Knew as soon as I heard that high pitch bell that these corny ass production companies use to introduce the setting that it was over. Golly I hate live action
I was excited for a first look, considering that Oda himself approved the project, but man..
yeah i knew he was quite involved but that never meant much to me tbh
if oda's happy with it then cool but i don't think this was ever gonna work
As one piece should
One Piece is inherently goofy, that's why translating into live action is a WILD ass idea - and the results are goofy, but in a different sense.
I know I'm basing this off a two minute trailer but I feel like they didn't really capture Luffy
F*** netflix and live action adaptations
D: If the setting of One Piece were the real world, what would the nationalities of the nine members of the Straw Hat Pirates be?
O: Hmm, well, just going off of their appearance:
Luffy (Brazil)
Zoro (Japan)
Nami (Sweden)
Usopp (Africa)
Sanji (France)
Chopper (Canada)
Robin (Russia)
Franky (America)
Brook (Austria)
Mans really said “Africa” like it’s a country man lol even Oda be on some ignorant s***
When they gonna learn anime almost never translates well to live action. S*** looks like cosplay
This was an unneeded adaptation though. Reanimating the earlier episodes so that they’re a higher quality would’ve been money better spent
Also minor nitpick but I hate that they pointed out the the characters call out their attacks they should know by now that fans will just roll with it
I know I'm basing this off a two minute trailer but I feel like they didn't really capture Luffy
When they gonna learn anime almost never translates well to live action. S*** looks like cosplay
Lmao for real
It really isn't that hard to choose an anime that translates well to live-action. Really got no clue why these companies insist on throwing away their money choosing the most difficult s*** possible.
It really isn't that hard to choose an anime that translates well to live-action. Really got no clue why these companies insist on throwing away their money choosing the most difficult s*** possible.
Right do some s*** like a rom com or something instead of DBZ and one piece where niggas have literally the most absurd stuff happening
I think it seriously looks good . I had zero expectations
Same lol ktt2 miserable af tho