  • Jul 23, 2023
    5 replies

    Is it me or for like half the movie I thought Jason Clarke was Matthew Perry

  • Jul 23, 2023

    I must say one thing I didn’t really get from the film was why Oppenheimer is seen as the inventor of the atomic bomb, seems like that 1938 invention was detrimental and it was more the team he commanded that did had the breakthroughs after. It’s not really like he was Einstein coming up with the groundbreaking work sitting and thinking in his room all day and having Eureka moments. Feel like it was more that he got control of the team cus he was the most renowned quantum physicist from his time (because of other discoveries). Maybe there is something I didn’t understand or overlooked in the movie, but it seems like he getting a little too much credit for it.

    I mean, that’s how all scientific progress is made. It’s a collaborative process that builds on what was done in the past and communications with what others are doing at the present time. The same could be said about how history progresses. Any ‘Great Man’ we think of in history is not independent from the time they are born in and the massive political, economic, social (etc.) trends, forces, and attitudes at play during their lives.

    It’s kinda why I disagree with Oppenheimer being tagged in promos as “the most important man who ever lived” because generally I don’t think that’s how history works. If it wasn’t him, it would’ve been someone else. I think the movie makes makes this evident through Groves and the amorphous military in the background throughout, emphasizing that this was happening with or without Oppie.

  • Jul 23, 2023

    Is it me or for like half the movie I thought Jason Clarke was Matthew Perry

    Lol cause same

  • Jul 23, 2023

    Is it me or for like half the movie I thought Jason Clarke was Matthew Perry

    you telling me that wasn't Matthew Perry fr?

  • Jul 23, 2023
    1 reply
    rise zero

    Is that not true for every country and world leader?

    Oh I’m sure, but I’m American and know Americans and our history

    but yeah I mean ‘The Act of Killing’ on Hulu shows this well elsewhere in the world. The 1965 genociders of communists in Indonesia are still very much in charge today and remain totally proud at what they had done, joyously retelling tales of torture and murder, while being plagued by literal nightmares and eventually breaking down in tearful guilt-ridden regret.

    Idk I’m just fascinated by this human psychological need to dismiss or justify evil that has been done (personally or by your country) that benefits you, and instead morphing it into a point of pride as a coping mechanism

  • Jul 23, 2023

    Is it me or for like half the movie I thought Jason Clarke was Matthew Perry

    That’s who he reminded me of couldn’t put a name to it

  • Jul 23, 2023

    I think in one of the cuts you see hands with black gloves. And then in another you see her do it herself.

    yep i picked up on that too...i havent seen many people talk about this maybe because the cut was so fast

  • Jul 23, 2023

    I think in one of the cuts you see hands with black gloves. And then in another you see her do it herself.

    You do he’s referencing the theory that she was killed

  • Jul 23, 2023

    Oh I’m sure, but I’m American and know Americans and our history

    but yeah I mean ‘The Act of Killing’ on Hulu shows this well elsewhere in the world. The 1965 genociders of communists in Indonesia are still very much in charge today and remain totally proud at what they had done, joyously retelling tales of torture and murder, while being plagued by literal nightmares and eventually breaking down in tearful guilt-ridden regret.

    Idk I’m just fascinated by this human psychological need to dismiss or justify evil that has been done (personally or by your country) that benefits you, and instead morphing it into a point of pride as a coping mechanism

    The act of killing respect lol I mentioned it in the other thread too I hope more watch things like that

  • Jul 23, 2023
    2 replies

    i've been sitting with this movie for a couple days and yeah it's still a 10 the best movie i've seen since once upon a time in hollywood fs

  • Sir Swagalot

    i've been sitting with this movie for a couple days and yeah it's still a 10 the best movie i've seen since once upon a time in hollywood fs


  • Jul 23, 2023

    Plenty of poignancy in the film obviously, but the part when Einstein explains to Oppenheimer how they’ll rehabilitate his image and give him awards, but it won’t be for him, it’ll be for them. Just sad stuff.

    I think this is something that happens often in America. A lot of people (both just regular folks and politicians) feel some immense guilt (or just know it was categorically a mistake) with regard to rapacious violence done by our country to others - Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, et cetera. It faces vocal backlash initially but gets papered over with rehabilitations, praise, awards, movies/tv (!) in order to move past it and alleviate any guilt or sense of wrongdoing.

    Just brings to mind how Bush is still getting paid to do speeches and Obama does podcasts with Bruce Springsteen even though they’re war criminals who wrought unfathomable violence on civilians in the Middle East.

    I think the takeaway of the scene is that America is a psychologically sick country that is, as of yet, unable to healthily confront its sins

    That’s kind of true, but on the other hand that’s the big man’s game in the end. I couldn’t tell you a single big world leader in history that doesn’t have blood on his hands in some type of way. It has more to do with the extreme positions these people are in than with the people themselves. I think it’s way too simplistic to think all the people you mentioned are inherently war criminals or some kind of ‘evil’, something that in my opinion is way too often said these days. It’s simply unimaginable for the average joe to make decisions that impact the lives of millions. Not saying Bush and Obama are some all benevolent beings tho and not saying there aren’t some straight up evil people in power. I just think it’s very easy for people who will never have to make decisions of those magnitudes to feel self righteous and point fingers to the ones that have to make them. You have to have people that make decisions like that. I know these views maybe kind of controversial. And I feel like it’s pretty opposite to your world view. Also I know there’s a lot more nuance to this than I wrote in this post.

  • Jul 23, 2023
    1 reply

    The world didn’t have to tell me s***

    Interstellar is still the greatest cinematic experience I’ve ever had in theatres

    I’m sorry you’re too uneducated to realize it’s greatness. Then on top of that you also think Oppenheimer is bad

    Stick to marvel and DC

    Naw I said it was my least favorite Nolan. Never said this or Interstellar are bad films. I just have a preference you disagree with

    But again I don’t expect a non New England native that supports the Patriots to have any type of original or nuanced opinion on anything


  • Jul 23, 2023
    1 reply


  • Jul 23, 2023
    1 reply

    Naw I said it was my least favorite Nolan. Never said this or Interstellar are bad films. I just have a preference you disagree with

    But again I don’t expect a non New England native that supports the Patriots to have any type of original or nuanced opinion on anything


    Yes a lifelong non New England fan that is still a New England fan rather than bandwagoning away after brady left

    How on earth do you not see how stupid you are for trying to clown me on that.

    Saying these two were your least favourite indicates you didn’t like them as much as other which indicates you have issues with them. You see what I’m getting it?

    Also I’ve never seen you in sports section so shut the f*** up about sports when you clearly don’t know s***

  • Jul 23, 2023
    1 reply

    Yes a lifelong non New England fan that is still a New England fan rather than bandwagoning away after brady left

    How on earth do you not see how stupid you are for trying to clown me on that.

    Saying these two were your least favourite indicates you didn’t like them as much as other which indicates you have issues with them. You see what I’m getting it?

    Also I’ve never seen you in sports section so shut the f*** up about sports when you clearly don’t know s***

    You became a fan under Brady dynasty. The easiest team to latch onto in the NFL for over a decade. I don’t respect any of your opinions off that alone

    Both movies are fine they just aren’t great to me like The Dark Knight. You got sensitive over my preference 🤣

  • Jul 23, 2023

    tbh i loved the way they hyped the einstein convo like marvel would tease thanos

  • Jul 23, 2023
    Sir Swagalot

    i've been sitting with this movie for a couple days and yeah it's still a 10 the best movie i've seen since once upon a time in hollywood fs

  • Jul 23, 2023
    Jim Halpert


    Welcome Jim

  • Jul 23, 2023
    1 reply

    You became a fan under Brady dynasty. The easiest team to latch onto in the NFL for over a decade. I don’t respect any of your opinions off that alone

    Both movies are fine they just aren’t great to me like The Dark Knight. You got sensitive over my preference 🤣

    I became a fan when I was f***ing 8 years old off madden 08

    That dynasty didn’t win till 2014 since I started watching, on top of that if I was someone who only followed good teams why the f*** do I have a Mac jones avy and not a mahomes avy

    Stupid f***, see me in the nfl thread this szn and we’ll see who knows ball

  • Jul 23, 2023
    1 reply

    fuming over football in the Oppenheimer spoiler thread in July

  • Jul 23, 2023

    fuming over football in the Oppenheimer spoiler thread in July

    They straight brawling lol

  • Jul 23, 2023

    “ see me in the nfl thread and we will see who knows ball” got me crine but go off ng

  • Jul 23, 2023

    I became a fan when I was f***ing 8 years old off madden 08

    That dynasty didn’t win till 2014 since I started watching, on top of that if I was someone who only followed good teams why the f*** do I have a Mac jones avy and not a mahomes avy

    Stupid f***, see me in the nfl thread this szn and we’ll see who knows ball

    I became an eagles fan off madden but madden like 98 or some s*** lol

  • Jul 23, 2023
    1 reply

    A small detail I just noticed is that Isidor offers Oppy food twice In the film. The first time was when Oppy was home sick and felt unwelcomed in Europe, the second was when Oppy realized he was being betrayed by the AEC and subsequently his own country. Both times symbolize Isidors unwavering respect and loyalty to Oppy despite the public opinion of him being negative.
