, and ukelele jingles

    That s*** is not cool and the day that we stop focusing on the quantity of popularity and the quality, we will realise that Taylor swift is basically americas biggest cultural con artist

  • Feb 25, 2024
    2 replies

    Shake It Off is pretty big fam. I think you could make an argument that’s the most well known song in existence today, at least in a 40 and under demographic

    It gets quoted constantly throughout culture

    Maybe but the Beatles had like 30 Shake It Offs
