  • May 5, 2023

    Colin summed that s*** up perfectly

    guy saying this while smoking a cart is gold lmao

  • May 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Colin summed that s*** up perfectly

    Everything that man said was on point lmao...Mfs are rooting for a cooperation coz its making more money, not for the games its releasing

  • May 5, 2023

    "having a positive return for the first time in 10 years & actually finally making games again thanks to Phil's leadership"

    But they had a positive return bro so its a W lolz

  • Nayuta 🐯
    May 5, 2023
    2 replies

    Everything that man said was on point lmao...Mfs are rooting for a cooperation coz its making more money, not for the games its releasing

    Bingo, talking about what Phil has done to improve Xbox sales

    Who gives a f*** about that, we're consumers, we just want great games to play. I don't give a damn what Microsoft, Sony, or Nintendo are making, give me some good games to play

    Which has been a disaster for far too long under Phil Spencer. Redfall was a mess, Halo was complete flop they ruined a flagship IP, the list goes on.

    Yeah Gamepass is great deal, but where are the great games to go along with it? They ain't been there, they're launching buggy, they're getting delayed and still turn out s***, the rest of it is third party. It's time to have a new brain clean up this mess.

  • May 5, 2023
    Water Giver
    · edited

    The Reason Why Xbox was Failing Hard From Mid of 360 Era Thru X1 Era 🚨 👇

    Don Mattrick is the dude that became the lead of the Xbox division in the middle of the X360/PS3 era. Who then after he set Microsoft's Xbox division on fire; he then went over to the mobile gaming juggernaut Zynga Studios lmfao.

    Hes the one that ruined Microsoft's Xbox. In all departments from brand PR to games to funding to studios & to the console itself.

    He's the one that created Kinect which ruined a lot of Microsoft budget for its Xbox division.

    He also shut down many of Xbox's old studios & threw away many of their 2nd party contracts such as Bioware & Bethesda (Remember when Mass Effect from Bioware & others like various Sega & Square games etc. was a Microsoft exclusive? Skyrim was also supposed to be, until the 2nd party contracts got f***ed by bro). Which is why the X360 exclusives slowed down so much even tho it had hella exclusives in the prior years before him, and why it eventually lost to the PS3 in sales at the end because Sony got their act together & Microsoft lost theirs - even tho they had a huge lead over Sony for a long ass time that era until it got all f***ed up.

    He is the one that made the always DRM s*** that was on the X1 from 2013 to 2015 & he is the one that thought console gaming is old news and was shifting X1 to a "multimedia" machine & wanted a bigger focus on mobile gaming.

    It is why the X1 had that TV window feature & its godawful original UI where the games section was buried & all the other weird random s*** it used to have in the beginning years. He was let go in either late 2014 or early 2015, which then went to a fill in guy until they got Phil to be fully in charge as the head of the Xbox division in late 2015.
    That mess of the idiot Don is what Phil inherented, who Phil is someone thats been with Xbox since the OG Xbox console in various postions from game planner to studio manager etc. Phil when got put in charge of Xbox with the X1 then pushed to bring Xbox back to a gaming core which got rid of the forced Kinect (which also made the X1 significantly cheaper by like $120 once he made them get rid of it) purchase on the X1 plus created Gamepass & took out all the DRM & Multimedia bullshit.

    Then towards the end of X1 era Xbox FINALLY made a positive profit for THE FIRST TIME that entire era thanks to his Gamepass initiative (along with making the X1 cheaper by taking out Kinect, cutting the Kinect program & repairing consumer relations little by little starting with getting rid of the toxic as f*** overblown always online DRM from Dom).

    Which then convinced Microsoft execs to NOT SHUT DOWN the Xbox console and department (before Phil turned things around and came up with an actual gameplan, the Microsoft general higher ups were going to kill the Xbox division & leave the console space after the X1 era), and they finally let Phil have the budget to buy studios & make actual games that arent just Halo or Forza sequels - which Phil was trying to convince them to let him do since the day he took over Xbox.

    Now the XSeries is doing decent & its way WAY more successful already than the X1 era in its entirety. And its actually having a positive return, which the Xbox division didnt at all in the X1 era (outside of Gamepass) & the last year or two of X360.

    This man Phil is the main reason why Xbox even still exists today and why its hanging on little by little while slowly fixing the console's no games issue & the brand's consumer trust issues that was created 10 years+ ago by another man's f*** ups: Don Mattrick the idiot

    As someone that is a gigantic fan of Arkane tho, i am hugely disappointed with how Redfall turned out. I knew it always looked sloppy from the get go and the style never interested me in the first place. And it sucks that Arkanes first major mainstream game is this piece of s***.

    In general - the next few Xbox major exclusives need to be wins for the brand's (& probably Phil's) sake.

  • May 5, 2023

    Redfall aside tho, Arkane makes the best First Person games with Dishonered series and Prey 2017. Deathloop is good too but it isnt amazing/great like those.

    Ive always said what FromSoftware is in creativity & quality of 3rd Person level design & combat is what Arkane is but for 1st Person.

    Dishonered series are classic, Prey 2017 is f***ing amazing, Deathloop os good but sadly Redfall is hot ass.

  • May 5, 2023
    Water Giver

    He's saying Xbox due to the masive f*** up of the X1 gen + Kinect has no audience attachment or emotional investment like how Nintendo & Sony does. Kinect + X1 ruined their rep hugely with that dumbass plus they stopped producing a lot of games halfway through the 360 era, again due to that idiot that ruined x1 and made Kinect.

    So even when they will have hreay amazing games, like potentially Starfield, it still wont be a huge dynamic switch right away because they dont have that attachment & history + catalog at the moment like the other two. Plus theres been 10 years of that mid point of 360 to now where they havent had many first party titles besides one here n there, so a whole gen of now adults and teens dont know anything about an "Xbox game" besides maybe Halo & Forza.

    X1 Series has to be the gen where they build that attachment. It has to be the stepping stone for the "next gen", it has to be their redemption arc. Which is why they spent all this money for studios and such.

    But in the mean time and beyond they also have to Gamepass to support them & be their attachment since its the only unique quality thing they can currently offer.

    Even if Starfield is a Skyrim or Fallout 3 level game changer - it still wont sway many people this early on. At least in a gigantic drastic way.

    Its refreshing to hear a man in charge be honest about their situation & also be candid of their plans.

    Im scared the new white dude Ryan (i think thats his name) over at Sony is doing to Playstation what the idiot of late 360 early x1 did to Microsoft and might hurt them badly as well.

    Phil has always been a real one & Xbox has only gotten better since he has took over.

    The long game is steadily paying off.

    Edit: Don Mattrick is the dude that ruined Microsoft then went over to f***ing Zynga lmao

    The initial plans they had for Xbox One really ruined Microsoft for me, even though Xbox 360 was the first console I ever owned. I went PS4 last Gen and I'm probably never going back

    Always online requirement, no second hand games, kinect packaged with the console, $100 more expensive than the PS4. It's amazing just how badly they managed to mess up the Xbox One reveal after building so much goodwill with the Xbox 360

  • May 5, 2023
    1 reply

    "having a positive return for the first time in 10 years & actually finally making games again thanks to Phil's leadership"

    One game lol. Let's look at the Ps5 blunders as well

  • May 5, 2023

    They need to make game pass/xbox app better on PC

  • May 5, 2023

    Even though I think Spencer brought back Xbox from its coffin, his take on good games not being essential is very dumb

    Look at GOW 2019 and its sequel and the other big Sony exclusives of the PS3-PS4 era like TLoU, GoT, etc.

    That s*** sells consoles like hotcakes, the quality does matter

    Like man they even made a acclaimed show out of TLoU, and Halo was middling on that front 😭

  • May 5, 2023

    Honestly, they just need to let Halo and Gears of War die off as franchises, their time is over

    Halo has been mid since Bungie (excluding MCC, and it should’ve ended with 3), and GoW is mid as well since Epic only cares about Fortnite

  • May 5, 2023
    1 reply

    Isn't that the whole reason they made the Series S, as an affordable entry into the Xbox ecosystem

    A 500$ computer or laptop can run and do infinitely more than a series x in most cases unless I am missing something

  • May 5, 2023
    1 reply

    A 500$ computer or laptop can run and do infinitely more than a series x in most cases unless I am missing something

    Gaming wise I doubt it, even my 3070 laptop is rarely outperforming my PS5 just due to optimization

  • FREE 💜
    May 5, 2023

    Damn bro seem very self aware it takes a real leader to say we lost let's move

  • Drezo

    Gaming wise I doubt it, even my 3070 laptop is rarely outperforming my PS5 just due to optimization

    Microsoft games tend to be well optimized though . Third party has been plagued by issues but Starfield I am expecting to run reasonably on most set ups. Its goal isn't graphics and they have to be able to pull it off on Series S as well.

    Like they are out of the console war as soon as they did day and date game pass with PC. Which actually also opens them up to pirating. Microsoft has better ports and PC optimization than Sony but as expected. If Microsoft wanted to stay in console war they would stagger pc releases or have console exclusives entirely.

    You can with gamepass or some games overall own it one place and have it available to play on pc , console, steam deck with cross save . Their push for gamepass, free upgrades and backwards compatibility in short makes sense after nearly 10 year thrashing xbox one era.

    System sellers rarely exist anymore . You exist within ecosystems to play with friends and now with discord you can chat with friends anywhere. Microsoft has been open to cross platform play . Sony played a good game in timed exclusives, marketing deals and capitalizing no Xbox failures, poor communication and poor launch of Xbox One

  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply

    If his goal is to make a product so good, it makes the consumer want to sell the competitors product that they already bought, he definitely ain’t focused making good games lol. Why not make the consumer want to buy your product instead

  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply
    Mr Motion

    If his goal is to make a product so good, it makes the consumer want to sell the competitors product that they already bought, he definitely ain’t focused making good games lol. Why not make the consumer want to buy your product instead

    that’s not his goal bro

  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply

    that’s not his goal bro

    I just read the headline tbh. Read everything after

  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply

    I still have Halo ODST with the factory wrap on it, how much that worth?

  • May 6, 2023
    Mr Motion

    I still have Halo ODST with the factory wrap on it, how much that worth?

    gamestop says 5 bucks
    so basically a cravings box from taco bell

  • May 6, 2023
    Mr Motion

    I just read the headline tbh. Read everything after

    The honesty is respectable

  • May 6, 2023

    just make good games don’t care about your market share lmao

  • May 6, 2023
    1 reply

    He’s right. That’s why it’s funny when people meme about Xbox not having games. As if games are why people buy consoles.

    Sony has 200 million PS5s sold and their hardest hitting exclusives sell what? 10-15 million? The vast majority of the PS community is just playing sports games and cod that they could play anywhere. Yes they might buy an exclusive every now and then but that’s not why they bought the console.

    Xbox fumbled the XBONE launch in the worst way imaginable and f***ed their chances of ever competing with PlayStation again. It became the king of consoles for gaming casuals overnight.

    Also, it’s not like he said they don’t strive to release great games and that there’s no point. He’s just saying releasing great games is not going to suddenly make them the #1 or #2 console. They’ll never compete with PlayStation and Nintendo when it comes to moving console units.

  • Lisa

    He’s right. That’s why it’s funny when people meme about Xbox not having games. As if games are why people buy consoles.

    Sony has 200 million PS5s sold and their hardest hitting exclusives sell what? 10-15 million? The vast majority of the PS community is just playing sports games and cod that they could play anywhere. Yes they might buy an exclusive every now and then but that’s not why they bought the console.

    Xbox fumbled the XBONE launch in the worst way imaginable and f***ed their chances of ever competing with PlayStation again. It became the king of consoles for gaming casuals overnight.

    Also, it’s not like he said they don’t strive to release great games and that there’s no point. He’s just saying releasing great games is not going to suddenly make them the #1 or #2 console. They’ll never compete with PlayStation and Nintendo when it comes to moving console units.

  • May 6, 2023

    One game lol. Let's look at the Ps5 blunders as well