I like that type of comedy if the actual gag is funny.
!https://youtu.be/kohraW3rj3M?si=h8VTIabHaMvNEV_ZLmfao this s*** was killing me too
But fr, am I really the only one who found that bit funny
Lmfao this s*** was killing me too
But fr, am I really the only one who found that bit funny
nah im with you on that bit lol i was so tired of Sanji by then but they still got me
@Speak @rhinocerosbeetle @Sir_Swagalot
ok you've all convinced me to just start it
idk why i didn't notice the parallels until reading your messages, but i recently started Dragon Ball Z for the first time (well Kai) and it's changing my life it's so good, lmao.
A few years ago I started the Dragon Ball anime but couldn't get into it and watching DBZ I felt like I was missing context at times so I decided to read the manga.
i'm also trying to get back into reading books so reading the manga at a faster pace than a regular book made it easier for my cooked attention span.
all of this to say if i'm doing it for DBZ and enjoying it a lot, i can do the same for One Piece
plus i lowkey love older anime art styles. stuff like Demon Slayer is gorgeous but it's too smooth and perfect, and is missing that uniqueness of older traditional a***og animation.
@Speak @rhinocerosbeetle @Sir_Swagalot
ok you've all convinced me to just start it
idk why i didn't notice the parallels until reading your messages, but i recently started Dragon Ball Z for the first time (well Kai) and it's changing my life it's so good, lmao.
A few years ago I started the Dragon Ball anime but couldn't get into it and watching DBZ I felt like I was missing context at times so I decided to read the manga.
i'm also trying to get back into reading books so reading the manga at a faster pace than a regular book made it easier for my cooked attention span.
all of this to say if i'm doing it for DBZ and enjoying it a lot, i can do the same for One Piece
plus i lowkey love older anime art styles. stuff like Demon Slayer is gorgeous but it's too smooth and perfect, and is missing that uniqueness of older traditional a***og animation.
You will not regret it, that’s all I can say.
@Speak @rhinocerosbeetle @Sir_Swagalot
ok you've all convinced me to just start it
idk why i didn't notice the parallels until reading your messages, but i recently started Dragon Ball Z for the first time (well Kai) and it's changing my life it's so good, lmao.
A few years ago I started the Dragon Ball anime but couldn't get into it and watching DBZ I felt like I was missing context at times so I decided to read the manga.
i'm also trying to get back into reading books so reading the manga at a faster pace than a regular book made it easier for my cooked attention span.
all of this to say if i'm doing it for DBZ and enjoying it a lot, i can do the same for One Piece
plus i lowkey love older anime art styles. stuff like Demon Slayer is gorgeous but it's too smooth and perfect, and is missing that uniqueness of older traditional a***og animation.
btw, great choice with the OG Dragon Ball manga. used to read them when i was a kid so i don’t remember everything, but i do remember enjoying it more than the anime just because it moves along so much faster (plus the art is amazing)
Choppers new design is a downgrade. I also prefer robins pre time skip design. Still not sure how I feel about Franky’s new look
Everyone else looks good
btw, great choice with the OG Dragon Ball manga. used to read them when i was a kid so i don’t remember everything, but i do remember enjoying it more than the anime just because it moves along so much faster (plus the art is amazing)
I've always respected Toriyama, but I lowkey wasn't a fan of his artwork / DBZ artwork. But reading the OG Dragon Ball manga made me do a 180. Something about seeing it in black and white, with all the little details made me like it and appreciate it more when seeing it animated. It's more charming somehow.
The manga itself is also pretty funny in a goofy way, which I wasn't expecting but definitely enjoy.
Choppers new design is a downgrade. I also prefer robins pre time skip design. Still not sure how I feel about Franky’s new look
Everyone else looks good
they got Robin picking fits out of Nami's closet post-timeskip smh
Great read, unbelievably talented
Why my TL been whole day up in flames about Yamato's gender when it was insanely obvious that she's a woman and not trans?
Why my TL been whole day up in flames about Yamato's gender when it was insanely obvious that she's a woman and not trans?
Some people just want to fight over the same nothing again and again to fight over it
Also probably don't have that much range in understanding gender either
Why my TL been whole day up in flames about Yamato's gender when it was insanely obvious that she's a woman and not trans?
Oda should've never let that s*** go on for so long lmao and it was always obvious that yamato is a woman, people just wanna be extra
Why my TL been whole day up in flames about Yamato's gender when it was insanely obvious that she's a woman and not trans?
People just want things to complain about
In the EXACT SAME ARC we have a confirmed trans woman character in Kiku so it was easy to see the differences between the two. Yamato isn't trans, she is a woman inspired by her idol, Oden, who just so happened to be a man. The only time she mentioned being a man was when saying that ODEN was a man.
Imu pulled a tony soprano on saturn hoe ass
If Garling gets Saturn’s job, who gets Garling’s old job?
Shanks twin obviously
Lmao wait Frankie's dad is Queen ??? According to the Vivre card
That's f***ing so dumb, that's so silly