Honestly surprised at how easy y'all can tell them apart. LTSTTC was a Ye beat for me, for sure, on first listen lol So was Call My Bluff. Think they both did excellent making beats specifically for Push. Ye's beats more complex and unorthodox, Ps more simple and modern
Okay and? it’s still Kanye production lmao. all that matters is how it sounds in the end. And the Kanye production sounds better to me. I still love p tho
Maybe p should get some help so all his beats don’t all sound similar huh
Niggas itt bringing up an Abstract Mindstate album
Every Pusha solo album has Ye and Pharrell beats all through it. Nigga just marketing this one like it’s some different s*** and ya eating it up lmao
So the difference would be that Pharell made this from scratch, correct? Cause this beat is basically just a loop too. Might be the most repetitive beat on the album (my favorite song on the album tho)
You just moving goalposts now bruh
Just say Pharrell had the better beats on this b**** and dip this is such a dumb argument to be having
maybe if they put their pride down and asked for help they'd be releasing music as consistently good as kanye's.
you aren't making the point you think you are here
P and push have the benefit of knowing eachother for decades but goddamn the chemistry between push and ye is unmatched unreal to think that this magic started 12 years ago
Almost didn’t happen either
pharrelll uses the exact same rim shot sample on like 3 beats, then the same on another 2
pharrell without chad < ye
neptunes > ye
I really dk how some can’t tell the difference
I could’ve guessed who produced what with 100% accuracy
Ye doin the samples is a given. All Pharrells beats straight up sound like Pharrell. Even people saying it remind them of HHNF type beats.
The only one that would’ve stumped me is Rock n roll, but that’s only cuz they were both producing it but even then it def sounds like a Kanye direction