  • May 5, 2023
    1 reply

    quote went over everyone's head by a couple miles lmao

  • May 5, 2023


    should've made TES6!

  • May 5, 2023

    I mean he’s right no one is gonna sell their ps5’s for starfield

    He’s right in the case of one game, but I think he’s off the mark when he expands that to multiple games. Like I’m not selling my ps5 for starfield, but if FromSoft suddenly only started making Xbox games, and starfield was fire, and titanfall 3 was announced for Xbox, I would heavily consider it.

    Outside of Bethesda I can’t think of games or developers that are a heavy draw for me, but I think a system’s star developers + game series can heavily draw consumers from the “other side.”

  • May 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Phil man lmaoo

    i hate this mf so much man
    this guy has been an absolute failure for the past 10 years and people keep defending him

  • May 5, 2023
    1 reply

    He's saying Xbox due to the masive f*** up of the X1 gen + Kinect has no audience attachment or emotional investment like how Nintendo & Sony does. Kinect + X1 ruined their rep hugely with that dumbass plus they stopped producing a lot of games halfway through the 360 era, again due to that idiot that ruined x1 and made Kinect.

    So even when they will have hreay amazing games, like potentially Starfield, it still wont be a huge dynamic switch right away because they dont have that attachment & history + catalog at the moment like the other two. Plus theres been 10 years of that mid point of 360 to now where they havent had many first party titles besides one here n there, so a whole gen of now adults and teens dont know anything about an "Xbox game" besides maybe Halo & Forza.

    X1 Series has to be the gen where they build that attachment. It has to be the stepping stone for the "next gen", it has to be their redemption arc. Which is why they spent all this money for studios and such.

    But in the mean time and beyond they also have to Gamepass to support them & be their attachment since its the only unique quality thing they can currently offer.

    Even if Starfield is a Skyrim or Fallout 3 level game changer - it still wont sway many people this early on. At least in a gigantic drastic way.

    Its refreshing to hear a man in charge be honest about their situation & also be candid of their plans.

    Im scared the new white dude Ryan (i think thats his name) over at Sony is doing to Playstation what the idiot of late 360 early x1 did to Microsoft and might hurt them badly as well.

    Phil has always been a real one & Xbox has only gotten better since he has took over.

    The long game is steadily paying off.

    Edit: Don Mattrick is the dude that ruined Microsoft then went over to f***ing Zynga lmao

  • May 5, 2023

    quote went over everyone's head by a couple miles lmao

  • Nayuta 🐯
    May 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Phillip is a wimp, glad to see Xbox owners finally taking a stand against this bozo

  • May 5, 2023
    2 replies

    Phillip is a wimp, glad to see Xbox owners finally taking a stand against this bozo

    The wimp that has turned xbox back around & convinced Mircrosoft not to shut it down and to actually instead invest into studios and games which they havent done since 2011 prior while making Gamepass a postive success?

    The one that has done a miracle of what he got stuck with what the idiot Don Mattrick before him f***ed up with Kinect, shutting down studios, taking funding away from games, trying to make Microsoft movies a thing & forced X1 to be a multimedia device?

    Phil is the only one that has a brain over there lmao.

  • Kengi 💭
    May 5, 2023
    1 reply


    all I see is sony and microsoft trying their hardest to make as little quality games as possible for maximum profit

  • May 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Xbox having its best sales, having a positive return for the first time in 10 years & actually finally making games again thanks to Phil's leadership while being realistic of what they need to do to compete & be different.

    Idiots: "duhuh lmao where es6 even tho that had nothing to do with you until this year blah blah hold the L "

  • May 5, 2023


    all I see is sony and microsoft trying their hardest to make as little quality games as possible for maximum profit

    I fear Sony might have a similar X1 era with their own current idiot Jim Ryan.

    The way Microsoft and Sony switch back n forth with each other of their situations & gameplan since 360/ps3 era is hilarious.

  • May 5, 2023
    5 replies

    The Reason Why Xbox was Failing Hard From Mid of 360 Era Thru X1 Era 🚨 👇

    Don Mattrick is the dude that became the lead of the Xbox division in the middle of the X360/PS3 era. Who then after he set Microsoft's Xbox division on fire; he then went over to the mobile gaming juggernaut Zynga Studios lmfao.

    Hes the one that ruined Microsoft's Xbox. In all departments from brand PR to games to funding to studios & to the console itself.

    He's the one that created Kinect which ruined a lot of Microsoft budget for its Xbox division.

    He also shut down many of Xbox's old studios & threw away many of their 2nd party contracts such as Bioware & Bethesda (Remember when Mass Effect from Bioware & others like various Sega & Square games etc. was a Microsoft exclusive? Skyrim was also supposed to be, until the 2nd party contracts got f***ed by bro). Which is why the X360 exclusives slowed down so much even tho it had hella exclusives in the prior years before him, and why it eventually lost to the PS3 in sales at the end because Sony got their act together & Microsoft lost theirs - even tho they had a huge lead over Sony for a long ass time that era until it got all f***ed up.

    He is the one that made the always DRM s*** that was on the X1 from 2013 to 2015 & he is the one that thought console gaming is old news and was shifting X1 to a "multimedia" machine & wanted a bigger focus on mobile gaming.

    It is why the X1 had that TV window feature & its godawful original UI where the games section was buried & all the other weird random s*** it used to have in the beginning years. He was let go in either late 2014 or early 2015, which then went to a fill in guy until they got Phil to be fully in charge as the head of the Xbox division in late 2015.
    That mess of the idiot Don is what Phil inherented, who Phil is someone thats been with Xbox since the OG Xbox console in various postions from game planner to studio manager etc. Phil when got put in charge of Xbox with the X1 then pushed to bring Xbox back to a gaming core which got rid of the forced Kinect (which also made the X1 significantly cheaper by like $120 once he made them get rid of it) purchase on the X1 plus created Gamepass & took out all the DRM & Multimedia bullshit.

    Then towards the end of X1 era Xbox FINALLY made a positive profit for THE FIRST TIME that entire era thanks to his Gamepass initiative (along with making the X1 cheaper by taking out Kinect, cutting the Kinect program & repairing consumer relations little by little starting with getting rid of the toxic as f*** overblown always online DRM from Dom).

    Which then convinced Microsoft execs to NOT SHUT DOWN the Xbox console and department (before Phil turned things around and came up with an actual gameplan, the Microsoft general higher ups were going to kill the Xbox division & leave the console space after the X1 era), and they finally let Phil have the budget to buy studios & make actual games that arent just Halo or Forza sequels - which Phil was trying to convince them to let him do since the day he took over Xbox.

    Now the XSeries is doing decent & its way WAY more successful already than the X1 era in its entirety. And its actually having a positive return, which the Xbox division didnt at all in the X1 era (outside of Gamepass) & the last year or two of X360.

    This man Phil is the main reason why Xbox even still exists today and why its hanging on little by little while slowly fixing the console's no games issue & the brand's consumer trust issues that was created 10 years+ ago by another man's f*** ups: Don Mattrick the idiot

  • May 5, 2023

    I mean I respect him being honest about it.

  • 2010 or so was them when sony started slapping them

  • May 5, 2023

    I bet he wouldnt be saying all that if the game was a 12/10

  • May 5, 2023

    Gamepass idea is pretty good but man the games are ass

  • May 5, 2023
    Water Giver
    · edited

    Xbox having its best sales, having a positive return for the first time in 10 years & actually finally making games again thanks to Phil's leadership while being realistic of what they need to do to compete & be different.

    Idiots: "duhuh lmao where es6 even tho that had nothing to do with you until this year blah blah hold the L "

    I mean yeah nobody really cares abt sales charts or positive returns lmao they want good games

  • May 5, 2023

    crazy how many people i knew had xbox 360s as a kid and i still haven’t seen a single person irl or online with a Series X

    even youtube videos are PS5 or PC

    it just feels like a non entity in this gen

  • May 5, 2023

    they just don't know the free game pass trick

  • May 5, 2023
    2 replies

    "having a positive return for the first time in 10 years & actually finally making games again thanks to Phil's leadership"

  • May 5, 2023

    Why they dropped two different versions of the xbox with weird naming scheme that didn't catch on (Series X and Series S?)

    Just release one version, build a full catalog of dope games, do one big hype announcement, have a UI that doesn't suck, make it free to game on Xbox without having a Gold Membership, push your game pass down people throats, and don't do anything controversial like DRM and all that noise.

    There you go you won.

    This doesn't feel like rocket science man..

  • May 5, 2023

    i hate this mf so much man
    this guy has been an absolute failure for the past 10 years and people keep defending him

    this is one SMALL thing i will agree with tbh lol. Phil evidently got handed a s*** storm when he took over, but cant lie to ourselves, he should realistically have been fired by now

  • May 5, 2023


  • May 5, 2023

    i just think it's going over people's heads that Microsoft does not care to compete in the CONSOLE space, like it would be nice if the Xbox was selling as well as switch and PS, but they know it's far from the end all be all. typically, the profit margin on the console itself, is s***, they make their money on games. they probably wouldnt mind completely halting the production of hardware but ofc that just kinda would be too silly.
    they do care about competing in the GAMES space tho which is obviously what phil was saying.

  • Nayuta 🐯
    May 5, 2023
    2 replies
    Water Giver
    · edited

    The wimp that has turned xbox back around & convinced Mircrosoft not to shut it down and to actually instead invest into studios and games which they havent done since 2011 prior while making Gamepass a postive success?

    The one that has done a miracle of what he got stuck with what the idiot Don Mattrick before him f***ed up with Kinect, shutting down studios, taking funding away from games, trying to make Microsoft movies a thing & forced X1 to be a multimedia device?

    Phil is the only one that has a brain over there lmao.

    Colin summed that s*** up perfectly