Is it the fact that the drums are recognizable that puts y'all off?
I thought every producer sticks to their kit for all of their tracks
Nah producers have their favorite sounds for sure but the lack of variation on here on Pharrell’s part is noteworthy. Literally all of his beats on here and a lot of the beats he’s produced in the last couple of years have the same snare.
You don’t get extra points for solo production. No man is an island
Pharrell’s beats would be better if he would collaborate with others. I love how Kanye works with new young talent, he has nothing to prove to anyone
There were around 10-13 TOTAL producers that have credits on MBDTF
Devoted to Ls wrong yet again
Either s***ting on Ye or s***ting on Pharell itt
imma switch it up flying lotus overrated as hell and i fall asleep to ho his music when its on
There were around 10-13 TOTAL producers that have credits on MBDTF
Devoted to Ls wrong yet again
I feel like that was hyperbole lol
I feel like that was hyperbole lol
Knowing him Id say he was being serious. Hes a notorious Kanye hater
You don’t get extra points for solo production. No man is an island
Pharrell’s beats would be better if he would collaborate with others. I love how Kanye works with new young talent, he has nothing to prove to anyone
you’re seemingly a Kanye West heckler & also mod of his fan forum, there’s levels to this idiocy
I don't think there's anything wrong with mods sharing music opinions or discussing music
I don't think there's anything wrong with mods sharing music opinions or discussing music
I don’t either to be clear it’s still funny ☠️
Ye is a monster for that Dreamin Of The Past beat but Pharrell wins here, he brought something different that fit Pusha like a glove
Both did a great job but it’s not a fair comparison.
Pharrel did 6 solo joints and helped Ye with one joint
Ye did one solo joint and had help with 5 joints.
I think it’s a fair comparison. They both brought something to the table. Subjectively I’m just curious which one the majority favored more.