Was giving Devoted the benefit of the doubt but that beat he posted saying it was better than Through The Wire is ass juice cmon
Knowing him Id say he was being serious. Hes a notorious Kanye hater
I don't agree but like it seems like he has his reasons and just values different things in production then other people
Kanye fans just get their feelings hurts when people don't like Kanye
Worst beats on this thing are Pharrell beats. He has some great ones too but Ye wins easily.
I think it’s a fair comparison. They both brought something to the table. Subjectively I’m just curious which one the majority favored more.
It’s just hard to know what Kanye actually did. Especially when we know Pharrell made all of his s*** dolo
Diet Coke was made 18 years ago 😂
Come on man there’s tons of video of him making beats it’s insanely interesting get the hate out you’re heart
I don't agree but like it seems like he has his reasons and just values different things in production then other people
Kanye fans just get their feelings hurts when people don't like Kanye
He said Travis Scott is a better producer than Kanye because of rodeo when Travis didn’t even produce on rodeo besides helping on 2 songs.
He’s a Kanye hater.
nigga I’m not doing your homework search for it like you search for the s*** you say he can’t do
He’s been using those drums on other peoples songs this past year too idk what that’s about. They’re not bad beats at all but like wtf lmaoo
!https://youtu.be/KJViHi-dSxYWhen this grew on me I realized how much I loved it but damn P
he’s been using the same drums for the past decade