GPU recommendations for around $600?? I currently dont have one so anything will be an upgrade.
how has your epxeirence been with keyshops?
I rarely use them. I avoid them 99% of the time but when it's a giant discount from retail (like the stalker games for example) I'll use them.
I've only used g2a a handful of time with no problems outside of them shoving a million monthly subscriptions down your throat the second you try to buy anything. If you use a reputable key seller on their marketplace you should be alright
GPU recommendations for around $600?? I currently dont have one so anything will be an upgrade.
I have a 3070 that I don't need anymore if you're interested...
i got a 3070 ti upgrading from a 1070 but all the reviews say it isnt worth it lol dont think i saw a regular 3070 tho
crine prices dropped hard
i could’ve waited and not paid $700 for my graphics card
crine prices dropped hard
i could’ve waited and not paid $700 for my graphics card
in hindsight economically it would have been better to wait but I've got to enjoy some great games.
if you felt like you paid what you could responsibly then don't feel bad
in hindsight economically it would have been better to wait but I've got to enjoy some great games.
if you felt like you paid what you could responsibly then don't feel bad
I copped a 6700 xt for $700 and I could’ve got a 6800 xt/6900 if I waited
It’ll definitely hold for a few years though, it’s pretty good
Glad to be back on pc fam where i can illegally download new games
literally after this post i googled how to get cracked games and did not know it was this easy. got spiderman, stray, and kena bridge of spirits free this is so lit
literally after this post i googled how to get cracked games and did not know it was this easy. got spiderman, stray, and kena bridge of spirits free this is so lit
It’s pretty good tbh
I just downloaded saints row
Game runs like s*** for some reason 3070 ti 12700k idk whats going on 1440p
I got breath of the wild to work on an emulator and holy s*** this game looks amazing in 4K 60FPS
I got breath of the wild to work on an emulator and holy s*** this game looks amazing in 4K 60FPS
need to set this up. can you use the switch controllers?
need to set this up. can you use the switch controllers?
You should be able to before i lost mine i used my pro controller for emulators.
After watching my old laptop fall apart and mold when I lived in car I got a 2600$ laptop for 1100$ from Microcenter dude hooked it up
Anyone have steam deck? How long will it take to hear back from steam after I make a reservation for the 64 gb model?
Need to know what i should upgrade on my pc. Can usually get most games running smooth at ultra.
GTX 1660 Super
Ryzen 3600 Processor
8gb ram
Need to know what i should upgrade on my pc. Can usually get most games running smooth at ultra.
GTX 1660 Super
Ryzen 3600 Processor
8gb ram