  • Jul 22, 2023
    3 replies

    First page is full of geeks. Movie was a 10/10 classic

  • Jul 22, 2023

    Truman really said "get this crybaby ass nigga out my office" I was dying lmaoooo

    Something like that actually happened irl. Another telling of it goes “Never let that f***ing cretin in here again”

  • Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply

    First page is full of geeks. Movie was a 10/10 classic

    They wanted shoot outs and car chases

  • Jul 22, 2023
    2 replies

    Emily Blunt getting grilled be the committee was awesome. Kitty a ride or die

  • Jul 22, 2023

    So can someone explain the decision to bounce to B&W for all (except one) RDJ scenes? Was it to make him look older??

  • Jul 22, 2023

    Emily Blunt getting grilled be the committee was awesome. Kitty a ride or die

    She was a down ass b**** word to Ja

  • russianbot23

    Yeah. The visuals were good but it’s really not THAT visual of a movie to the point where IMAX is necessary to fully enjoy it.

    As far as the movie in general there’s a lot of great scenes and performances in it, but I thought the pacing was bad.

    The clearance hearing & Strauss stuff were not interesting enough to justify that much screen time. The movie even acknowledges it at the end “hey Strauss maybe Oppenheimer & Einstein were actually talking about something more important than you.” Exactly so why did we just spend an hour+ on Strauss?

    Edit: after sitting on it for a while and getting my thoughts together ima just admit it; this movie was very disappointing.

    It completely lacks a centerpiece. The test bomb did NOT do it. The movie is 2 hours of build-up and 1 hour of fallout with no climax. I understand that it would’ve been tough to depict tastefully, but Nolan needed to show something from Japan to showcase the horrors of what Oppenheimer had done.

    As it stands the movie is just hours of guys in rooms telling us that bombs are bad. There’s no captivating debate here, there’s no tension. I don’t care about Oppenheimer’s security clearance. I don’t care about Strauss’s cabinet confirmation.

    Yeah. Definitely a Russian bot.

  • Jul 22, 2023
    6 replies

    When Einstean appears for the 3rd time , behind the car as it leaves

  • Jul 22, 2023

    Don’t feel bad Oppie, I would have gone for commie Florence Pugh too

  • russianbot23

    Yeah. The visuals were good but it’s really not THAT visual of a movie to the point where IMAX is necessary to fully enjoy it.

    As far as the movie in general there’s a lot of great scenes and performances in it, but I thought the pacing was bad.

    The clearance hearing & Strauss stuff were not interesting enough to justify that much screen time. The movie even acknowledges it at the end “hey Strauss maybe Oppenheimer & Einstein were actually talking about something more important than you.” Exactly so why did we just spend an hour+ on Strauss?

    Edit: after sitting on it for a while and getting my thoughts together ima just admit it; this movie was very disappointing.

    It completely lacks a centerpiece. The test bomb did NOT do it. The movie is 2 hours of build-up and 1 hour of fallout with no climax. I understand that it would’ve been tough to depict tastefully, but Nolan needed to show something from Japan to showcase the horrors of what Oppenheimer had done.

    As it stands the movie is just hours of guys in rooms telling us that bombs are bad. There’s no captivating debate here, there’s no tension. I don’t care about Oppenheimer’s security clearance. I don’t care about Strauss’s cabinet confirmation.

    wow. my exact thoughts

  • Jul 22, 2023
    3 replies

    no way a nerd like oppenheimer is getting laid like that in the 1930s

  • Jul 22, 2023

    no way a nerd like oppenheimer is getting laid like that in the 1930s

    If everyone in the Universities and academic social circles are making him this spectacular figure then why not? Clout and social proof are a thing too

  • Jul 22, 2023
    5 replies

    That scene where Oppenheimer was giving that speech to those group of people was super intense

  • Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply

    It would have been too much to recreate/show the effects of the atomic bomb in Japan, so that’s a great choice by Nolan who would have been scrutinized for life

  • Jul 22, 2023

    no way a nerd like oppenheimer is getting laid like that in the 1930s

    "brilliance makes up for a lot"

  • Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply

    It would have been too much to recreate/show the effects of the atomic bomb in Japan, so that’s a great choice by Nolan who would have been scrutinized for life

    He did in a way with how he saw the people melting and the burnt body in that vision/episode while he was giving the speech. Great choice I agree

  • Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply

    While I do agree the film went on too long after the bomb was detonated I do think the last act had some important character stuff

  • ghosting ®️
    Jul 22, 2023

    Yeah. The visuals were good but it’s really not THAT visual of a movie to the point where IMAX is necessary to fully enjoy it.

    As far as the movie in general there’s a lot of great scenes and performances in it, but I thought the pacing was bad.

    The clearance hearing & Strauss stuff were not interesting enough to justify that much screen time. The movie even acknowledges it at the end “hey Strauss maybe Oppenheimer & Einstein were actually talking about something more important than you.” Exactly so why did we just spend an hour+ on Strauss?

    Edit: after sitting on it for a while and getting my thoughts together ima just admit it; this movie was very disappointing.

    It completely lacks a centerpiece. The test bomb did NOT do it. The movie is 2 hours of build-up and 1 hour of fallout with no climax. I understand that it would’ve been tough to depict tastefully, but Nolan needed to show something from Japan to showcase the horrors of what Oppenheimer had done.

    As it stands the movie is just hours of guys in rooms telling us that bombs are bad. There’s no captivating debate here, there’s no tension. I don’t care about Oppenheimer’s security clearance. I don’t care about Strauss’s cabinet confirmation.

    lowkey agree

  • Jul 22, 2023
    5 replies

    Didn't understand the purpose of the black and white shots throughout.

  • Jul 22, 2023

    Honestly thought it was a great movie.

    But didn't get to see cillian Murphy's d*** like it was reported, maybe just a ball.

    Still Nolan did a fantastic job. And the internal struggle the man faced was something I loved.

  • Jul 22, 2023
    1 reply

    When Einstean appears for the 3rd time , behind the car as it leaves

    That part was dumb yes. It was f***ing instant.

  • Jul 22, 2023

    Everyone warned Oppenheimer but nigga was crying at the end like he didn’t know the bomb would kill thousands

    If he didn't build it, millions more would've died.
    it is still a tragedy.

  • Jul 22, 2023

    It's funny how there's a spoiler thread when there's nothing to "spoil" except maybe the tone and nuances of the movie lol

  • Jul 22, 2023

    I've grown to resent Twitter. This movie about the father of the atomic bomb didn't directly tell me how many lives were ended by his creation and didn't put a label over his head saying "Bad Guy," — one star 👎