  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply

    He's not wrong. Starfield alone isn't enough to push Xbox in front of PlayStation. But if Halo was a masterpiece and Starfield is this year's Elden Ring and Xbox had more games of that caliber they absolutely would catch PlayStation

    The 360 blew the PS3 out of the water. But Sony started putting out hit after hit exclusive, and by the end PS3 outsold 360. Nobody sold their Xbox for PlayStation, but PlayStation closed the gap and set themselves up for PS4 to outsell Xbox One

  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply

    He's not wrong. Starfield alone isn't enough to push Xbox in front of PlayStation. But if Halo was a masterpiece and Starfield is this year's Elden Ring and Xbox had more games of that caliber they absolutely would catch PlayStation

    The 360 blew the PS3 out of the water. But Sony started putting out hit after hit exclusive, and by the end PS3 outsold 360. Nobody sold their Xbox for PlayStation, but PlayStation closed the gap and set themselves up for PS4 to outsell Xbox One

    They would not catch Playstation they are giving it the content out with gamepass. They would have more subscribers yes . More console owners overall yes but 2 shooters even if wildly different games aren't going to catch up to the demand of multiple third person narrative moments that PS has.

  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply

    They would not catch Playstation they are giving it the content out with gamepass. They would have more subscribers yes . More console owners overall yes but 2 shooters even if wildly different games aren't going to catch up to the demand of multiple third person narrative moments that PS has.

    Of course not just Halo and Starfield. It would take multiple games released consistently over the rest of the generation. And they still probably wouldn't catch PlayStation cause they have a very consistent flow of exclusive games that almost always are critically acclaimed.

    But Xbox just does not make system seller exclusive games. If they did they would sell more conses. And once you have that foundation of consistent great games, people might buy more of the next generation Xbox than PlayStation 6. Especially with Call of Duty and other major games possibly becoming exclusive


    Of course not just Halo and Starfield. It would take multiple games released consistently over the rest of the generation. And they still probably wouldn't catch PlayStation cause they have a very consistent flow of exclusive games that almost always are critically acclaimed.

    But Xbox just does not make system seller exclusive games. If they did they would sell more conses. And once you have that foundation of consistent great games, people might buy more of the next generation Xbox than PlayStation 6. Especially with Call of Duty and other major games possibly becoming exclusive

    I agree on not making system seller exclusive games especially anymore. Unless they had Forza, Fable,Halo lined up and exclusive to xbox itself not pc included. Included PC and day and date drops on many games again works for and against them.

    People make Xbox to be Playstation rival still when they are in entirely different lanes with different goals. Again as I said earlier xbox smart move would have been to make it the place to play free online

  • May 6, 2023
    Water Giver

    The wimp that has turned xbox back around & convinced Mircrosoft not to shut it down and to actually instead invest into studios and games which they havent done since 2011 prior while making Gamepass a postive success?

    The one that has done a miracle of what he got stuck with what the idiot Don Mattrick before him f***ed up with Kinect, shutting down studios, taking funding away from games, trying to make Microsoft movies a thing & forced X1 to be a multimedia device?

    Phil is the only one that has a brain over there lmao.

    I get what you're saying and yes Phil did help turn it around back then, but besides that the games have still all been absolute s*** and yes I have a Series X

  • May 6, 2023

    Bingo, talking about what Phil has done to improve Xbox sales

    Who gives a f*** about that, we're consumers, we just want great games to play. I don't give a damn what Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo are making, give me some good games to play

    Which has been a disaster for far too long under Phil Spencer. Redfall was a mess, Halo was complete flop they ruined a flagship IP, the list goes on.

    Yeah Gamepass is great deal, but where are the great games to go along with it? They ain't been there, they're launching buggy, they're getting delayed and still turn out s***, the rest of it is third party. It's time to have a new brain clean up this mess.


  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply

    phill saying games won't have people selling their consoles for an xbox.. yeah man they won't sell it but you have the Series S for a reason right

    make games that make it worth buying BOTH consoles and you'll see an increase

    I literally bought a PS5 in November STRICTLY for God of War.

  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply

    phill saying games won't have people selling their consoles for an xbox.. yeah man they won't sell it but you have the Series S for a reason right

    make games that make it worth buying BOTH consoles and you'll see an increase

    I literally bought a PS5 in November STRICTLY for God of War.

    you would buy a series S to run on low settings something that can likely run on a computer you already own?

  • No one is buying a series s because of a killer app. Its a game pass machine. So when you are selling a 500$ console you have to make it worthwhile but at the same time it is also a gamepass machine currently and they need a few more games that justify it

  • Nuja 🫶🏾
    May 7, 2023
    2 replies

    He’s not saying anything wrong but it’s kind of common sense too. Let’s be real, most people have a very warped perception of Xbox because of nostalgia. The 360 won the ps3 and wii era because 1. It wasn’t a complete gimmick like the wii. 2. It wasn’t ridiculously priced like launch ps3 was. People talk about the 360s library as if the same games weren’t on ps3 as well. Only in instances like fighting games can you really say “360 version was better.” Point being is Xbox one shot itself in the foot being snobby about anti consumer practices and Sony capitalized by pretending to be pro consumer by patching out the same day 1 anti consumer practice Microsoft had and wouldn’t have changed had the public reception for Microsoft not been so bad. Sony has always had the better exclusives. Nintendo for the most part has always been good catering to their base. Microsoft is basically 360 nostalgia for people who played COD. At this point exclusives aren’t going to win anyone over. The only reason I have a series x is because it was the available console when I had the money at launch and couldn’t find a ps5. Had I found a ps5 it was very unlikely I ever got one or would have interest in one now. Now mine basically just collects dust and I have 0 interest in anything coming out for it anytime soon.

    That being said. Not like Sony has a crazy assortment of s*** coming either. Basically my ps5 will be a Diablo and Street Fighter machine until further notice. Both consoles are dropping the ball, Microsoft’s Ls are just highlighted more

  • May 7, 2023
    1 reply

    you would buy a series S to run on low settings something that can likely run on a computer you already own?

    Idk I don’t have a pc

  • NG

    Idk I don’t have a pc

    oh thats real I am saying the market that doesnt have a pc and would play on Series S and or X isn't a large market because Microsoft doesn't get huge profit off the console sale itself so much as selling you gamepass. Which even then Gamepass is a crazy value for us not them

  • May 7, 2023
    2 replies

    Gaming in a sad state when even the ceo is admitting the next big release is gonna be mid. Either way I’m still gonna clock in hundreds of hours like every Bethesda rpg that’s come out

  • Caun

    Gaming in a sad state when even the ceo is admitting the next big release is gonna be mid. Either way I’m still gonna clock in hundreds of hours like every Bethesda rpg that’s come out

    that isn't what he is saying at all

  • May 7, 2023

    Fallout 4 is definitely not as good as 1-3 or NV but it’s still a great game

    They really only f***ed up the dialogue systems, the companion and relationship system was greatly improved, enemy systems like ghouls crawling out of crevices and s***, flying vehicles, power armor mechanics, weapon modifying, all junk having some use, etc. are all improvements.

    Yeah my roommate been playing tf out of it lately it’s fun to watch

  • May 7, 2023

    Gaming in a sad state when even the ceo is admitting the next big release is gonna be mid. Either way I’m still gonna clock in hundreds of hours like every Bethesda rpg that’s come out

    he didn’t say the game is gonna be mid, he said even at an 11/10 it doesn’t save xbox and their competition in the market, gaming is in a sad state because only one console platform has been shining the past 5 years

  • May 7, 2023

    hilarious to see which users actually understand the statement in the title

  • May 7, 2023

    He’s just keeping it realistic, they need an a few exclusive franchises that can only be played on the Xbox for people to go out of their way to buy it. And they have to be good. On top of that the ones that they do have have been disappointing to fans in one way or another. Besides hi fi rush*

  • May 8, 2023

    i mean i really f*** with what Phil said. if he's being for real then i appreciate his willingness to spurn the "console wars" rat race, it was always stupid and primarily a thing fueled by /v/ basement dwellers. and proprietary consoles were always a mistake and were absolutely a detriment to gaming. what he said about developers wanting to meet players on every screen was great, and if that's the focus Xbox and Microsoft takes then f*** yeah, that's absolutely fantastic for consumers and actual developers. f*** proprietary consoles, i'm a big from software fan and I wish I didn't have to buy a PS4 just to play Bloodborne, i would rather run that jawn on my beastly PC at 60+ FPS with mods.

    the idea of the video game console began as an affordable gaming platform, not as these closed source corporate systems. in fact, the greatest idea of what a gaming console should be, in my opinion, exists already in the steam deck and systems like it. It's an affordable gaming computer with an (optional to use) streamlined UI, but it's still effectively your computer, whether you want to install windows on it (do not do that because that's cringe 💀) or literally turn it into a mobile music production device. when you buy a PS5, you're basically buying a license to play games on it, it's not actually yours to do what you want with unless you jailbreak it, like iOS devices. also it literally has no games aside from demon souls remake which is of course a remake and a b******ized and westernized one that's unfaithful to the original at that. so yeah hopefully overall Microsoft abandons the idea of Xbox exclusive games and makes everything available on PC as well because that's good for us and honestly for them if they wanna keep making money. the sooner the dominance of proprietary consoles f***ing dies a painful and quick death the better. sell your PS5 and get a damn Deck or any other affordable mobile gaming computer lol, you'll literally save at least $100 and you'll get infinitely more bang for your buck

    it's still f*** Phil and Don Mattrick for letting Halo be made a mockery of by 343 on his watch though

  • May 8, 2023

    oh and i find it hard to believe that in this, the good year of our lord 2023, anybody thinks that Bethesda games are anything but glorified modding platforms or is at all excited for this game outside of the sick Skyrim level modding it's almost certainly going to get on PC

  • May 8, 2023
    Water Giver

    The Reason Why Xbox was Failing Hard From Mid of 360 Era Thru X1 Era 🚨 👇

    Don Mattrick is the dude that became the lead of the Xbox division in the middle of the X360/PS3 era. Who then after he set Microsoft's Xbox division on fire; he then went over to the mobile gaming juggernaut Zynga Studios lmfao.

    Hes the one that ruined Microsoft's Xbox. In all departments from brand PR to games to funding to studios & to the console itself.

    He's the one that created Kinect which ruined a lot of Microsoft budget for its Xbox division.

    He also shut down many of Xbox's old studios & threw away many of their 2nd party contracts such as Bioware & Bethesda (Remember when Mass Effect from Bioware & others like various Sega & Square games etc. was a Microsoft exclusive? Skyrim was also supposed to be, until the 2nd party contracts got f***ed by bro). Which is why the X360 exclusives slowed down so much even tho it had hella exclusives in the prior years before him, and why it eventually lost to the PS3 in sales at the end because Sony got their act together & Microsoft lost theirs - even tho they had a huge lead over Sony for a long ass time that era until it got all f***ed up.

    He is the one that made the always DRM s*** that was on the X1 from 2013 to 2015 & he is the one that thought console gaming is old news and was shifting X1 to a "multimedia" machine & wanted a bigger focus on mobile gaming.

    It is why the X1 had that TV window feature & its godawful original UI where the games section was buried & all the other weird random s*** it used to have in the beginning years. He was let go in either late 2014 or early 2015, which then went to a fill in guy until they got Phil to be fully in charge as the head of the Xbox division in late 2015.
    That mess of the idiot Don is what Phil inherented, who Phil is someone thats been with Xbox since the OG Xbox console in various postions from game planner to studio manager etc. Phil when got put in charge of Xbox with the X1 then pushed to bring Xbox back to a gaming core which got rid of the forced Kinect (which also made the X1 significantly cheaper by like $120 once he made them get rid of it) purchase on the X1 plus created Gamepass & took out all the DRM & Multimedia bullshit.

    Then towards the end of X1 era Xbox FINALLY made a positive profit for THE FIRST TIME that entire era thanks to his Gamepass initiative (along with making the X1 cheaper by taking out Kinect, cutting the Kinect program & repairing consumer relations little by little starting with getting rid of the toxic as f*** overblown always online DRM from Dom).

    Which then convinced Microsoft execs to NOT SHUT DOWN the Xbox console and department (before Phil turned things around and came up with an actual gameplan, the Microsoft general higher ups were going to kill the Xbox division & leave the console space after the X1 era), and they finally let Phil have the budget to buy studios & make actual games that arent just Halo or Forza sequels - which Phil was trying to convince them to let him do since the day he took over Xbox.

    Now the XSeries is doing decent & its way WAY more successful already than the X1 era in its entirety. And its actually having a positive return, which the Xbox division didnt at all in the X1 era (outside of Gamepass) & the last year or two of X360.

    This man Phil is the main reason why Xbox even still exists today and why its hanging on little by little while slowly fixing the console's no games issue & the brand's consumer trust issues that was created 10 years+ ago by another man's f*** ups: Don Mattrick the idiot

    Don Mattrick is so lucky online game discourse and game coverage wasnt as mainstream or prevalent as it is until last gen to now. He got away scott free in the public eye & people think its all Phil's or general Microsoft's fault when its his.

    One of the dudes I hate the most in gaming of all time, and ruined so much promise & careers.

  • May 8, 2023
    Water Giver

    The Reason Why Xbox was Failing Hard From Mid of 360 Era Thru X1 Era 🚨 👇

    Don Mattrick is the dude that became the lead of the Xbox division in the middle of the X360/PS3 era. Who then after he set Microsoft's Xbox division on fire; he then went over to the mobile gaming juggernaut Zynga Studios lmfao.

    Hes the one that ruined Microsoft's Xbox. In all departments from brand PR to games to funding to studios & to the console itself.

    He's the one that created Kinect which ruined a lot of Microsoft budget for its Xbox division.

    He also shut down many of Xbox's old studios & threw away many of their 2nd party contracts such as Bioware & Bethesda (Remember when Mass Effect from Bioware & others like various Sega & Square games etc. was a Microsoft exclusive? Skyrim was also supposed to be, until the 2nd party contracts got f***ed by bro). Which is why the X360 exclusives slowed down so much even tho it had hella exclusives in the prior years before him, and why it eventually lost to the PS3 in sales at the end because Sony got their act together & Microsoft lost theirs - even tho they had a huge lead over Sony for a long ass time that era until it got all f***ed up.

    He is the one that made the always DRM s*** that was on the X1 from 2013 to 2015 & he is the one that thought console gaming is old news and was shifting X1 to a "multimedia" machine & wanted a bigger focus on mobile gaming.

    It is why the X1 had that TV window feature & its godawful original UI where the games section was buried & all the other weird random s*** it used to have in the beginning years. He was let go in either late 2014 or early 2015, which then went to a fill in guy until they got Phil to be fully in charge as the head of the Xbox division in late 2015.
    That mess of the idiot Don is what Phil inherented, who Phil is someone thats been with Xbox since the OG Xbox console in various postions from game planner to studio manager etc. Phil when got put in charge of Xbox with the X1 then pushed to bring Xbox back to a gaming core which got rid of the forced Kinect (which also made the X1 significantly cheaper by like $120 once he made them get rid of it) purchase on the X1 plus created Gamepass & took out all the DRM & Multimedia bullshit.

    Then towards the end of X1 era Xbox FINALLY made a positive profit for THE FIRST TIME that entire era thanks to his Gamepass initiative (along with making the X1 cheaper by taking out Kinect, cutting the Kinect program & repairing consumer relations little by little starting with getting rid of the toxic as f*** overblown always online DRM from Dom).

    Which then convinced Microsoft execs to NOT SHUT DOWN the Xbox console and department (before Phil turned things around and came up with an actual gameplan, the Microsoft general higher ups were going to kill the Xbox division & leave the console space after the X1 era), and they finally let Phil have the budget to buy studios & make actual games that arent just Halo or Forza sequels - which Phil was trying to convince them to let him do since the day he took over Xbox.

    Now the XSeries is doing decent & its way WAY more successful already than the X1 era in its entirety. And its actually having a positive return, which the Xbox division didnt at all in the X1 era (outside of Gamepass) & the last year or two of X360.

    This man Phil is the main reason why Xbox even still exists today and why its hanging on little by little while slowly fixing the console's no games issue & the brand's consumer trust issues that was created 10 years+ ago by another man's f*** ups: Don Mattrick the idiot

    jesus, when xbox lost its personality during the last 2 years of the xbox360 is when everything went downhill

  • Water Giver

    The Reason Why Xbox was Failing Hard From Mid of 360 Era Thru X1 Era 🚨 👇

    Don Mattrick is the dude that became the lead of the Xbox division in the middle of the X360/PS3 era. Who then after he set Microsoft's Xbox division on fire; he then went over to the mobile gaming juggernaut Zynga Studios lmfao.

    Hes the one that ruined Microsoft's Xbox. In all departments from brand PR to games to funding to studios & to the console itself.

    He's the one that created Kinect which ruined a lot of Microsoft budget for its Xbox division.

    He also shut down many of Xbox's old studios & threw away many of their 2nd party contracts such as Bioware & Bethesda (Remember when Mass Effect from Bioware & others like various Sega & Square games etc. was a Microsoft exclusive? Skyrim was also supposed to be, until the 2nd party contracts got f***ed by bro). Which is why the X360 exclusives slowed down so much even tho it had hella exclusives in the prior years before him, and why it eventually lost to the PS3 in sales at the end because Sony got their act together & Microsoft lost theirs - even tho they had a huge lead over Sony for a long ass time that era until it got all f***ed up.

    He is the one that made the always DRM s*** that was on the X1 from 2013 to 2015 & he is the one that thought console gaming is old news and was shifting X1 to a "multimedia" machine & wanted a bigger focus on mobile gaming.

    It is why the X1 had that TV window feature & its godawful original UI where the games section was buried & all the other weird random s*** it used to have in the beginning years. He was let go in either late 2014 or early 2015, which then went to a fill in guy until they got Phil to be fully in charge as the head of the Xbox division in late 2015.
    That mess of the idiot Don is what Phil inherented, who Phil is someone thats been with Xbox since the OG Xbox console in various postions from game planner to studio manager etc. Phil when got put in charge of Xbox with the X1 then pushed to bring Xbox back to a gaming core which got rid of the forced Kinect (which also made the X1 significantly cheaper by like $120 once he made them get rid of it) purchase on the X1 plus created Gamepass & took out all the DRM & Multimedia bullshit.

    Then towards the end of X1 era Xbox FINALLY made a positive profit for THE FIRST TIME that entire era thanks to his Gamepass initiative (along with making the X1 cheaper by taking out Kinect, cutting the Kinect program & repairing consumer relations little by little starting with getting rid of the toxic as f*** overblown always online DRM from Dom).

    Which then convinced Microsoft execs to NOT SHUT DOWN the Xbox console and department (before Phil turned things around and came up with an actual gameplan, the Microsoft general higher ups were going to kill the Xbox division & leave the console space after the X1 era), and they finally let Phil have the budget to buy studios & make actual games that arent just Halo or Forza sequels - which Phil was trying to convince them to let him do since the day he took over Xbox.

    Now the XSeries is doing decent & its way WAY more successful already than the X1 era in its entirety. And its actually having a positive return, which the Xbox division didnt at all in the X1 era (outside of Gamepass) & the last year or two of X360.

    This man Phil is the main reason why Xbox even still exists today and why its hanging on little by little while slowly fixing the console's no games issue & the brand's consumer trust issues that was created 10 years+ ago by another man's f*** ups: Don Mattrick the idiot

    Accurate recap from the past decade. One single man ruined an entire franchise lol

  • Nayuta

    Bingo, talking about what Phil has done to improve Xbox sales

    Who gives a f*** about that, we're consumers, we just want great games to play. I don't give a damn what Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo are making, give me some good games to play

    Which has been a disaster for far too long under Phil Spencer. Redfall was a mess, Halo was complete flop they ruined a flagship IP, the list goes on.

    Yeah Gamepass is great deal, but where are the great games to go along with it? They ain't been there, they're launching buggy, they're getting delayed and still turn out s***, the rest of it is third party. It's time to have a new brain clean up this mess.

    I enjoy gamepass cause I get to play so many games with no worries if I don't like the game or not lol.

    I'm a grown ass adult who plays games as a hobby lol. It works with my schedule and lifestyle.