I just checked my refresh rate and somehow it reverted back to 60 on its on. I'm pissed. luckily I've just been playing Elden Ring but I never touched that setting after I changed it to 120.
kinda nuts how you gets used to 100fps. you can "see" 60fps now. I never used a high refresh screen before.
yeah 60 physically pains me
Assassin's Creed 2 runs like butt on PC. Had to apply like 10 fixes to get it running somewhat smoothly.
Ubisoft some bozos for not releasing the Ezio collection on PC.
Stray rules
been wanting to play Sunset Overdrive for years but it was an xboner exclusive. It was 5 bucks on steam. just copped.
you guys ever play star citizen?
game looks really fun but not sure if it’s worth checking yet since it’s still not fully done
you guys ever play star citizen?
game looks really fun but not sure if it’s worth checking yet since it’s still not fully done
Its never going to be fully done. I'm surprised no one has started suing them. Its been over a decade and its still in alpha.
you guys ever play star citizen?
game looks really fun but not sure if it’s worth checking yet since it’s still not fully done
Avoid that scam
Its never going to be fully done. I'm surprised no one has started suing them. Its been over a decade and its still in alpha.
their most recent significant update was bedsheet physics
but the game looks so cool
I've heard good things about Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky and the X-Series if you like that genre.
Those games are also complete lol
Sunset Overdrive is fun and the writing is corny but in a funny self aware way.
also this game legit feels like Spider-man at times (Insomniac)
these worth it
you can get gog copies on g2a for like $4 total
oh them boys about to make some MONEY
their most recent significant update was bedsheet physics
I remember talking with you a couple months ago about DOOM eternal, beat the base game on nightmare, and you were right... tag1 and tag2 are mucho harder lol
am i dumb or does this make any sense
Just download more ram bro
but in seriousness found this:
"Depending on how much physical memory you have, you may not really need a page file at all or at least can either (1) put it on a HDD or (2) make it a static 1024 1024 size on the SSD). I have 16GB so use a static 1024MB size on a HDD, although it is never actually used.
Don't let Windows automatically select the size -- it makes it larger as you have more physical memory. No it isn't always written to but it does decrease the available space on your SSD for no necessary purpose."