Bro them MFs shameless 😭😭😭😭 I can’t defend that one lmaoo
Bro them MFs shameless 😭😭😭😭
Bro them MFs shameless 😭😭😭😭 looks cooler btw
feel like this game will get boring soon
Even if it does, I’ve already put in like 40 hours and have had a blast. Already got my $24 of fun plus some.
feel like this game will get boring soon
All survival/base building games start to bore me after awhile. I really enjoy the beginning stages tho so I always end up coming back months or years later to start over
Should I get on this?
Anyone got any kind words to share about it?
Should I get on this?
Anyone got any kind words to share about it?
Plagiarism and all that aside it's actually fire
Should I get on this?
Anyone got any kind words to share about it?
fun game as long as you don't mind playing alone or only with potential friends, it doesn't have a proper multiplayer yet
All survival/base building games start to bore me after awhile. I really enjoy the beginning stages tho so I always end up coming back months or years later to start over
yeah I sunk some real time into satisfactory but I know ill have to restart if I try going back
feel like this game will get boring soon
If they can hold off Nintendo and Pokémon they can really expand onto the game.
I think Fortnite really proved that as long as you keep innovating what works and keeping your thumb on the pulse of the players you can keep it fresh for awhile.
But yeah it probably will get stale after a few weeks of doing the same hunting and gathering.
Really dumb to expect ppl to back up manually instead of implementing automated back up
This game is incredible. Just getting my irl stuff done to keep grinding. My penguin has almost reached 4 stars. If you know you know.